Zhao Tianlong didn't care much when his spirit sank into the elixir field. Whether the enemy could hear his voice or not, he said in a deep voice: "all the heavenly elders and Dharma protectors, come to me right now!"

There are also quite a number of elders of heaven and earth of Qingyun sect in this valley.

And before that, Tang Long explored the situation of these elders in Qingyun sect, and solved all the people who had mixed into the blood temple.

If these people come together, they will be safe.

The sound of Zhao Tianlong's drinking condensed his vitality. His voice was like a thunderbolt rolling in the sky and earth, even overshadowing the thunderous roar from the sky.

Meng Haoran hears Zhao Tianlong's voice in the distance. Although he doesn't know what Zhao Tianlong wants to do, he also knows that the situation is urgent. Since Zhao Tianlong does this, he must have a purpose.

Of course, he also wants to support Zhao Tianlong.

He was drinking too.

Moreover, Baili cold light and Baili deep water also drink together.

They all gave orders to let Tianlao and tianhufa in the valley concentrate on Zhao Tianlong.

Hearing the sound of their drinking orders, tianchanglao in the valley rushed to Zhao Tianlong, and tianhufa also flew over together.

Those elders and Dharma protectors are still trying to control the situation.

Although the situation in the valley was extremely chaotic at this time, even some young disciples of Qingyun sect had already tried to escape in all directions and were in a panic beside the border. However, these elder Dharma protectors were still quite calm.

The number of tianchanglao and tianhufa exceeded 100.

These people soon gathered around Zhao Tianlong.

Zhao Tianlong looked at them and said in a deep voice: "this is the time for my Qingyun sect to survive. You must listen to my arrangement and do exactly what I say, otherwise my Qingyun sect will be destroyed today!"


Tianchanglao and tianhufa all nodded in a hurry.

Zhao Tianlong said the plan, then looked at Tang Long: "next, it depends on you!"

"Don't worry, I will try my best!" Tang Long's serious way.

At this time, Tang Long also had to take out some of his treasures and give them to Meng Xiaomeng. He asked him to tell them how to use them, and he helped half of them to stimulate their potential.

After all, there are too many people here. Even though Tang Long's spirit is very strong, he can't help more than 100 people to stimulate their potential at the same time.

He can help 50 or 60 people to stimulate their potential at the same time. Of course, it will take a little longer, about two and a half minutes.

He is already busy.

Meng Xiaomeng is already busy at this time.

At this time, Zhao Tianlong is responsible for the surrounding security.

Not far away, lingxu buried hill obviously found that the situation here was a little strange. He had a powerful blood Demon power, and even bombarded hundreds of disciples of Qingyun sect towards Zhao Tianlong.

All of a sudden, the blood demon's power was like a raging sea, sweeping dozens of Qingyun sect's disciples, toward Zhao Tianlong, and they smashed it wildly.

These disciples of Qingyun sect are of average strength. How can these disciples resist such fierce bombardment from lingxu buried hill.

As they watched, the disciples of Qingyun sect were all injured by the blood spurting from the bombardment.

Zhao Tianlong saw such a situation, and his heart was filled with hatred and anger.

But at this time, he also took lingxu buried hill. After all, there were too many disciples of Qingyun sect in all directions in the valley. He had to be cautious about it, which made lingxu buried hill so unscrupulous here!

Not far away, Meng Haoran, along with Baili Hanguang and Baili sunken water, also rushed to attack lingxu buried hill. At this time, lingxu Qianshan was again in a flash and hid behind a large number of disciples of Qingyun sect.

Here, Zhao Tianlong's golden light explodes and turns into a cloud of golden light energy, which blocks the bombardment of the blood demon's power.

The disciples of Qingyun sect, who were bombarded, bumped into Zhao Tianlong's golden energy cloud, but did not make their internal injuries more serious. One by one, they fell from the golden cloud to the ground.

Zhao Tianlong did not care to see whether these disciples were injured.

He must now protect Tang long, who is helping heaven protect Dharma and tianchanglao to stimulate his potential.

There is no accident in this matter!

In the sky, the roar is still constant. In the power of the blood demon, there are all kinds of blood light swords, blood light spears, blood light energy dragons and energy tigers, all of which are crazy bombarding on the golden energy barrier of defending the valley in the high altitude.

"Click, click, click..."

It is obvious that the golden light energy boundary is about to be defended, and there are many terrible cracks on all sides of the boundary.

Under the bombardment of the powerful blood demon, the whole defense barrier is about to be broken.Finally, at this time, Tang Long has helped the first group of people to stimulate their potential, but it will take almost three minutes for their potential to burst out.

Tang Long has begun to help the second group of people to stimulate their potential.

At this time, Zhao Tianlong began to make necessary deployment according to what Tang Long said before.

His deployment is of course very important.

Moreover, time is pressing at this time, and his deployment can only be said once.

After that, if these people can carry out his deployment and escape from danger, they will have to obey God's will. If not, all the disciples of Qingyun sect will be killed here!

Meng Xiaomeng is beside Tang long. At this time, she is also very nervous and worried.

The roar of high-altitude earthquake is still constant.

Moreover, the golden light energy boundary has obviously been unable to resist. A series of terrible cracks have been produced continuously on top of the golden light energy boundary. A strong and incomparable force of blood demons has swept through the cracks of the energy boundary and swept into the valley.

Some powerful warriors of Qingyun sect here can also block the attack of the blood demon. The weaker ones have been bombarded everywhere!

Meng Haoran and Baili lenguang and Baili Qianshui have no time to chase lingxu buried hill.

Now, they have no way to deal with who is going to kill here.

The three men looked at each other and planned to fly up into the sky together. They wanted to resist as many people as possible when the energy boundary broke, so as to create a little chance for the disciples of Qingyun sect in the valley to escape.

Although they know that their efforts are useless, they have no other way.

Just as the three people were about to fly towards the sky, Zhao Tianlong's voice suddenly rang out: "all Dharma protectors and elders, please come here for me. Meng Haoran, come here quickly!"

Hearing Zhao Tianlong's voice, Meng Haoran looks at each other with Baili cold light and Baili sunken water, and flies towards Zhao Tianlong together.

They did not know what good way Zhao Tianlong had to solve the crisis in the valley at this time.

However, they obviously have no good way now.

At this point, we can only go to Zhao Tianlong first to see what he can do.

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