After the practice, Tang Long took out some things he had prepared in advance and ate them at random. Then he gathered his energy and flew into the air. He left the valley and flew in a direction.

As he flew, he also explored the surroundings to prevent danger.

Moreover, he also hopes to meet more demons.

Of course, at this time, he also hoped that he had better not meet any warrior who came here again.

"It would be great if we could summon the red flame lion here. Without the help of the red flame lion, it is too difficult to find the natural wealth and treasure here. We can only take a chance!"

Tang Long's heart, at this time is also a little helpless.

If he can summon a god beast here, he only needs to summon the red flame lion, then as long as there are natural wealth and treasure nearby, he can find it immediately.

But now, he can only use the most stupid way to smell himself!


As he was flying, he smelled the smell and explored the surrounding environment. Suddenly, Tang long heard a roar.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Next, he immediately heard the continuous thundering sound of the sky.

Then a strong energy swept over from the distance.

"What seems to be happening there!"

When Tang long heard the thundering of the sky, he immediately became interested in it.

If someone finds ancient magic things there, he might as well take a chance in the past, and maybe he can take advantage of it.

After thinking about it, he also made a decision, and his eyes suddenly showed a touch of pride: "hey hey, I have to change my appearance, so that even if people see me, no one will recognize me!"

He was in a hurry to land and display his magic power.

Soon, he has changed his appearance into the appearance of No. 3 Tang long in Linghai, and then he immediately changed his costume!

"That's fine, but I'd better only use the power of the blood devil, so as not to be doubted!"

Tang Long made a decision in his heart.

At this time, the distance over there, the sound of the earth shaking roar is still coming, and the sound of the roar of the sky is also continuous.

He immediately displayed the magic power that was so close to the earth that he flew towards the other side.

He's not very far away from there.

He began to explore the sea and became curious.

There, obviously, there is a lot of ancient magic smell, but there is no human breath.

"Are some demons fighting? Then I am more able to take advantage of the advantages? That's a good thing. It can give me more! " Tang long thought secretly.

He hastily is to astringe the breath, in order to avoid being discovered by those fierce fighting demons in the distance.

Then he landed quietly on the ground, and went carefully towards the place of fierce fighting, and soon he was there.

From the top of the hill, you can see the situation from the top of the hill, which is hundreds of meters away.

On the top of the hill over there, dozens of demons are fighting fiercely.

The appearance of these demons is like a giant wolf, but these wolves also look terrible and ferocious. They all have two heads, and their whole body is dark, and their heads are more than ten meters!

A head of demon double headed wolf roared, the dark and cold energy burst out, biting each other fiercely!

Tang long looked at it for a while, and immediately judged that the demons belonged to two schools, one of which had more than 30 heads, and all of them contained silver and white lines.

There is also a school of magic double headed wolf, is all black.

The fighting power of the demons on both sides are very strong. Tang long can judge from the spread of the power that these demons are so powerful that the strongest can even reach the level of the emperor's peak!

"Such a powerful demon, even if I am now, it's not easy to win. There are so many demons there!"

"I'll keep waiting. I won't go until the battle is almost over."

Tang long thought, he also cross his knees to sit down, while practicing, while paying attention to the movement there, waiting for the right time to hand.

He had been waiting for about an hour for the right time.

At this time, many of the monsters fighting on the top of the mountain over there, double headed wolves, have fallen to the ground. Even some of them have been smashed by the bombardment. For the demons without explosion, their combat power has been greatly reduced.

Those demons that exploded, stars and moon beads flew out, and flew out in all directions.

Some of them are still fighting in disorder, while others are chasing after them.

Star Moon beads can also be eaten by demons. Magic objects absorb the energy of star moon beads, which can enhance their own strength. So Tang long, seeing this situation, dare not wait any longer. He wants to get those stars and moon beads.He saw that more than a dozen stars and moon beads were flying out of the sky, and many two headed giant wolves went to grab them.

"So close to the horizon!"

Tang long stood up directly, used his magic power, and chased after the stars and moon beads swept out by the strong wind.

Moreover, the power of the small universe is also directly stimulated!

And his mind moved, his magic weapon wanhun tower and Zhentian Ding were sacrificed together, and the powerful seal power swept through.

One hundred and forty-four purple fire wolves have already flown out of the soul tower and attacked the giant wolves.

Tang Long's body shape does not stop. He sees that he has rushed to the front of a flying star moon bead.

He directly reached out his hand and grabbed the sky. A strong and icy energy suddenly swept out and turned into an icy energy giant palm. He caught a star moon pearl more than 20 meters away in front of him in the energy palm.

However, at this time, there is also a black two headed wolf, opening its mouth, trying to eat the star moon pearl.

The star moon bead caught by the ice cold energy giant hand, together with the ice cold energy giant hand, flew towards Tang long. Naturally, the double headed wolf in front of him did not want to see the star moon bead being robbed and rushed towards the energy giant hand.

The two black heads of the wolf opened their mouths at the same time.

The dark and cold energy suddenly swept out from the big mouth of the two black wolf heads of the double headed giant wolf, and bombarded the ice cold energy giant hands!

Of course, Tang long can't let this demon rob the star moon pearl.


He directly cast the curse of the natural disaster of Rashomon.

In front of the huge hand of the cold energy, the force of ice and cold directly condensed into an ancient purple and gold gate!

The gate of purple and gold is condensed by the curse of natural disaster of luoshengmen cast by Tang Long!

Luoshengmen condenses out, completely blocking the cold energy from the bombardment. Tang Long's icy cold energy is holding the star moon pearl in his hands, which is already in front of Tang long.

Tang Long's mind moved, and the huge hand of cold energy dissipated directly into the force of ice and cold, and the star moon bead had been caught in Tang Long's hand.

When Tang long looked at it, he was very happy: "this is actually a star moon pearl which contains the power of ancient Huang. It's really very good. Finally, I got such a star moon pearl again. I'm a step closer to the palace of guhuang palace!"

Tang long had already got one of these pearls before. At this time, he got another one. In total, he got two.

He is already quite satisfied with such a harvest.

After all, although some of the star moon beads can enhance the strength, even if Tang long can refine the star moon beads into elixir to take, the strength that can be improved is still very limited.

But if you can go to guhuang God's residence, the benefits that you can get from inside must be much larger than that outside.

So Tang long hoped that he could get to the palace of guhuang palace earlier. , the fastest update of the webnovel!