Tang Long glanced at the people in the hall, then looked at Gao Tianye and said, "elder brother Gao, it's not early. I'll start to help you with the treatment."

Now, he doesn't want to delay at all. After all, he is very busy now.

Gao Tianye certainly does not want to delay time.

After being treated by Tang long, he really wants to harm Wan Yan Yuhan. In recent days, he doesn't know where Wan Yan Yuhan learned some clever means, which makes Gao Tianye very addicted.

Of course, for people like Gao Tianye, the real obsession is always power!

One of the reasons why he and WAN Yan Yuhan are together is that he has been harming Wanyan Yuhan recently, and the harm is addictive. On the other hand, he also hopes to have some relationship with Wan Yan Yuhan's family.

Moreover, he also wants to have a temporary alliance with Mr. Gao Yang.

This alliance, of course, is for the plan that will be launched soon, and Tang Long's plan is too big. If he wants to ensure that everything is safe, he must pull up Mr. Gao Yang. After all, the situation of these people in Gaofu is a little bit wrong at this time. In order to ensure that everything is safe, Gao Tianye must be fully prepared.

Of course, he didn't explain some things and plans to Mr. Gao Yang.

Tang Long next, he began to help Gao Tianye and others.

This treatment is much faster than before. With Tang Long's efforts, Tang Long helped Gao Tianye complete the treatment in three hours.

Then, Tang Long left with Gao Tianye.

Gao Tianye runs to find Wan Yan Yuhan.

Tang Long himself returned to the training room, contacted Meng Xiaomeng in his heart, and returned to Qingyun sect.

Meng Xiaomeng has just fallen asleep. When she wakes up, she sees Tang long. Because she has already prepared herself, she doesn't say anything. She moves on the soft collapse and gives up some positions to let Tang Long lie beside her.

Tang Long lies down. At this time, he is also very tired.

He hugged Meng Xiaomeng into his arms and said, "little trouble, I have to have a good rest. I can't bear it!"


Meng Xiaomeng gently answers and nestles in his arms. She feels a pang of heartache. She knows that Tang Long is really tired at this time. After all, Tang Long has not had much rest in Qingyun sect these days. Even though she was seriously injured, she is still trying to help her heal.

Finally, her internal injury was healed, and Tang Long went to the blood temple again. It was almost midnight, and Tang Long finally could have a rest.

Now, Meng Xiaomeng also hopes that Tang long can have a good rest.

After resting for almost five hours, Tang long had to get up, because today is the start time of the Centennial ceremony of Qingyun Zong and the first day of the Centennial Canon!

The Centennial ceremony is a grand event for Qingyun Zong.

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng both attended.

Of course, Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng don't have to take part in some tedious things at this time. They don't even have to worry about signing up. They just need to wait until the time comes to participate in some competitions.

Tang Long still goes against the sky, with the identity of the anti heaven line in Qingyun sect.

The Centennial canon of Qingyun sect is indeed a very grand event in Qingyun sect, and the place where it is held is also very special.

This is a very open valley surrounded by mountains.

The valley is a long way from the headquarters of Qingyun sect. Generally, there are not many people here. However, every time Qingyun Zong holds large-scale activities, it will be here.

The valley is very large, and there are majestic and straight peaks in all directions. Among these peaks, there are several very strong defense barriers. All the defense barriers are integrated together and the whole valley is completely enveloped in it.

In addition, there are some ancient mysterious prohibitions in the valley. Even the escape talisman can't be used here.

More than 100000 people have gathered in the valley at this time!

Of course, the vast majority of these 100000 people are the disciples of Qingyun sect who came to participate in the competition. Of course, there are also some elders of Qingyun sect, Dharma protectors, supreme elders, or supreme Dharma protectors.

There are five levels in the competition of the Centennial canon.

Each level of competition has corresponding strength and age requirements, which are very strict.

There are upper and lower limits for her age, just like Meng Xiaomeng. She is not very old, but as long as she has enough strength, she can participate in the competition for students who are several generations higher than her.

However, students over 100 years old can no longer participate in the lowest level competition.

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng participated in the fifth level competition, which was the highest level competition among the hundred year canon of Qingyun sect.

If they can win this competition, they will become the elders of Qingyun sect.

It is even possible to overstep the level and become the most powerful elder of the supreme court!

Tang Long doesn't care about these identities.

All he cares about now is that he hopes to go to Qingyun sect holy land with Meng Xiaomeng.He hopes to gain something in the holy land of Qingyun sect.

In the competition of the Centennial ceremony of Qingyun sect, only the top ten students in the fifth level can go to the holy land of Qingyun sect.

At this time, Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng, together, have already arrived at a place in the valley. A powerful warrior seems to be waiting for them here.

Seeing the two men coming, the warrior immediately had two more glittering brands in his hand. He handed them to Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng and said, "take this. With this, you are qualified to participate in the competition of this group."

The fifth level competition of the Centennial canon is the competition of Tianzu in the competition of Qingyun sect.

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng take over the glittering brand.

On the brand of Tang long, there is a number: 72.

Meng Xiaomeng's number is 73.

Their numbers are linked.

Looking at the sign, Tang long wanted to ask the warrior about the rules of the next competition. Suddenly, he felt a very heavy sense of danger.

This feeling was so strong that he felt a deep fear in his heart. It seemed that a mountain suddenly came down, which made it difficult for him to breathe!

Even his face turned pale!

"What's going on?"

Tang long can't help but be extremely surprised, this feeling is obviously abnormal.

In his heart, he has become extremely nervous.

In front of Tang long, the warrior who gave Tang Long's sign also saw Tang Long's face pale, and even a layer of sweat seeped out from Tang Long's forehead. Suddenly, the warrior was a little confused.

After all, Tang Long's strength at this time is very small.

"Is it an internal injury?"

The warrior secretly thought, looking at Tang Long carefully, he could not find out that Tang long had been hurt internally.

Next to Tang long, Meng Xiaomeng immediately finds out the sudden situation of Tang long.

Meng Xiaomeng is nervous.

She quickly grasped Tang Long's hand: "brother Tang long, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you? Or your previous internal injury is not good? "

"I'm fine."

Tang Long took a deep breath and tried to suppress the heaviness in his heart, which made him feel a little breathless www.novelhall.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!