Gao Tianye at this time, has become a dignified face, looking at Tang long, seriously said: "Tang long, those people in my high house who were murdered by strong Qingtian will have to pay more attention to you, they can absolutely not have an accident!"

Tang Long confidently said: "don't worry, this matter is in my body."

"It's just that the treatment is OK, but I can't do anything about medicinal materials."

Gao Tianye Ma said: "don't worry about the herbs. My Gaofu has prepared some. Although it is not much, it is no problem to solve the troubles of those important people in my high house."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded at ease.

After thinking about it, he said: "brother Gao, you know, I'm also very hard to help so many people solve the problem of spirit insects. So I hope that, in addition to helping them cure, you'd better not disturb me the rest of the time. I have to practice and recover!"

"No problem." Gao Tianye agreed.

After all, when Tang Long helped him with his treatment, he also saw it in his eyes, knowing that Tang Long's treatment would really make Tang long very hard.

Next, the two men discussed some other things, and then Tang Long helped Gao Tianye to cure again. Gao Tianye did not stay any longer and left the Tang house in a hurry.

In fact, Tang Long helped Gao Tianye solve the problem of spirit insects. In addition to the first hard work, the next few treatments have been very easy.

But at this time, he must say that his treatment is very hard.

Only in this way can he have reason to practice and do his own things.

Gao Tianye leaves in a hurry. Of course, he is going to arrange things. He wants those people in Gaofu who are also infected by the spirit insects to quietly come to the Tang house as soon as possible, and let Tang Long help these people solve their problems.

For this matter, Gao Tianye seems to be more relaxed. In fact, the trouble of Gaofu is very serious.

Even the current owner of Gaofu, even the two elders of Gaofu, have already used the blood of the star God, and they are in trouble with the spirit, poisonous insects and insects.

They came to Tang Long for treatment, but of course they would not say their identity in Gaofu.

They're going to dress up and come in secret.

Tang Long doesn't care who he is going to give treatment to. In his heart, he is perfecting his plan.

After seeing you off Gao Tianye, Tang Long finds Tang Jiaoer and Zhao Dafu to Tianhua mansion, and then tells Zhao Tianshou in detail. When Gao Tianye comes back, he tells Gao Tianye that he has gone to seclusion.

Gao Tianye brings people here, where to take, Tang Long also makes arrangements.

After all these things, Tang Long was about to go to the training room when a martial artist rushed into the living room to report: "young master, there comes Dan Tai Shu Ya."

"Let her in!" Tang Longlian was busy.

The warrior agreed, turned to go out, and soon came in with Dan Tai Shuya.

Dantai Shuya is still very beautiful. She is wearing a long blue dress, her face is bright and smooth, and her figure is also very good. When she comes, she has a unique charm.

Tang long looked at dantai Shuya and said with a smile, "Shuya, how can you have time to come to me?"

"I'm looking for you because..." Dan Tai Shuya hesitated slightly, and finally said, "I actually came for Gao Tianye."

"Oh Tang Long said curiously, "what's up with brother Gao?"

Tan Tai Shuya said: "you are not here, and Xueyan and Mo'er are not here. I am responsible for many things of the auction house. But as soon as Gao Tianye comes back, he asks me to hand over all the things to him. Some things were originally the responsibility of Xueyan and Mo'er, but I managed them for them when they were not there. I couldn't manage these things to Gao Tianye So I want to ask what you mean

Tang Long frowned: "big brother Gao is busy with his own business now, but he can't turn around. What else should he go to the auction house?"

"He's too busy to turn around?" Dan Tai Shuya Leng Leng: "how can?"

Tang long thought about it and decided to tell Tantai Shuya about the star God blood. After all, this matter involves a lot. Naturally, the more people the blood god temple can participate in, the better.

The influence of the dantai family is not small.

Tang long looked at Dan Tai and Shuya said seriously, "Shuya, why don't we go to the study and talk about it?"


Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

Tang long no longer said more, stood up, with Dan Tai Shuya, soon into a study, and then opened the isolation of the study.

They sat down face to face, and Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long: "childe Tang, what can you say now?"

Tang Long nodded and told the story of the spirit insects in the blood of the star God.

Of course, he didn't say anything about the side effects of the star power in the blood of the star God and the devil's power.

He had intended to help Gao Tianye solve all these problems.

But now, he knew that Gao Tianye wanted to kill Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan. Gao Tianye's black heart and black lung also made him extremely disappointed, so he no longer planned to help Gao Tianye solve these problems thoroughly.After listening to Tang Long's words, Tan Tai Shuya felt a chill in her eyes!

And among them, also contain a touch of hate and anger!

Tang long looked at the elegant and elegant stage. He was stunned.

He felt that after hearing the news, Tan Tai Shuya should be surprised.

But now she's showing hate!

"Has Li Qingtian found the dantai family yet..."

Tang Long wants to come here, can't help but slightly frown.

He looked at Dan Tai and said, "Shuya, I said elder brother Gao will be very busy recently. Because of this, he not only needs to continue to come here for treatment, but also has to arrange more people from Gaofu to come. Therefore, I don't think he has much time to deal with the affairs of the auction house!"

Tan Tai Shuya took a deep breath, looked at Tang long, and suddenly stood up and bowed deeply at Tang Long: "Tang long, I thank you very much, really thank you!"

"What do you mean?" Tang Long was stunned.

Dan Tai Shuya said: "I came to see you today. I have met Gao Tianye before."

"I know that." Tang Long said: "after brother Gao comes back, if you haven't met elder brother Gao, how can elder brother Gao talk to you about the auction house? How can you know that I'm back?"

Dan Tai Shuya sighed: "do you know what I talked about with Gao Tianye?"

Tang Long asked curiously, "aren't you talking about the auction house? Is there anything else? "

Dan Tai Shuya said: "Gao Tianye has offered me a condition that I will take charge of all the things that I have in my hands at the auction house. He will let me get the blood of the stars, and even the people of the dantai family will also get the blood of the stars!"


Hearing what Tan Tai Shuya said, Tang long felt a chill in his heart!

Gao Tianye can do such a thing, which is obviously to harm the dantai Shuya and the whole dantai family!

This is terrible!

You know, anyway, Gao Tianye and dantai Shuya are husband and wife relationship, and the former Dan Tai Shuya, however, also helped Gao Tianye a lot.

Even after Gao Tianye and dantai Shuya got married, Gao Tianye got great benefits in the dantai family, and his strength was greatly improved.

At this time, the relationship between the two people is still there. Gao Tianye knows that the blood of the star God is very harmful, but he actually let Dan Tai Shu Ya use it!

Even let the people of the dantai family use it!

What kind of psychology is this!

When he was in danger, he managed to get rid of the danger, but he immediately used this danger to trap his pillow man. The purpose was obviously to fight for the biggest control of the auction house, and probably even to control the whole dantai family.

This kind of vicious behavior, is completely for the purpose of unscrupulous means, it is really chilling!

Tang Long is busy looking at Dan Tai, Shuya asks: "did you promise him?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!