The warrior of Heidao Shenzong who jumped on the competition platform looked only 434. He was thin, with a pair of gloomy wolf eyes and a deep scar on his left face.

This scar face is staring at Tang long, and the corner of his mouth is slightly pulled up. The scar on his face is twisted, which makes him look a little ferocious at this time.

Moreover, this guy looks very gloomy!

he stares at Tang long, and his voice is a little hoarse: "boy, you can beat Jen Niu Deng, which makes me very surprised. However, when you meet me, Madison, you can only take the road of failure!"

"Whether you win or you lose, you'll know." Tang Long was indifferent.

Madison snorted, and his momentum burst out. The powerful power of blood demons directly turned into a roaring strong wind, surging and tumbling on the test bench!

His strength, obviously stronger than the previous Zhan niudeng, is the emperor's nine fold realm.

"The emperor is nine heavy, not very easy to deal with!" Looking at Madison, Tang Long has already made a decision in his heart to make a quick decision!

the defense boundary has been opened earlier than on the test bench.

Mai Dixiong did not wait for the referee to speak, but his body flashed and rushed towards Tang Long fiercely. At this time, he had already held a long knife in his hand!

this is a bloody long knife.

On the long Dao, there is a bloody red awn of more than three meters. Among the awns, there is an extremely cold and murderous air.

"Death destroys soul!"

Madison's hoarse voice exploded.

When he stomped his feet, he was still five meters away!


The power of this moment is so powerful that the entire competition platform shakes violently. Even on the test bench, the powerful energy is stamped and tossed around!

Under this, Teng Xiong jumps into the air.

Others are in the air, and the bloody long sword in his hand has been suddenly raised high. With an indomitable and domineering momentum, he is about to chop at Tang long.

The power of this knife is obviously extremely powerful.

Tang Long stares at Mai Dixiong, who jumps up in the air. On his firm face, he also appears a proud look.

His eyes are bright and powerful, and his eyebrows are slightly raised. On his body, the cold force of the nine hell cold days, combined with the power of the blood devil, has been madly erupted from his body.

Moreover, the divine magic phase and the nine supernatural powers against the heaven were all displayed by him.

His momentum has become more and more powerful!

his combat power has also been greatly improved!


The sound of tearing the air sounded. Madixiong's blood red sword, with the blood red blade awn, had already chopped down towards Tang long.

With the slash of this sword, it has risen wildly at the same time. It turns into a powerful blood red energy huge sword. It soars by tens of meters, and cuts to the top of Tang Long's head!


Tang Long snorted coldly.

He knew that the power of the opponent's knife was very powerful.

But he had a plan of his own.

After all, he had a competition, and he didn't want to consume too much energy at this time. Therefore, he directly displayed his magic power from a distance.

And at this time, he also applied the law of explosion and the law of thunder!

The power of the two laws fused, condensed at his feet, suddenly heard a thunder roar at his feet!


In this thunderous roar, Tang Long turned into a blood red lightning, and quickly dodged to the side. It was in an instant that he escaped the attack of blood red sword!

The blood red sword fell into the air and chopped heavily on the ground.

All of a sudden, the ground broke out with a huge bang. The sword fell on the ground and exploded directly. The whole test bench was slashed by the extremely tyrannical blade.

Blood red knife awn has also burst to pieces.

However, the competition platform is also equipped with a strong defense border, so even if the power of Madison's knife is super strong, it is impossible to break the test bench to bombardment.

What's more, a strong shock force has swept up from the ground. Madison only felt his arm numb, and his whole body was shocked by the strength of the recoil.

He held the long knife reluctantly, but he couldn't stop retreating three or four steps.

At this time, Tang long, who has already flashed to his side, will certainly not miss this opportunity.

When people under the competition platform saw the war situation on the competition platform at this time, their eyes were shocked:

"this boy is not only very powerful in fighting, but also moving fast and terrifying. If he is an ordinary person, under the circumstances just now, he must be unable to avoid the attack of that knife and can only be forced to defend. He can dodge it"The origin of this boy is certainly not simple!"

"However, although he evaded this attack from Madison, his strength is much weaker than that of Madison. I believe that in the end, he will still be defeated by Madison."


The sound of the sound of the bell and the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of.

Zhong Li Xueyan doesn't think it's a surprise that Tang Long has won the upper hand. After all, she knows Tang long very well and knows that Tang Long's explosive power is very strong and his moving speed is extremely fast.

Tan Tai Shuya is not so clear about Tang Long's strength. At this time, she is also surprised again.

On the test bench, Tang Long saw that Madison was shocked and retreated. He had already rushed towards Madison. At the same time, he also held a knife in his hand.

Of course, it can't be his bloody knife.

It's definitely not a sea sword.

This is a top-grade artifact. On the sabre, blood red light bursts out, which contains blood red lightning!

Dao mang soared, more than ten meters!


Tang Long roared, powerful and powerful!

In addition, he also suddenly jumped high and high, and the action was exactly the same as that of Madison before. While Madison was just standing back, he was going to attack Madison.

Madison's strength is not weak after all, and the reaction speed is also extremely fast.

He knew that Tang long had seized the opportunity just now to take the initiative in momentum, and had seized the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on him.

However, Tang Long's own strength is much weaker than him, so he is still full of confidence in himself.

Seeing Tang Long's knife, he was not very worried.

"Just rely on your strength to defeat me. You can't help yourself!"

With a cold hum, madixiong didn't hesitate and didn't dodge at all. The blood red long sword rose high and ran quickly. The long sword chopped at Tang Long fiercely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!