
The surface of the water was directly cut by the domineering and powerful knife awn, and the water on both sides of the gully turned into fierce water waves and swept out towards both sides.

In the ravine, the knife awn is as deep as 100 meters, exploding!

This explosion directly blew up the sea water on both sides of the knife awn, and one of the water dragons containing stars and moon beads was broken by the explosion.

All of a sudden, the stars and moon beads are flying up.

However, there are still a lot of Water Dragons did not break, at this time in the water, are directly swimming in all directions out, obviously want to leave here to escape!

How can Tang Long let these Water Dragons escape!

His mind moved, the soul tower rose, covering the sea water area within several kilometers, in which the purple light burst out madly.

All of a sudden, the whole world suddenly became heavy as the whole space shrouded under the tower of ten thousand souls.

One hundred and forty-four Wolves of purple fire flew by.

Those water dragons who were lucky to escape in the sea water were suppressed by the force of gravity from the soul tower, and all of a sudden their moving speed slowed down a lot. Moreover, the seal power of the heaven shaking tripod burst out at this time.

The attack power of these Water Dragons has been greatly suppressed, and their combat power has been greatly reduced.

The wolf of purple fire is under the control of the tower of souls, and is not affected at all.

A head of purple fire wolf, toward these water dragon attack in the past, wolf claw tear sea water, fell on this head of water dragon body.

Suddenly, a water dragon is directly torn by the wolf's claws!

Tang Long also had a flash to fly over. Under the knife, he killed two water dragons in an instant.

The fighting continues.

Seeing the fierce battle, it was another seven or eight minutes. All the water dragons who wanted to escape were killed by this time. Moreover, the beads of stars and moons were also obtained by Tang long.

These stars and moon beads also contain the power of ancient Huang.

In the face of such a harvest, Tang Long is also very satisfied. At this time, he has already had six stars and moon beads with the power of ancient Huang.

If he finds four more, he will be able to release the power of ancient Huang in the Pearl of stars and moon, and the mysterious palace of ancient Huang God's palace will appear.

Look at the time is not early, and Tang long had internal injuries before.

Although we won the battle just now, Tang Long's internal injury was aggravated.

He knew he had to find a place to rest.

But above the sea, he could not find a suitable place to rest.

The most important thing is that, in the depths of the sea, there may be dangers everywhere. However, his exploration ability can not explore the deeper water. On land, he would be much safer.

Of course, if there is a demon hidden in the ground, it is also very difficult for him to detect.

"It looks like this thing has to be used!"

Tang long thought in his mind, his mind moved, and the fast fortress in Fengtian flag appeared in front of him.

Although the dragon of Tang Dynasty can't summon the dragon's body, they can't help themselves.

Driving a fast fortress on the road, not only can the speed be improved a lot, but also he can take this opportunity to have a rest and leave the sea quickly.

The fast fortress's cabin door opens and Tang Long flies in.

At this time, he did not want to continue to search for ancient demons here.

After more than two hours, Tang Long finally flew out of the sea to a mountain.

"Take a rest here."

Tang Long came out of the swift fortress and took it into the sky flag.

I looked around and found no danger.

It was already a little dark.

Tang Long sat down to treat his internal injury and ate something. He found a place to have a good rest for the night.

Although it was a rest, Tang Long was always alert.

Fortunately, the night turned out to be very safe and there was no danger.

In the morning, Tang Long ate something and felt in good health. After the rest of the night, his original internal injuries had been completely recovered.

The speed of recovery is amazing.

"Next, I will continue to search for ancient magic objects here. I hope that I can find enough stars and moon pearls to go to the palace of the ancient palace." Tang long thought in his heart, condensing his vitality, he flew directly.

As he flew forward, Tang Long explored the surrounding conditions by using the vast sea.

Tang Long always found no danger around.

It's already noon. Tang Long still can't find any ancient beast. He is disappointed.He did not rest, continued to fly in the air, looking for ancient demons, such a search, until nightfall, there is still no harvest.

At this time, Tang Long was a little worried.

It's been two days since he came here, and eight days later he has to leave.

If he can't go to the palace of guhuang God's residence, isn't he going to waste a good opportunity in vain?!

"It seems that we can't rest tonight."

Tang Long made a decision.

In any case, we must find the ancient magic objects as soon as possible, get enough stars and moon beads containing the power of ancient Huang, and reach the palace of ancient Huang god palace as soon as possible.

After landing, he ate something casually and had a rest for more than ten minutes, Tang Long began to search again.

He was flying over a canyon.

The cliffs on both sides of the canyon are more than several kilometers. The cliffs are extremely precipitous. However, the width of the canyon is not wide, which is no more than 50 meters. The front of the canyon bends and extends. It looks like the canyon is very long.

At this time, Tang long had stopped at the mouth of the canyon.

He had detected that there was a cold, cold breath in the valley.

Although the canyon was quiet at this time, Tang Long was sure that there must be some ancient demons he wanted to find in the canyon.

"Go in and have a look!"

Although the encounter with ancient demons, Tang Long may have great danger, but in order to get more stars and moon beads, Tang long at this time completely ignored the possible danger.

After gathering his energy to protect his whole body, Tang Long fell from the air and walked in from the mouth of the canyon to the canyon in front of him.

"Grunt, grunt..."

Only when he walked in less than 50 meters, Tang long had already heard a deep, strange sound.

Moreover, a strong force of yin and cold came from the canyon ahead.

"Sure enough, there are ancient demons here!"

Tang long felt this cold breath. He was a little nervous, but he couldn't help feeling some joy. He knew that there were many ancient demons here. Maybe he could get a lot of harvest here.


Suddenly, just as Tang long continued to move forward carefully, the sound of thunderous roar rang out.

The roaring sound, with a strong shock, made the stone walls on both sides of the valley vibrate. High above the sky, the boulders on both sides of the canyon had been shaken apart, and one piece of boulder fell off the cracked wall and fell into the canyon below.

Some of these boulders, some larger than the size of a football, and some even larger, with the wind whistling, toward the valley of Tang long, and so on, indiscriminately fell down.

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