"Brother Tang long, let's finish the business first!" Meng Xiaomeng retreats five meters and looks at Tang long. Her eyes flash. It seems that there is a group of soft water in it. It is extremely beautiful and beautiful.

Tang long looked at her, the fire in his heart rubbed up.

However, he finally suppressed those crooked thoughts in his heart. Looking at Meng Xiaomeng, he said, "come on, help me change clothes!"

"Don't bully me again!" Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang Long on guard.

Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng's alert appearance, and his thoughts stirred again. He said with a smile: "I'm not in a hurry. I'll deal with the affairs of Qingyun sect first, and then we can finish our work well."

After listening to Tang Long's words, Meng Xiaomeng's heart is a burst of jumping.

However, for Tang Long has been thinking about bullying her, she is actually some expectations.

"I can't help you. I have to help with things like changing clothes." Meng Xiaomeng gives a slight coquetry and comes back to help Tang Long change his clothes. This process also makes Meng Xiaomeng speechless.

My man is so dishonest!

At last, she is busy, but looking at Tang Long's dress up, Meng Xiaomeng suddenly looks disappointed.

Looking at Meng Xiaomeng's disappointed face, Tang Long said with a faint smile: "very good, very suitable. At least in my heart, this dress is very suitable, because I know that this is the heart of my family's small trouble."

"Brother Tang long, I'll change it for you!" said Meng Xiaomeng in frustration

"Then do it!" Tang Long suddenly broke into a bad smile: "just in time, I will start with you."

Meng Xiaomeng gives Tang long a look. Of course, he knows that Tang Long wants to do bad things again. He was a little unhappy because of the clothes he made. At this time, it was diluted by Tang Long's mischief.

She also followed Tang long to make a fool of himself and forbade his greed at this time.

This busy meal also took a long time.

At this time, Tang Long has changed into a very suitable dress, and then he goes to meet Meng Xiaomeng's grandfather with Meng Xiaomeng.

Meng Xiaomeng's grandfather is in the cave of Leiguang cave. At this time, there are twelve other people in the cave. These people, together with Meng Xiaomeng's grandfather, are very important figures in Qingyun sect.

Meng Xiaomeng's grandfather has already heard Meng Xiaomeng say in advance that Tang Long knows the art of magic power. In Qingyun sect, Tang Long always appears as a person who goes against heaven.

Therefore, when Meng Xiaomeng takes Tang long into the cave, Meng Xiaomeng's grandfather Meng Haoran doesn't show any surprise when he sees Tang long.

The other twelve people here were surprised to see Tang long, who was disguised as a rebel against heaven.

They didn't expect to meet against the weather.

These twelve people were called by Meng Haoran today.

Since coming here, they have always been puzzled. Meng Haoran only told them that they had something very important to look for today, but he didn't explain what he had to do with them.

Among them, there are the supreme patriarch of Qingyun sect, as well as two great powers of seclusion of Qingyun sect.

Several other people are also the supreme elder of Qingyun sect.

The three people of Qingyun sect that Tang Long inspected last time are not here. They are outside Leiguang cave at this time. They are in charge of the absolute safety here. No one is allowed to approach here.

Of course, the three people already know that there will be a very important thing going on in the thunder cave today, which is related to the future of Qingyun sect!

Meng Haoran looked at Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng who were disguised as anti heaven. He said with a smile: "I didn't wait too long. Originally, I thought that you could come here until this midnight or even tomorrow morning."

After listening to Meng Haoran's words, Meng Xiaomeng suddenly blushed.

Of course, she knew the hidden meaning of her grandfather's words.

And she thought back, just now in the house, Tang Long was really close to putting her to the right place. In that case, she might have to wait until tomorrow morning to come.

All at once, she turned her head and glared at Tang long.

Beside Meng Haoran, Tan Zhi, the leader of the Qingyun clan, looked at Meng Haoran and asked, "Laozu, now you should tell us, what are we here for today?"

Meng Haoran ha ha with a smile: "I came to you today because of a very good thing!"

"What's so good?" Tan Zhi asked.

Meng Haoran looked at Tang Long and said: "this good thing comes from going against the heaven. In an ancient site, he got a very mysterious means to enhance his strength. However, before carrying out this method, he has to check everyone's physical condition. If he can pass the examination and use this method, his strength will be greatly improved in a short time Promotion

Hearing Meng Haoran's words, not only the leader of Qingyun sect, Tan Zhi, but also the rest of the people were shocked.

Although there are some magical means in the world that can enhance the strength of the warrior, they are all limited. Moreover, these means are basically useless after the strength of the warrior reaches the realm of the emperor of heaven.However, they did not dare to doubt what Meng Haoran said.

Tan Zhi looked at Meng Haoran and said, "Laozu Zong, since there are such means, let's go against the heaven to investigate us quickly, and then use this method with us?"

Although he does not believe that there is such a magic way to enhance the strength of the world, he still has some expectations.

His strength has already crossed the realm of the emperor of heaven and reached the level of half a step of the realm of ancestral deities, only a little short of breaking through to the realm of ancestral gods.

It's a pity that he has practiced hard for hundreds of years, but this last step has never been passed, and his strength has never been improved.

So at this time, he hoped that Meng Haoran's story was true.

The other 11 Warriors also look forward to the magical means that Tang long can use.

Meng Haoran looked at Tang Long and said with a smile: "Tianxing, you come to help them explore now. If you can use your means to enhance the strength of the people, let them go to my right side, and those who can't use your means will go to my left side."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

He knew that Meng Haoran asked him to check these people now. He must have been fully prepared here.

If we find out who has problems with these people, I believe that Meng Haoran's grandfather must have a way to solve them. There will be no danger.

However, Tang Long was cautious in the end.

He looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "little trouble, you can practice behind your grandfather. Don't let me be distracted!"


Meng Xiaomeng answered, and he felt quite sweet.

He knows that Tang Long is concerned about her and is nervous about her safety.

Although she believed in her grandfather and knew that things would be safe today, she was willing to accept Tang Long's relationship and sat down on her knees not far from Meng Haoran's back.

Tang Long has already walked behind Tan Zhi, the leader of Qingyun sect.

He wants to be the first to check on Tan Zhi.

In fact, Tang Long also knows that these people in front of him must be Meng Haoran's very confident people. Even if there are problems with individual people, they will definitely be a minority. Otherwise, Qingyun sect will be in chaos.

After Tang Long's inspection, he knew that Tan Zhi had no problem. His spirit had not been engulfed. There was no hidden blood Demon power in his elixir field.

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