"What can I do for you?" The warrior asked, followed by Tang Long and said, "I believe you are very clear about this matter. In front of so many forces, I can't do many things at all."

Tang Long said: "I don't embarrass you. You just need to arrange for me to go on stage later. That's all."

"It's easy." The warrior said: "although the order of the competition is actually negotiated by those powerful people who participate in the competition, I can also do it by adding you to the lower order of competition."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

Next, Tang long, Dan Tai Shuya and Zhong Li Xueyan, all of whom bid farewell to the warrior and walk towards the place he just pointed to.

There is an empty space, there are more than a dozen empty places, in the back, there are a lot of people watching.

These people saw Tang Long three people come, sitting there grandly, one by one is a little curious, because their number is really too small!

Tang Long doesn't care what these people think of him.

Now he only wants to get the blood of heaven and earth and the falling Moon Flower of gods, and he doesn't care about anything else.

At this point, the competition has begun.

The reason why Tang Long told the warrior that he would take the stage later was because he was completely unfamiliar with this place, and he was not clear about the comprehensive strength of the major forces here.

He needs to have a look before he can compete on the stage.

As for how the competition ranked the top ten, he did not know and did not want to know.

Dan Tai Shuya was a little worried about this time. She turned to Tang Long and said, "you and Xueyan come out, have you brought money?"

"No Tang Long shook his head, light way.

"You don't have any money with you?" Dan Tai Shuya Dun's eyes stare at Tang long. This man, who is engaged in auction business, can bid with others without money?!

What kind of people are these people!

The key is that the blood of heaven and earth and the fallen Moon Flower of gods are absolutely not ordinary things.

This kind of thing takes out the auction, certainly is the sky high price!

Although Tan Tai Shuya came out this time, in case of emergency, she also brought all the money she had accumulated over the years and some of her savings at the auction house during that time, but she was still worried that she was not enough.

The blood of heaven and earth and the falling Moon Flower of gods are not ordinary things after all.

She turned to look at the clock from the snow flue: "snow smoke, you will not be the same as Tang long, also have no money?"

Zhong Li Xueyan smile: "you don't worry, my husband, he has always been like this, these things do not need him to worry about, so, I took the money, enough to use."

For Tang long, Zhong Li Xueyan really knows too much. Although this man doesn't have many shortcomings in her eyes, she really knows the problem of Tang long as a shopkeeper.

She has long been used to the trouble of Tang long, and does not say anything.

She thought, who has nothing wrong!

So before she came here, she was prepared and brought enough money.

In fact, Tang Long also has a lot of money, and he can go back to get money at any time, so this time he didn't take care of it.

Of course, this is mainly because he knows very well that the two girls, Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er, are meticulous and careful. They are sure to do these things well, so he doesn't care about them.

Dantai Shuya knew that Zhong Li Xueyan had money, so she was relieved.

At this time, there are two warriors flying on the test platform. They both look like they are in their early 40s. They are bulky and their eyes are bright.

The two warriors gave their names to each other, and their powerful momentum broke out fiercely.

Even Tang Long's eyebrows frowned slightly when he felt the powerful momentum from the two warriors: "the strength of these two men is so strong. This is the first competition. It is impossible to send the strongest. It seems that it is difficult to get the fallen Moon Flower and the blood of heaven and earth!"

One of the two martial artists on the stage has reached the seven levels of the emperor and the other has reached the eight levels of the emperor!

Such strength has been enough to surprise Tang long.

Although in the blood temple, some super big families, not to mention the powerful emperors, even though there are several powerful warriors in the Heaven Kingdom and even in the ancestral realm, there are two emperors in this place, which is enough to surprise Tang long.

Zhongli Xueyan and dantai Shuya are also very surprised!

Tan Tai Shuya turned to look at Tang Long and said, "I have known before that there are not many people who have reached the realm of emperor because of the powerful strength near Kalan city. It seems that none of them have reached the realm of emperor heaven."

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "presumably, they all invited some helpers!"

Zhong Li Xueyan guessed: maybe, at this time, there are not many local forces in Kalan city who participate in the competition! ""It's also possible!" Tang Long nodded.

The two people on the stage have already started the competition.

Monarch realm, the strength of each difference between a heavy, between the gap is very large.

What's more, the martial artist of the six levels of the emperor on the stage is obviously weaker than the warrior of the seven levels of the emperor.

Therefore, this competition soon had the final result, that emperor seven levels of martial arts, easily defeated the opponent, won the final victory.

The loser, another warrior, immediately jumped onto the competition platform.

The warrior on the winning side is still standing on the test bench.

He wants to compete continuously until someone defeats him. This kind of competition is not only the individual strength, but also the comprehensive strength of the strongest among the major forces.

The competition in the wheel race continues.

Tang long, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan have been sitting under the competition platform to watch the competition. At this time, Tang Long also had a general understanding of the comprehensive strength of the forces who came to participate in the competition.

Among these warriors, the most powerful is the emperor's nine levels.

"I hope there is no stronger one. Otherwise, I want to win the competition and be qualified to participate in the final bidding. After all, this is the blood demon world. I can't exert my mental strength at this time. It's too easy to be noticed!"

Tang Long made a plan in his mind.

At this time, his spiritual power was very strong, and he had reached the level of eight level spirit Dan.

The strength of such spiritual strength is already comparable to that of a warrior in the heaven emperor's dual realm. If he takes part in this competition with spiritual strength, he believes that he will be much easier to win.

But the problem is, in the blood demon world, there are too few eight grade Dan gods. If there is an eight level Dan God here, it will be immediately concerned by all people here.

Even, it will soon be paid special attention by the people at the top of the blood temple.

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