The next morning, Tang Long simply cleaned up and started again, hoping to gain something here.

It was noon again.

Tang Long was walking forward in the jungle, carefully observing the surrounding environment. Suddenly, a faint breath came out behind him, and Tang Long suddenly became alert.

He turned around in a hurry, and suddenly there was a look of panic in his eyes!

I don't know when, behind him, a black Python appeared. At this time, the python was less than 20 meters away from him!

The head of the python is extremely dark, with various mysterious dark runes on it, which exudes a weak cold and cold power.

Although the power of yin and cold is very weak, it makes Tang Long's heart feel extremely dangerous. Knowing that this dark Python is not so easy to deal with.

Python saw Tang long turn around, a pair of dark eyes, at this time also showed a touch of cold, suddenly opened his mouth.

The mouth is open, more than three meters up and down!

In his mouth, the dark energy contains a thread of lightning, which turns into a dark lightning energy group, and bombards Tang Long fiercely!

Tang Long quickly dodged!

He has exerted his magic power to the limit.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and Tang long, in a twinkling of an eye, had already dodged more than 30 meters towards the side.

A dark lightning energy group, containing a series of lightning, roared out from his side, and in the twinkling of an eye, it had been severely bombarded on a big tree in front of him.

This big tree was directly blasted to pieces by the bombardment.

Even, where the big tree is located, the whole space is distorted by the bombardment, and the ground is full of strong energy, which makes a big hole more than 10 meters!

Around the pit, the trees were broken, thunderbolt and lightning were flying everywhere, bombarding on the trees and on the ground, which produced a continuous roar!

"My God, it's no match at all!"

Tang Long knew that this dark Python was the most powerful ghost animal he had ever met.

He's no match at all!

If the dark energy group bombarded him just now, he would be directly exploded by the bombardment, so he also knew that he could not deal with the python.

"My internal injury is not easy to recover. Don't get hurt again here!"

He thought to himself, as he flashed away towards the distance, he had already taken out a talisman of death.

He had to leave.

Because at this time, behind him, the dark Python was ferocious, chasing after him, obviously trying to kill him.


Tang Long broke the talisman of death at the same time!


In front of Tang long, a space suddenly spiraled and twisted, and a powerful and extremely attractive force just burst out, and Tang Long's body rushed straight in!

Watching, Tang Long is disappeared in this vortex.

However, the black boa constrictor also bumped into it. It's a pity that Tang Long has disappeared. The black Python can't pose any threat to Tang long.

After the dark whirlpool, Tang Long appeared on the sea.

He took a long breath and looked at the sea in front of him. Suddenly, there was cold sweat on his forehead!

On the beach of the sea, there are a large group of wild animals!

These are all crocodiles.

However, these crocodiles are not golden alligators, but all black crocodiles. Moreover, these crocodiles have eight feet, covered with black armor, and they look more fierce than the previous golden alligators.

"Don't be found by these black armored crocodiles

Tang long thought, completely astringent breath, quietly step by step back.

At this time, he was extremely cautious.

If there were so many black armored crocodiles ahead, he would surely die without a burial place, so he had to be very careful at this time.

Fortunately, he is also a distance from those black armored crocodiles.

So at this time, those black armored crocodiles did not seem to find him, is on the beach, surrounded by a big tree.

This big tree is very big, very big!

After seeing these black armored crocodiles, Tang Long chose to retreat instead of running away immediately with the talisman of death, because he had already seen the big tree.

Besides, he saw the fruit on the tree!

The energy of the fruit is still shining, and the size of the fist is still shining.

The sun is shining brightly on the fruits, and the light is actually absorbed by these fruits.

There was plenty of light around, and the weather was hot, but there was a cold and cold smell around the fruit trees!All the energy is absorbed by this fruit tree!

And between heaven and earth, the force of yin and cold converges towards that side.

"Oh, my God, it's chaos golden fruit. It's a magic medicine, and it's a peerless treasure that can enhance the strength of martial arts. I can't let go of such things when I see them!"

Tang long thought secretly.

Chaos golden fruit, this is absolutely not the general treasure of heaven.

It is extremely difficult for the dark chaos golden tree to grow, and the geographical environment required for its growth is very special. Moreover, the chaotic golden tree is very fragile in the process of growth, and it is easy to die.

Tang Long also only ten thousand years ago, in an ancient medical book, saw the record of this thing.

This is a very rare treasure!

The most important thing is that this chaotic golden tree needs 30000 years to grow, 30000 years to blossom, 30000 years to bear fruit, and then another 30000 years for this fruit to mature!

After ripening, only three days, the fruit will fall naturally.

If the fruit falls naturally, as long as it leaves the branch, it will melt and disappear immediately. Therefore, Tang long does not dare to delay too much time.

He knew, the opportunity is rare, cannot miss!

After all, although he could see that the chaotic golden fruit on the tree was ripe, he did not know how long the fruit had matured.

On the chaotic golden tree, there are 360 chaotic golden fruits in total!

What a gain!

Therefore, even if it is ten times more dangerous here, Tang long will never leave. He has to find a way to get this chaotic golden fruit.

Unfortunately, he obviously can't get this chaotic golden tree. After all, even if he can use huixinmen to return to Fengtian City, he can't come back again.

Back quietly and carefully, Tang Longyan looked back hundreds of meters, always trying his best to restrain his breath, and his eyes were always focused on the dozens of black armored crocodiles in front of him.

So many black armored crocodiles, it is obvious that some black armored crocodiles have found Tang long.

However, these black armored crocodiles looked at Tang Long from a distance, and then soon turned their heads away. Obviously, these black armored crocodiles did not want to come over and eat Tang long at this time.

This also makes Tang Long's heart feel a little relieved.

But he didn't dare to turn around.

The previous lesson let him know that once he turned around, maybe those black armored crocodiles would attack him.

He had retreated more than a kilometer so cautiously that he had retreated to a mountainside.

He couldn't see those black armored crocodiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!