Tang long looked at Gao Tianye's miraculous elixir for these people, and he always looked elated.

He looked at these martial artists and said with a smile: "in the future, you can find me elder brother Gao. I don't go out very often. Everything is handled by elder brother Gao. It's a piece of cake for me to refine these elixirs. As long as you ask elder brother Gao, as long as he agrees, I'll help you refine elixir!"

After hearing this, they were polite to Gao Tianye.

Gao Tianye is very happy, very happy.

Tang Long said this is what he wanted to hear most. At this time, he regretted that he should not send someone to kill Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan.

Therefore, his heart is now more and more angry strong giant, really want to kill strong Optimus.

"Go back to the city of genius. After the trouble of my soul bug is relieved, even if I violate the system of the blood temple, we must use the strength of the family and try every means to kill lie Qingtian first!"

"In addition, who killed Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan must not be known to Tang long. This must always be a mystery!"

He thought to himself.

At this time, he has already made a decision. After returning this time, even if Tang Long's plan fails, he must let lie Qingtian die. Even if lie Qingtian's background is deep, he must try to kill him with a conspiracy poison.

Gao Tianye thought about the plan of killing people in his mind. His face was always very happy. He looked at the crowd with a smile: "it's getting late. We are all here. Let's start to take risks in guhuang palace."

"Yes, yes, it's time to act. Time here is precious." Murong Xiaoxian said with a smile.

At this time, Wang jinchui turned his head and looked at Tang Long and said, "don't worry, you don't need to do anything along the way. I'll try my best to ensure the absolute safety of you and Mr. Gao!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Tang Long quickly thanks.

He has already made a decision in his heart. As long as he encounters a greater danger, he must rush up, take the first shot, and then take advantage of the dangerous opportunity to use the death talisman to leave them!

Anyway, he is used to recklessness, such behavior will not let these people say anything.

Then, people began to look for precious things in this completely strange place, and also the location of the palace of the ancient Huang God's residence.

The palace of the ancient Huang palace is not in a fixed place.

It's a magic place.

If Tang long wanted to find the palace of the ancient palace, they must first find a very magical life here: ancient magic.

Ancient Warcraft is not a Warcraft, but a very strange monster.

Some of them have one eye and one hundred legs. Some have only one leg, but they have one hundred eyes. Some look similar to human beings.

All the ancient demons have a very mysterious spirit breath, which has a very special cold.

As long as there are ancient demons nearby, people can feel this cold and gloomy atmosphere tens of meters away.

Powerful people, even hundreds of meters away, can feel this strange cold.

Ancient monsters turn doors to eat natural wealth and treasure.

Moreover, each ancient monster will be pregnant with a star moon pearl.

There are all kinds of powerful energy in the star moon pearl.

Moreover, many of the star moon beads are similar to the elixir practiced by human beings. They kill ancient demons, obtain the star moon beads and refine them into star moon pills. The martial arts can improve their strength by taking them.

Some stars and moon beads are extremely special, even contain pure spiritual power, which can be used by Dan masters, or some stars and moon beads contain very strong wild power and can be used by Warcraft.

The most special star and moon pearl contains a very strange energy: ancient magic power.

The ancient magic power is a powerful force to open up space. If you can collect ten moon beads containing ancient Huang power and gather them together to release the ancient magic power in the Pearl, the ancient Huang God residence will appear in the space covered by the ancient magic power.

At this time, you can get to the real ancient Huang God residence!

Obviously, it is not easy to get to the real ancient palace, which requires constant searching and killing of ancient demons, and efforts to find stars and moon beads.

Tang Long and their time here is not much, only 10 days.

In these ten days, if they want to find so many ancient demons to kill and get the stars and moon beads, they have to go all the time looking for more ancient demons.

While exploring the surrounding environment, Tang long tried to find the ancient demons.

Time is in a hurry. It seems that more than three hours have passed. However, for such a long time, they have not even found an ancient demon.

At this time, the 1000 warriors who came here had already formed their own teams and dispersed in all directions.Tang Long and their direction, no one else in.

After all, the time here is also very precious, at this time they will no longer chat, while exploring the surrounding movement, while also need to carefully look for the treasure of genius.

Here, there are not only many ancient magic objects, but also many genius treasures.

People are looking for it together. Suddenly, Wang jinchui stops: "I notice that there seems to be something unusual in the front left!"


Hearing what Wang jinchui said, they all looked at the place where he said it in a hurry.

Tang Long also looked in that direction.

In front of them, the trees were sparse, there were some weeds and dead leaves on the ground, but there was nothing else.

However, Tang Long's application of the vast sea area has already realized that there is a cold breath spreading from the front, which is very strange and can make people feel a kind of shivering and stiff in their hearts.

Gao Tianye's strength is not as good as Wang Jinjiu, and he didn't detect that breath at this time.

However, he also believed in Wang jinchui. After all, Wang Jinjiu's strength is the most powerful among them. In Gao Tianye's opinion, Wang Jinjiu's exploration ability should also be the strongest among them.

The crowd became very cautious and moved forward cautiously together.

Tang long this is, has quietly deliberately accelerated a little speed, gradually walked in the front.

There is a big tree ahead.

Tang Long has already walked towards the big tree.

This big tree is very big, the whole body is dark, the branches and leaves are extremely luxuriant, the height is more than 20 meters, the branches and leaves are scattered, covering the area of 20 meters around!

The ground under the trees is full of leaves and weeds.

"Elder brother Gao, this tree is very luxuriant. Let's have a rest under this tree." Tang Long said, the pace more and more fast.

Gao Tianye shook his head a little speechless, and suddenly appeared a touch of tension in his eyes.

In Wang jinchui's eyes, there is also a touch of tension!

Everyone else is aware of the anomaly!

This abnormal, it is from the tree that Tang Long quickly walked past, at this time, that tree, unexpectedly suddenly burst out extremely cold strange energy!

What's more, the leaves are all hula, it seems that there is a wind blowing.

But at this time around here, it is obvious that there is no wind!

"Tang long, don't be rash, come back quickly!"

"Childe Tang, that tree is in danger. Don't go there!"

"Mr. Tang, back off!"


All of them yelled out in a hurry, and powerful energy burst out of their bodies. At this time, the leaves of the big dark tree in front of them suddenly fell off!

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