Tang long studied how to crack the seal on the door. He studied for almost three hours.

Finally, with his efforts, he also studied how to break the seal and boundary on the door, so he did not hesitate and immediately tried.

At this time, of course, he was looking forward to it.

"I hope there will be some good things behind this door that will give me some benefits." Thinking in his mind, he folded his hands, quickly changed his fingerprints, and began to untie the seal of the door.

With the rapid change of his fingerprints, the ice fire energy of purple and gold swept out from his hands and turned into strange runes.

These strange runes, toward the front of the door that glitter silver, slowly fly past.

Soon, these runes are integrated into the silver door, disappeared, and at this time, the door, also sounded a low voice.

What's more, the gate is shaking slightly.

Tang Long's hands are still closed, constantly changing fingerprints, one after another of the silver shining runes, continue to be condensed from his hands, fly to the gate, into which.

After about 20 minutes, the gate opened slowly.

When the gate opened, a powerful aura suddenly surged out, which shocked Tang long!

"There is such a powerful aura in it. I don't know what will be in it!"

He thought and looked forward to it more and more.

The gate opened slowly, and the bigger it opened, it was already the largest. Tang Longchao looked at the open gate, and the situation inside seemed very strange.

At this time, the space inside the gate is like a cosmic Star River, and there are even countless stars flashing.

In this space, the rich aura is constantly sweeping out.

At this time, Tang long had already felt his heart, and the mysterious call became more and more obvious. Even he could clearly feel that it was his own call to him in the front door.

And he is also very strange feeling at this time, he seems to be here, but seems to be in that mysterious space again!

This situation, let him also very puzzled.

But at this time, just when he was going to walk into the mysterious star shining space in front of him, suddenly, in this space, rolling strength gathered wildly, and then a domineering aura, which actually contained a powerful and incomparable breath of life, suddenly flew out of the space ahead.

It looks like a dragon.

But it's not a real dragon, it's a Reiki dragon made of extremely special energy, which contains the most terrifying and powerful Aura!

"Here, what is this?"

Tang Long glared at the strange dragon that suddenly rushed over.

This dragon is extremely huge in size, and looks extremely powerful. It rushes towards Tang long. Tang Long's eyes are wide open and his heart is filled with inexplicable joy!

Even, it has a kind of long lost feeling of intimacy.

This feeling was so wonderful that he did not feel any hostility towards the mysterious dragon that rushed in front of him. Even when the Dragon flew over and saw that it was about to hit him, he did not feel the slightest hostility.

Besides, he didn't dodge at all!

Deep in his heart, the deep call kept ringing. It was a very wonderful feeling. It was like he was merging with another self!

"Well, what the hell is going on..."

He thought in his mind, and at this time the dragon, which was full of infinite aura, had crashed into him.

He didn't fly Tang long.

This mysterious energy dragon, containing powerful aura, directly bumped into Tang Long's body, and even directly integrated into Tang Long's body, disappearing without trace.

At this time, Tang Long suddenly felt his head heavy, his eyes blackened, and then he lost all his senses!

At this time, he has fallen to the ground.

On him, the powerful aura has been swept out in a crazy way, and then in his body, in the tumbling aura, a mysterious palace totem gradually emerges.

In the totem of the palace, there is a vague figure, which roars up to the sky and is extremely wild.

Then Tang Long's body, a very mysterious, emitting dark light, contains a very strong aura quietly flew out, in the Tang long body constantly around.

Then, another mysterious thin line flew out.

If Tang Long wakes up at this time, he will surely know that these two dark strange silk threads are the spiritual pulse!

Two spiritual pulse!

At this time, he actually had two spiritual pulse!These two spiritual veins crisscross each other, chasing each other in a very strange track and rotating slowly. It is obvious that one of them seems to contain more powerful aura and is full of mysterious ice fire energy!

Another spiritual pulse appears a little weaker, and on this one, there is a light silver light energy boundary.

And at this time, the two spiritual veins are emitting completely different energy breath, which is very strange and mysterious!

Two dark spiritual veins chase each other. Between heaven and earth, the powerful aura is madly converging towards the Tang dragon.

Tang Long was unconscious and motionless.

I don't know how long it took for Tang long to wake up.

He opened his eyes and jumped up suddenly. He felt comfortable beyond words. He had a strange feeling of joy from the heart.

However, his strength has not been improved.

He explored and found that there was nothing unusual about him, and everything seemed to have not changed at all.

And at this time, the mysterious call in his heart had disappeared!

"What the hell is going on?"

Tang Long is curious. His eyes are already looking at the open door in front of him. There, the original mysterious space with brilliant stars, at this time, the star light of this space has completely disappeared.

It was already a silver space.

Tang Long's body flashed, and in a twinkling he was in the space.

He stood in the middle of the space and looked around. There was nothing around him.

"Isn't there even a heritage here? Can't I even get a little benefit here? And, what was that aura dragon before? "

Thinking about the situation before, Tang long had some doubts and was inevitably disappointed.

But at this time, his heart suddenly remembered Gongsun Mo'er's voice: "husband, Gao Tianye has come here and asked you to help him heal. It has been three days since you left the city of genius!"

"Three more days? Why so fast

Tang Long is a little helpless.

But at this time, he also knew that he had to go back.

He tries to contact Meng Xiaomeng in his heart. Although the spiritual connection can be connected, there is no voice from Meng Xiaomeng.

Tang Long knows that Meng Xiaomeng should be practicing and forgetting both things.

"This girl may have got some inheritance. In this case, I will not disturb her and go to the city of genius to solve Gao Tianye's affairs first." Thinking, Tang Long contacted Gongsun Mo'er again in his heart.

Then, he summoned the door of wisdom between him and Gongsun Mo'er, and soon appeared in front of him.

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