Bai Li submerged water looked at Meng Haoran and said, "what is the matter?"

Meng Haoran quickly told Tang long the story of the people who explored the blood demon world. Then he looked at Tang Long and said, "you can exert the power of blood demon, let the cold light and the deep water have a look."


Tang Long nodded and ran the power of the blood devil. Suddenly, the breath of death and destruction burst out from him. The blood red energy turned into strong wind and filled the whole cave in an instant.

"The blood demon world has attacked the whole world again, and it has chosen to infiltrate secretly. Even the secret infiltration has reached such a terrible level. How can this be possible?"

After knowing the exact situation of the incident, the cold light and the deep water were extremely shocked.

They did not expect that Qingyun Zong, which seems to have no big problem on the surface, is facing the crisis of being destroyed at this time!

This is no joke!

Although the hundred mile cold light and the hundred mile deep water are both martial arts fanatics, it is impossible to face the life and death problem of Qingyun sect as early as possible, and only think about their own cultivation.

They are the people of Qingyun sect. They have lived in Qingyun sect for hundreds of thousands of years!

They all have deep feelings for Qingyun sect.

"We have to go and see some other reclusive powers of Qingyun sect right now!" "This must be done today, and the sooner the better, so as not to bring disaster."

"I think so." Meng Haoran said, and then looked at Tan Zhi: "you stay, temporarily guard the defense border, we will immediately find other reclusive powers!"


Tan Zhi nodded.

Meng Haoran doesn't say much more. He takes a hundred Li cold light and others, and of course, Tang long. Several people leave in a hurry.

What they are looking for now is another reclusive power responsible for safety in the Centennial Scripture, whose name is lingxu Qianshan.

All the way in a hurry, not long ago, they had reached the stone wall of a mountain in the east of the valley.

The stone wall is more than 5000 meters high. It is the cliff of a cliff.

Meng Haoran looked at the stone wall in front of him and said to Tang long, "this place is an important entrance to the valley, and it is an extremely secret place."

After a pause, he continued: "looking from the outside, the valley is completely hidden. It is a valley that does not exist at all. If people outside want to reach the valley, they have to go through the hidden entrance here."

Tang Long didn't say much.

He knew that in addition to the strong defense of the valley, there must also be an ancient powerful magic array to hide the valley.

If you fly from the outside of the valley, you will not find the valley here.

This is obviously for the safety of Qingyun sect.

Tang Long asked, "is this the key to hide the valley?"

"Yes." Meng Haoran did not hide Tang long at this time.

As a matter of fact, the places guarded by the hundred Li cold light and the hundred Li deep water before, and this place at this time, are all top secret places belonging to the Qingyun sect. Even if the Qingyun sect were some supreme elders, they did not know the real mystery hidden in these places.

Only the supreme elder of Qingyun sect, or the reclusive great power, can know these secret things.

Meng Haoran's hands are closed, and they are changing their fingerprints rapidly.

At this time, many disciples of Qingyun sect gathered in the valley. The Centennial canon of Qingyun sect had been officially opened, and various competitions were to be announced.

But no one came to this place.

There are some warriors in front of us. They are the guardians of Qingyun sect. They are responsible for guarding here. No one is allowed to come near. They dare not come here.

Therefore, even these Dharma protectors don't know the real secret here.

The circle around the valley, at every interval, is guarded by someone. Except for the reclusive power of Qingyun sect or the supreme patriarch, no one is allowed to come here.

Meng Haoran's hands quickly changed their fingerprints in front of the stone wall. Tang Long soon saw that with the changes of Meng Haoran's fingerprints, a place on the stone wall in front of him was twisted strangely.

And then in this twisted place, there is also a big hole.

"Let's go in!" Meng Haoran said that, with a flash of body shape, he took the lead to flash into the big cave, followed by Zhao Tianlong, Baili cold light and Baili deep water.

Tang Long was the last to enter.

They walked into the cave and walked along the passage. Less than five minutes later, Tang Long saw a stone gate in front of him.

They stopped in front of the stone gate.

Meng Haoran said in a deep voice to the stone gate: "Qianshan, open the door quickly. I am Meng Haoran. I have some important matters to discuss with you."

The name of Qianshan that he said in his mouth was the name of another reclusive power of Qingyun sect who was in charge here.The man's full name is lingxu Qianshan.

The strength of lingxu buried hill is also very strong, reaching the peak of dizu.

Among the reclusive powers of Qingyun clan, lingxu Qianshan is the most promising one who can break through the realm of Tianzu as soon as possible. It is also the younger one among the reclusive powers of Qingyun sect.

Meng Haoran used to attach great importance to lingxu buried hill.

In fact, the lingxu buried hill was Meng Haoran's disciple before, but he was Meng Haoran's own disciple.

Of course, Meng Haoran at that time was far from reaching the strength now.

Meng Hao Ran called out, and there was no sound coming out.

"Isn't it? No way

Meng Haoran frowned slightly and called again.

There is still no sound coming from inside.

Meng Haoran felt a little nervous. He was worried about what would happen to the lingxu buried hill.

You know, this is an entrance to the outside world to the valley, and also a place to control the psychedelic bursts. The importance of this place is no joke.

The hundred mile cold light is also a little worried at this time.

They knew that behind the stone gate was a large stone chamber, in which there were strong defensive barriers and isolation barriers.

If people outside the border call the people inside, the voice can be transmitted in, but the voice of the people inside can be isolated and completely isolated. Even if the voice inside is loud, if the people inside can't be heard by the outside people, the people outside can't hear it.

At this time, Meng Haoran didn't hear any sound coming from inside. They were all a little worried.

Next, Zhao Tianlong also called twice.

But there's no sound in it yet!

"No, it's possible that something happened here!" Zhao Tianlong frowned and nervously looked at Meng Haoran: "shall we forcibly open the isolation border to enter?"

Meng Haoran also frowned at this time.

He knew that there was some risk in forcibly opening the isolation and border.

If the inner lingxu buried hill is practicing, at an important juncture, or if there is something important that can't be disturbed, they may open the barrier so rashly, which may cause danger to the lingxu buried hill.

After all, lingxu buried hill is a reclusive power. It is not appropriate for them to act so rashly.

But the current situation is very special.

Meng Hao Ran frowned and thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "we'll wait a little longer." , the fastest update of the webnovel!