On the morning of the fourth day, the night demons of Kalan City retreated one after another, leaving only a part of them.

Kalan city has become basically quiet.

After lunch, Zhao Erji came to tell Tang Long about Kalan City: "now, some of the most powerful people in the night devil have basically withdrawn, leaving only a few strong ones. In addition, some of the thugs of the night devil control the transmission hall here and control the situation of Karan city. At this time, the city has been completely ruled by the night devil people. ”

Tang Long asked, "do you know where the strongest night demons have gone now?"

Zhao Erji said: "I have inquired about it. They are going to deal with the magic sword sect. They are going to sweep the old nests of those clans that gathered in Kalan city one by one, and destroy all the remaining forces in those forces!"

Tang Long nodded: "it seems that the night devil really wants to rule this continent!"

"Yes Zhao Erji nodded and sighed: "in recent days, Kalan city has been a bit chaotic. The night devil people who stay here, what they have done Ah

When Tang Long saw Zhao Erji like this, he did not need to guess that those who stayed in Kalan city must be doing wrong.

He doesn't have much time to deal with it now.

He must go back to the city of genius immediately. After all, the treatment for the people who help Gao Fu is going to be completed completely. After that, the plan of lieqingtian should begin!

What's more, Gongsun Mo'er told him yesterday that she had found out the location of the Xuanji Hongmeng cave, and basically determined eight places. At this time, Gongsun Mo'er was making the final screening of those places, one by one!

Tang Long knew that once the location of Xuanji Hongmeng cave was completely determined, and once the affairs of lie Qingtian were over, he would have to go to Xuanji Hongmeng cave with the backbone of Tangmen.

It will certainly take a long time.

And before that, he had to help Mu Qingcheng reshape his body. After all, he has got all the things to reshape Mu Qingcheng's body.

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long and said, "dragon, shall we leave Kalan city now?"

Dan Tai Shuya said: "the transmission Hall of Kalan city is controlled by the night devil. Now we have to make a detour to leave Kalan city. In this case, it may take a little time."

"Delay, just delay. It's impossible to wait here all the time in order to use the transmission array in the transmission hall." Tang Long made a decision and looked at Zhao Erji and said, "Mr. Zhao, we are going now."

"Good!" Zhao Erji nodded and then turned to leave.

Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan and dantai Shuya simply cleaned up and left together. They soon walked on the streets of Kalan city.

They didn't fly straight up and out of Karan.

After all, it is noon now, and they also need to find a place to eat first, and also need to buy some things to use on the road.

The three of them went on all the way. At this time, the street was much colder than when they came here.

Many shops on the street are closed and there are few pedestrians on the street.

It is obvious that the arrival of the night devil has indeed brought great influence and great damage to the city, making it a very lively city and becoming now lifeless!

"Help, you, you brutes

"Ha ha ha ha, ten years ago, you people wanted to drive us away. Now that we are back, we can't be happy. I tell you, from now on, all the women in this city are my night devil's, and all the things are my night devil's!"

"Brothers, take these girls away from me!"

"You must not die easily!"

"Bang Dad Ah... "

"I'll fight with you, you people who have suffered thousands of dollars Puff... "

"Sister, you, what's wrong with you?"


Tang Long and their eyes to walk to the door of a restaurant, they have heard such a continuous sad voice, this sound, obviously from a restaurant next to the shop.

This shop is a jewelry shop!

Hearing such a sad voice, Tang Long couldn't help frowning.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are both angry in their eyes!

Zhong Li Xueyan's face was icy and cold, looking at Tang long, he said, "husband, should we take care of such a thing?"

Tang Long is a bit tangled.

Of course, he was also very disgusted with such things.

If only he was here, he would have rushed.

But now, he must be responsible for the safety of Zhong Li Xue Yan and Dan Tai Shu Ya, and he can't do anything too rash.

After all, he knew very well that there were powerful warriors among the night demons. If the warriors from the four realms of Tiandi came, the consequences would be unimaginable!Dan Tai Shuya bit her teeth: "when I go back, I'll send the people from the blood god's temple right away!"

Tang Long slightly frowned: "the night devil's people are so unscrupulous here. They are probably related to some people in the blood temple. This place should be responsible by some forces belonging to the blood temple."

"That's true." Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

All places in the blood demon world are managed by people in the blood god hall. Such places must also be the families or forces belonging to a certain blood temple.

Even if dantai Shuya went back to the temple of blood god, the family or force responsible for it eventually came to deal with it.

How much better is the blood Temple than the night devil?!

"Ah, you are Oh, I beg you, at least not here! "

"Ha ha ha ha, now you know how good we are. I tell you, any place in Kalan city is ours, and we can do anything anywhere!"

"Come along, brothers!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."


The sound in the shop seemed more and more chaotic. Tang long heard the sound, and at this time in his eyes, he also showed a touch of cold.

This kind of thing, he was extremely disgusted, at this time, it happened not far from his side, let him just leave, he was a bit unable to do.


He snorted coldly, and his mind turned. He had already made a decision. His body flashed, and in an instant, he appeared at the door of the shop. With the powerful power of blood demons, his fist pounded at the door!


In the roar of the sky, the door directly broke open!

Inside that extremely shameless chaotic scene, immediately appeared in front of Tang long, let Tang Long's heart is directly angry!

Zhong Li Xue Yan and Dan Tai Shu Ya, at this time also rushed over together.

Seeing the situation here, the two people's eyes also showed extreme anger. With a flash of body shape, they rushed in and launched a fierce attack towards some unruly guys inside.

Dan Tai Shuya and Zhong Li Xueyan are both women disguised as men, so they are not worried about exposing their identities.

Moreover, their strength at this time has been very strong, especially Zhong Li Xueyan. At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan is also the strength of the eight realms of emperor. Compared with the strength of these unscrupulous people, they are already very strong.

There are a few wanton guys here. The stronger ones are only the fighting power of emperor shenhuang and even the warriors of Shenwang realm. This is far from the strength of Zhongli Xueyan.

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