Just now Tang Long explored Li Tianyi's situation, so he knew very well that this guy was actually a man from the blood demon world, but at this time, of course, Tang long did not dare to show any signs.

Because Meng Haoran is not here at this time.

Li Tianyi looked at Tang Long and said: "you explain, how to improve our strength?"

Tang Long was very respectful at this time.

He doesn't have to guess to know that these people are of high status in Qingyun sect.

He knows that what he says now must have a very high degree of credibility, otherwise these people are likely to have doubts.

Fortunately, he had made careful arrangements with Meng Xiaomeng for a long time.

He didn't worry about any flaws.

He looked at Li Tian and said, "since you let me talk about it, I'll talk about it." After his voice dropped, he paused, and then he continued: "I have already received a kind of inheritance, and I have also acquired a special ability in that inheritance place, which can stimulate the seventh sense and stimulate the power of the small universe!"

"The power of the small universe!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the eyes of several old men sitting there are a touch of essence!

Of course they know what the power of the small universe is.

However, even though they have practiced for so many years, they have no idea how to stimulate the power of the small universe, or even how to stimulate the sixth sense.

They just know that this special ability can only appear suddenly under certain conditions and under very good luck.

Li Tianyi glared at Tang Long: "go against the sky, can you really stimulate your own small universe power? Has it really inspired the seventh sense? "

"Yes." Tang Long nodded definitely.

Li Tian asked, "do you want to help us all inspire this ability?"

Tang Long wryly smile: "help you stimulate the seventh sense, which I can't do at all." After a pause, he said, "but I can find a way to stimulate your sixth sense in a short time."

Of course, what he said is absolutely not true.

Although he has learned the method of Xuanyuan sky array to cultivate the sixth sense and has learned that array, it is extremely difficult to fully stimulate the sixth sense.

Even though they were practicing five meridians together in Tang Dynasty, they could barely use the sixth sense after practicing for so long.

And Tang Kuo, their sixth sense is still very unstable.

Tang Long where there is a means, can directly stimulate other people's sixth sense, if there is such a means, has long been used in Tang lack of them.

But at this time he can only say that, to attract the attention of these people in front of him.

Looking at Li Tian, he said, "Uncle Shi, to be honest with you, this method is also some special, and it will not take a long time. However, I need to use this method many times. It will take about half a year in total to complete my method and stimulate people's sixth sense."

You know, arousing the sixth sense is not a joke. If he says it too easily, he will be doubted.

Half a year to stimulate the sixth sense, this time is obviously not short, let his words add some credibility, at least for the time being will not let some people doubt too much.

Li Tianyi looked at Tang Long again and asked, "how long does it take for you to use this method for the first time?"

"Fifteen minutes!" Tang Longdao.

"It can be done in such a short time. It seems that you are really a very special means." Li Tian sighed, looking at Tang long, he said: "I think the means to stimulate the sixth sense must be very special, otherwise I'm afraid it can't be done."

Beside Li Tianyi, another warrior with the same problem looked at Tang Long and asked, "boy, can we really not be inspired by the sixth sense? Do you have any other way to turn it around? "

"I'm afraid there are some troubles in this way of turning around." Tang Long frowned and said, "I'm still studying this matter. I have to solve several important problems before I can help everyone stimulate the sixth sense."

"If you have any problem, it's better for us to study together and help you with our old bones than to think about it by yourself." Another old man said.

Obviously, these people at this time were attracted by Tang Long's words.

They all obviously want to stimulate the sixth sense.

Tang Long hesitated for a moment, and his mind turned. He immediately thought of some reasons for saying things. He was looking at these humanitarians: "since all the teachers and uncles are willing to help me solve some problems, I'll talk about this problem."

But at this time, not far away, the door of the space that had disappeared before was reopened.

At this time, only Meng Haoran came out of the door of space. Zhao Tianlong did not come out.

Seeing that only Meng Haoran came out, everyone was stunned.

Li Tianyi asked, "where's Zhao Tianlong?"

Meng Haoran ha ha with a smile: "he is in that strange space." Voice down, looking at Tang Long said: "you also go to that space, first help him display your means."After a pause, he looked at Meng Xiaomeng: "girl, I know you like to stay with this boy, so you can go with him."


Meng Xiaomeng answered.

The girl looks cute, simple and lovely, but actually she is extremely calm. Although she is still nervous at this time, she never shows it and makes herself look so simple and lovely.

However, her appearance at this time is also very dependent on Tang long.

She always let Tang long hold her hand and refused to leave Tang Long for a moment.

Tang Long knows Meng Xiaomeng's tension.

He took Meng Xiaomeng's hand, and they walked into the door of the space. Then they saw Zhao Tianlong waiting inside.

The door of space has disappeared.

Tang long looked at Zhao Tianlong respectfully and said, "uncle, we are here."

Zhao Tianlong directly asked, "boy, have you really cultivated the power of blood demons?"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded. He knew that he didn't need to hide in front of Zhao Tianlong at this time. So he directly released the power of blood demon cultivation to make Zhao Tianlong believe more.

Zhao Tianlong glared at Tang long, with disbelief in his eyes: "among those people you explored just now, those seven people were really swallowed up?"

"Yes." This time, the answer is Meng Xiaomeng.

Zhao Tianlong took a deep breath, looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "if the dead old man didn't come out to explain this matter in person, but also brought you this little girl, I would even doubt whether there was something wrong with the dead old man!"

Tang Long quipped his lips: "now do you believe it?"

"Half convinced." Zhao Tianlong said: "now, first tell me about the blood temple, and then tell me about the Lingxiao temple."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Next, he basically told Zhao Tianlong about the blood temple and Lingxiao temple.

Zhao Tianlong was shocked when he heard some of Tang Long's words, but he still couldn't believe it. After all, it was so serious that even if he was such a strong man, he could not bear it!

This is no longer the crisis of a sect in LingXiao palace, but the great crisis that the whole world is about to collapse!

When Tang Long finished, he took a deep breath and suppressed his shock. He looked at Tang Long and said, "if you want to make me believe it, it depends on the people who come in next!"

Then, after a pause, he looked at Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng and said, "you go behind me!"


Meng Xiaomeng agrees and walks with Tang long to Zhao Tianlong and stops.

Zhao Tianlong didn't say anything more. He folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints. Soon, a space in front of him was slightly distorted, and then the door of the space that had disappeared before appeared again.

A warrior comes in. This is a warrior who has been explored by Tang long before.

When the warrior came in, he saw Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng standing behind Zhao Tianlong. He thought that Tang long had helped Zhao Tianlong to perform. He looked at Tang Long and said, "go against the sky. The rest of the people are outside. You have to go outside to help them use your means. This is what the old ancestor meant. I came in to call you."

Zhao Tianlong stares at the warrior, with a sharp look in his eyes: "go against the sky and leave in no hurry. Jiang tianzang, I'll ask you a few questions first."

The name of the warrior who just came in was Jiang tianzang.

Jiang tianzang looked at Zhao Tianlong doubtfully and asked, "what questions do you want to ask me?"

Zhao Tianlong snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "what I want to ask you is, when did you come from the blood temple to my Qingyun sect? What's the purpose of your coming here?"

"Blood temple?" Jiang tianzang in the eyes of a flash of vigilance, face a puzzled expression, but it is subconsciously a step back.

Although he conceals very well, but suddenly hears this question, also revealed some flaw.

Zhao Tianlong can't see it.

He couldn't believe Tang Long's words completely in his heart. However, seeing the reaction of the warrior in front of him, he immediately believed more and more, and his heart was more and more shocked.

The people of the blood demon world actually mixed into the Qingyun sect, and there was the ability to escape from the world!

This is terrible!

Zhao Tianlong's powerful momentum burst out, containing a mountain like heavy force. He swept directly towards the warrior in front of him and wanted to control him immediately.

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