Of course, Tang Long was willing to form an alliance with the dantai family.

After solving the problem of Li Qingtian, he will leave the city of genius for a long time. In that case, he certainly hopes that the Tang mansion in the city of genius will be more secure.

More importantly, at this time, Tang Long's heart, there is a big plan in the slow progress.

He looked at dantai Shuya and said, "I will provide you with the elixir that the dantai family needs in the future, but I also have a request."

"What are the requirements?" Dan Tai Shuya asked.

Tang Long said: "my request is also very simple. The secret alliance between me and your family must be kept absolutely secret after the completion of my plan with Gao Tianye. At least Gao Tianye can't know about it."

"Good!" Dan Tai Shuya nodded and her pretty face turned red.

Of course, she won't let Gao Tianye know about this, and even she has decided that many things about her and Tang long will never be known to anyone else.

It's just a secret thing, as long as she and Tang Long know it.

Tang long thought about it and said, "by the way, Shuya, I just have one more thing to ask you to help me."

"What's the matter?" Dan Tai Shuya asked in a hurry.

Tang Long said: "you have heard of a thing called the blood of heaven and earth."

"I've heard of it." Tan Tai Shuya nodded: "it's a rare treasure of heaven and earth. It's a healing medicine. Even if someone's leg or hand is cut off, it can regenerate in a very short time."

"I need the blood of heaven and earth." Tang Long was very serious: "I hope you can help me find it."

"I may be able to help you with this." Tan Tai Shuya said with a smile: "I've heard that there is a place where this kind of thing can grow. Although it's just a legend, since you really need it, I'll go and have a look."

"Where is that?" Tang Long asked

"It's a place in the blood demon world." "This place is a little far away, but I'm fine anyway, so I might as well go and try my luck."

Tang Long nodded: "that this time, will trouble you!"

"No trouble." Tan Tai Shuya gave a light sigh and said in a relaxed manner: "it happens that I also want to leave the city of genius and go out for a walk. There was no reason and purpose at first. Now I have this matter, and I have solved this problem."

Tang Long said: "in order to be safe, I must at least prepare some elixir for you to use."

Said, he is to take out a few boxes, from each box, is to take out a few elixir.

He put all these elixirs in an empty box. There were healing elixirs, detoxification elixirs, and rejuvenating elixirs. There were eight kinds of them in total, and all of them were precious ones.

He gathered his energy and lifted the box containing the elixir and sent it to dantai Shuya: "if you have these elixirs, if you are in trouble, how much can I do for you?"

"Well." Dan Tai Shuya answered, took the box, put the box into the space ring, looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, you give me these elixirs, you are afraid that I am in danger, are you concerned about me?"

Tang Long ha ha smile: "should I not care about you?"

Dan Tai Shuya pretty face slightly red: "you really should care about me."

Tang Long was stunned when he heard Dan Tai Shuya's words. He was about to say something more. But at this moment, the voice of Xiao Meng in his heart suddenly remembered: "brother Tang long, you have agreed to come to Qingyun sect today."

"I know." Tang Long said: "just, I can't go right now."

Meng Xiaomeng said: "it doesn't matter if you can't come here now. You can come later and come here after you have finished your affairs."

"Good." Tang long promised: "I have some problems here. I will definitely go to your side after handling them."

He needs to deal with another thing besides what is in front of him today.

At this time, dantai Shuya stood up and said, "Tang long, I'll leave first when the matter is over. I'll set out this afternoon to help you find the blood of heaven and earth. I'll call you back soon."

Tang long stood up and opened the isolation boundary of the study and sent Dan Tai Shuya to leave.

After sending Tan Tai Shuya away, Tang Long returns and enters the living room. Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are still sitting in the living room.

Seeing Tang Long coming, Gongsun Mo'er asked curiously, "what did Shuya and you talk about?"

Tang Long got angry and said: "she told me that her relationship with Gao Tianye is over, and this is the person in charge of their two families. She talked about this matter face to face, but it will not be released, it will be hidden."

After listening to Tang Long's words, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan look at each other.

Both of them felt that this matter should be a good thing for dantai Shuya.

Next, they sit in the living room chatting.Time is in a hurry. It's already noon. Tang Long and they are going to have a meal. A man strides in from outside.

This is the man Tang Long is waiting for: Generals and ministers!

It was Gongsun Mo'er who sent for the generals in the magic owl palace yesterday. Of course, it was Tang Long's arrangement.

The general came in and looked at Tang Long and asked, "boss, what's the matter with you looking for me?"

Tang Long said: "we go to eat first, and then go to the study to say."

"Good!" The general nodded.

After that, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan go for a walk in the back garden. During this time, they don't have to go to the auction house. They are dealing with some simple things in the Tang mansion. They are really free.

Tang Long and his generals have entered a study.

Tang Long opened the isolation boundary of his study, looked at the generals and said, "I intend to let you come to the city of genius. As for the demon lord palace, you should give it to Tuoba and Tuoba Mei. They should be able to cope with it."

"They run the demon lord's palace, because there should be no problem." The general nodded, then looked at Tang Long and said curiously, "boss, what do you want me to do in the city of genius? What's wrong with the city of genius

"No Tang Long said: "I will soon leave the city of genius. Next, I want you to develop well in the city of genius."

"Let me develop here, really?" In the eyes of the generals and ministers, there was a flash of joy: "that is to say, since then, qingluan and I can always stay in the city of genius?"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded affirmatively: "this matter you go to tell qingluan, believe she will arrange."

"Good!" The general nodded immediately.

Tang long continued: "however, this matter also need not be too anxious, because I still need you to help me arrange another matter in the demon lord palace, this is the top priority."

The general asked, "what do you want me to arrange?"

Tang Long said: "you go to arrange for me, let Tang Kuo go to the place where the blood god devours the soul!"

The general immediately guessed Tang Long's idea: "do you want Tang Kuo to come to the city of genius? Do you want them to help me develop in the city of genius? "

"Yes." Tang Long nodded.

The general immediately turned his lips and said, "boss, I'm enough here. I don't need them to help."

Tang Long glared at the generals and ministers. On his resolute face, there was no doubt of seriousness: "I said let them come, let them come!"

"All right." The generals were a little reluctant: "I'll arrange this matter after I go back to the demon lord's palace, and I'll have news within five days."

"It must be arranged as soon as possible." Tang long looked at the generals and said, "in addition, I will let ling'er and yue'er come together to accept this time's soul swallowing. I want them to cultivate the power of blood demons."

The generals were stunned: "boss, do you want moon and ling'er to come to the Tang mansion of the city of genius?"

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