Zhao Tianlong wants to stay here and watch Tang long treat Meng Xiaomeng.

He even wanted to help as much as he could.

But he knows very well that he can't stay here now, absolutely can't stay here.

He has to go. He has to go, because if he has been here for a long time without any reaction and Tang Long doesn't go out, those people in the blood demon world outside must have doubts.

Although there is Meng Haoran outside at this time, there is also a blood demon world hidden in Qingyun Zong's reclusive power there!

Although Meng Haoran's strength is very strong, it is obviously not easy to completely control the situation outside.

He has to go out and help!

Zhao Tianlong was extremely nervous when he thought of the possible situation outside.

"I'll go out first. You're here. Don't leave if I don't come in!" Zhao Tianlong looks at Tang Long and drops this sentence.

He knew that with Tang Long's strength, no matter how skillful he was and how much he exerted his full strength, he could only guarantee Meng Xiaomeng to live a few more minutes. If he stayed to help, Meng Xiaomeng could live a little longer, but he could never save Meng Xiaomeng's life.

He knew more clearly that in the cave outside the alien space, things there were more serious and could not be delayed at all. In case of an accident, the whole Qingyun sect would face a major disaster!

"Meng Haoran, I didn't protect your great granddaughter. I'm sorry for you all my life!"

Zhao Tianlong bit his teeth, and he hated the people in the blood demon world, but he had to suppress the anger in his heart.

For Meng Xiaomeng, who is about to die, his heart is full of infinite regret and guilt, and also full of infinite self blame. But at this time, he must try to suppress these emotions.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door of this space, and then he went out directly!

Tang Long is still treating Meng Xiaomeng nervously.

He knew that Meng Xiaomeng's situation was extremely dangerous at this time.


Because he tried his best to cure him and his vitality was too fierce, Tang Long's internal injury was also stimulated. He immediately burst out a mouthful of blood and his eyes were blackened.

But now he had to hold back!

"Little trouble, as long as I Tang Long is alive, I will never let you die, unless I die!"

Tang long tried his best to gather his mental strength and exert his strength of life law. He concentrated himself in huangquan Shenzhen. He used huangquan Shenzhen to treat Meng Xiaomeng and prolong his life.

Through the door of space, Zhao Tianlong appeared in front of Meng Haoran and others.

These people see Zhao Tianlong, in addition to Meng Haoran, the rest of the people are unable to help but stay in a daze.

They had thought that it was Jiang tianzang who came out of the gate of space. Of course, Tang long, who was dressed as a rebel against heaven, should come out together. However, they did not expect that it was Zhao Tianlong who came out.

"Tianlong, what's going on?" Li Tianyi looked at Zhao Tianlong and asked, "have you been used that means against heaven? Did you inspire a sixth sense? "

Like Zhao Tianlong, Li Tianyi is the reclusive power of Qingyun sect.

However, Meng Haoran and Zhao Tianlong both know that Li Tianyi in front of him is not Li Tianyi before qingyunzong.

At this time, Li Tianyi is already a blood demon!

Zhao Tianlong deliberately made a very relaxed look. He said with a smile: "the boy said that it would take another period of time to stimulate my sixth sense. Although I felt good this time, I didn't stimulate the sixth sense, but it was not bad."

With that, he has already walked towards Li Tianyi.

At this time, Meng Haoran also stood up, glanced at the crowd, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Tianlong: "how about, we can start now?"


Zhao Tianlong nodded.

When they heard what Zhao Tianlong and Meng Haoran said, they were stunned.

At this time, Meng Haoran and Zhao Tianlong have started at the same time, and their target is Li Tianyi.

They knew very well that Li Tianyi was the most difficult person to deal with in this cave. As long as he controlled Li Tianyi, it would be much easier to deal with other people.

So Meng Haoran and Zhao Tianlong are the first to deal with Li Tianyi.

Li Tianyi has doubts in his heart, but he has no idea that Meng Haoran and Zhao Tianlong will attack him suddenly. His heart is shocked, and before he can react, Zhao Tianlong's fist has been pounded in his chest with the utmost power of being a tyrant!

Then, Meng Haoran's fist followed him and hit him on the chest!



Li Tian, unable to defend himself, was blown out directly.

Although he is also a strong man in Tianzu realm, it takes no time for his vitality to gather. A move of mind can form a strong defense, but after all, the attack came too suddenly.Li Tianyi's hastily condensed defense was directly destroyed by Zhao Tianlong and Meng Haoran, and Li Tianyi suffered heavy internal injury!

Meng Haoran and Zhao Tianlong dare not kill Li Tianyi at this time.

They know that Li Tianyi is powerful and has the spirit of a bloodthirsty demon lord or a bloodthirsty devil. Once the spirit flies out, it still has strong fighting power and is hard to be killed.

Even if they can control the spirit, it will be very troublesome.

He seriously injured Li Tianyi, but did not kill Li Tianyi, Li Tianyi that bloodthirsty demon lord or bloodthirsty devil's spirit could not come out.

Seeing that Li Tianyi has been bombarded out and smashed heavily on a stone wall of the cave, Zhao Tianlong's figure has already flashed, and instantly appeared in front of Li Tianyi.

Then, Zhao Tianlong's fist towards Li Tianyi's Dantian and smashed it down!


Li Tianyi was hit hard again, and the pain of Dantian was incomparable.

Meng Haoran has already flashed into his eyes and hit his head with a fist. The power of this fist is extremely powerful. Li Tianyi is stunned and falls to the ground.

A few people not far away were shocked by what happened in front of them!

Meng Haoran was already staring at a warrior not far away and said in a deep voice: "Wang Shun, what are you waiting to do? Surround me with those guys on the left. None of them can be let go. They are the people of the blood demon world!"


Hearing Meng Haoran's words, those warriors who gathered on the right side of Meng Haoran were shocked.

And those warriors on the left, at this time, a touch of tension appeared in their eyes.

They know, it's not good!


A guy on the left yelled. The blood demon's power contained powerful flame power, which directly burst out and turned into blood fire energy. He bombarded Zhao Tianlong and his soldiers.

Several other guys with him, at this time, also burst out the power of blood demons, straight body flash, toward the entrance of the mountain quickly.

The cave entrance has been blocked for a long time!

What's more, Meng Haoran and Zhao Tianlong can't let them rush to the entrance of the mountain!

With a flash of body shape, Meng Haoran disappears directly in situ, and the next moment is at the entrance of the mountain.

Obviously, his strength is much stronger than the strength of those who want to escape, and his speed is also very fast. He is directly blocking the entrance of the mountain.

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