Tang Long gave the inheritance scroll of the array in his hand back to the martial artist who acted as the judge of the array competition in front of him. Then, the warrior also gave him a brand.

This brand also has ten points of reward.

Tang Long's martial arts contest today is tantamount to automatic abstention. He has completed all the other contests.

However, he also went to the place where the martial arts competition took place. Although he gave up the contest and won't get any reward, he still had to take back the brand of the contest.

And he needs to go over and explain.

The martial arts competition has not yet been completed. Tang Long returned the brand to the referee in charge of the contest, and then simply explained his abstention today.

After the explanation, he turned and left the place where the martial arts competition took place.

Feng Ling and Mu Han have been with him.

Seeing Tang Long busy, Feng Ling Mu Han said with a smile: "brother Tang, now you have nothing to do?"

"Nothing more." Tang Long nodded, but followed closely: "but the problem is, I've been hungry since I tried so long. My most important thing should be to eat now!"

"It's just that I haven't eaten yet. Let's go and eat something together." The wind Ling Mu Han ha ha laughs, appears to be very warm and polite.

Tang long did not refuse.

And he also wants to see, this wind Ling Mu Han so close to him, in the end is for what.

He certainly didn't believe it at all.

He knew that there must be a reason for Feng Ling to look for him like this.

Together, they went into the special dining place where Tianjiao feast was held. Fengling Muhan asked for a table of good food and wine. Tang Long didn't spend money at all. He came to pay for them. He was extremely generous.

Tang Long is always happy, bearing the forthright of Fengling Muhan, and has a meal with Fengling Muhan.

While eating, Feng Ling Mu Han was looking at Tang Long and asked, "brother Tang, I want to ask you something. I hope you can tell me."

"Whatever you want to ask!" Tang Long said carelessly: "I see you are very congenial, so I regard you as my good friend. Even if you let me help you refine elixir, I will seriously consider it."

Feng Ling, with a smile, said, "I don't need your help in refining the elixir. After all, I'm also a Dan master, and I'm a Dan God just like you!"

Tang Long immediately raised his head and glared at Feng Ling and said, "brother Fengling, you may not know that my level of refining miraculous elixir is very high, and the general Danshen is really incomparable!"

"It's true that you are unique in refining the elixir." Feng Ling Mu Han did not refute Tang Long's words.

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said, "I already know one thing. I'm curious, so I want to ask you, are you really making those chaotic sky fires in Danshi League?"

"Of course Tang Long nodded affirmatively: "that's the vitality of my cultivation."

"You did it. That would be great." Feng Ling Mu Han was very happy to say, and stopped, looking at Tang Long seriously said: "in fact, some time ago I have always wanted to go to your Danshi League, and want to join your Danshi League."

The voice falls, wind Ling Mu Han's face immediately appears a touch of regret.

has the final say, brother Tang, and he has looked at the wind and the cold. He has left his mouth open. "He wants to join in, but he will join in. This is the elder brother is in charge, but I agree with you.

"I'm in trouble because of Mr. Gao." Wind Ling Mu cold smile way.

"What do you mean?" Tang long looked up at the wind Ling Mu Han: "is it difficult for you to have a bad relationship with my elder brother Gao?"

"It's not that we have a bad relationship, but that the relationship between our Fengling family and Gaofu has always been relatively common, and there have been some frictions between us." The wind blows over the Mohan road.

At this time, he has been paying attention to Tang Long's reaction.

He's trying to determine something.

Tang Long frowned: "you and Gao Fu's relationship is not very good, this matter does have a bit of trouble, otherwise, I help you adjust?"

"I'm afraid you can't help me with this." Feng Ling Mu Han sighed and stopped. He looked at Tang Long and said, "brother Tang, I'm looking for you. I just want to confirm a few things."

"What do you want to be sure of?" Tang Long asked.

"I heard that you are from Gaofu? It was the Gaofu who brought you up. Even you grew up in Gaofu? "

"No Tang Long immediately said, "I'm Heiyan bullet, a member of Heiyan family."

"But that's what outsiders say."

"I don't care what people outside say." Tang Long quipped his lips: "I don't care what people outside say. After all, elder brother Gao is very good to me, which is enough."

"You don't know, my residence in the city of genius was given to me by elder brother Gao, and he also sent me a lot of herbs. He was really good to me!" he said"I know that Gao Tianye sent you to your residence. "The second thing I want to be sure of is your chaotic sky fire. Can your chaotic sky fire really help Dan master improve the quality of refining spiritual elixir?" he said

Of course Tang Long was very sure: "I can refine the elixir, all depends on my chaotic sky fire!"

"I know about your Danshi League. Although the Danshi of your Danshi League has also got your chaotic sky fire, although the quality of refining elixir has been greatly improved, it can't be said that you can refine the immortal elixir at will."

After a pause, he continued: "even if the God of Dan uses your chaotic sky fire, the assurance of refining the elixir is about 20%

"Less than 20%" Tang Long glared at Feng Ling and Mu Han: "if you don't use my chaotic sky fire, they don't even have a chance of refining into elixir. Even, the success rate of refining holy elixir is very low!"

"That's true." Feng Ling Mu Han nodded: "anyway, your chaotic sky fire is indeed the best flame for refining elixir, which I admit."

Tang Long looks at the wind Ling Mu Han way: "you look for me to ask these?"

"Not bad." Feng Ling Mu Han nodded and paused, but said, "of course, I have other things."

"Say it." Tang Long picked up chopsticks to eat.

Feng Ling Mu Han obviously doesn't want to eat. Looking at Tang long, he goes on: "I heard that Gongsun family and Zhongli family have been supporting you strongly behind your back. Is there such a thing?"

Tang long looked up at the wind Ling Mu Han: "snow smoke and Mo'er are my wife, we are a family, they do not support me, who support?"

"What about the magic incense family?"

"Support me too!"

"So you have a strong background in the blood temple now!" At this time, the wind Ling Mu Han suddenly lowered his voice and looked at Tang Long seriously: "brother Tang, I think you are a talent. Is it possible that our brothers can do something important together?"

"What's the big deal?" Tang Long stopped eating, looked up at Feng Ling Mu Hua: "do you want to be like brother Gao, give me a house, and then help me set up a Danshi league or something?"

"It's not impossible if you want to." "Of course, if you cooperate with me, you will get more benefits than this!" he said with a smile

Tang Long asked, "what benefits can I get?"

"I can make you become a person of great power in the blood temple in a short time, and even make you surpass strong Qingtian in a very short time!" Feng Ling Mu Han looked at Tang Long seriously: "what do you think?"

"What do I want so much power to do?" Tang Long frowned: "power this thing is very annoying, will let me very tired, I do not like."

Feng Ling Mu Han said: "you have a grudge against strong Qingtian? You have great power, you can easily deal with strong Qingtian, and brother, I'll tell you the truth, I think you are probably played by Gao Tianye

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