Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan walked out of the Inn and walked into the street. After a short time, they walked into the restaurant where Tang Long saw the wolf of Dongguo, and soon came to the door of the box.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!" Tang Long knocked on the door.

"Who?" The man inside asked. Tang Long was familiar with the voice. It was the voice of the wolf.

"It's me!" Zhong Li Xueyan said at the door: "we should come here by appointment."

"Come in." The humanity in it.

At the same time, Tang Long has felt that the isolation and border of this box has been removed.

Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan together push the door and enter the box.

This is a very large box, in front of a table, Dongguo wild wolf is sitting there drinking alone, the table is placed a lot of various dishes.

The wolf of Dongguo glanced at Tang long.

Although Tang long had been dressed up and even his face was full of beard, the breath of Dongguo wild wolf still diffused from Tang long, which directly determined that the man in front of him was Tang long.

He looked more at Zhong Li Xueyan. Although Zhong Li Xueyan had been dressed up, he also easily guessed the identity of Zhong Li Xueyan: "last time, it seems that she came from Mo'er, but this time, she is a girl from Zhongli family!"

At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan also showed great respect: "younger Zhong Li Xueyan has met Mr. Dongguo."

"Come and sit down!" Dongguo wolf said casually: "I know that Zhongli family is very good at inquiring about all kinds of news, so I think the girl from Zhongli is very clear about my situation."

Zhong Li Xueyan and Tang Long go to sit opposite the wolf in Dongguo.

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at the wolf in Dongguo and said: "the elder's position in the blood temple is extremely lofty. How many people don't know about you? The elder's identity can be known without inquiring."

Tang long looked at the wolf and said, "master Dongguo, let's get down to business. The high government's action against strong Qingtian has already started. Next, we need your cooperation in secret."

Dongguo wolf nodded: "you say, let me how to cooperate?"

Tang Long said: "I don't know the specific location of Gao Tianye to deal with strong Qingtian, but I believe I can know within three days. I will send someone to tell you then."

After stopping for a while, he continued: "I expect that after Gao Tianye and I have gone to the predetermined place, there will be many high-level soldiers hiding around, and there will certainly be many people invited by the high government to go there. In addition, strong Qingtian will certainly send his own people there, and there should be a large-scale scuffle."

"Do you mean to let me do it more slowly then?" said the wolf

"Not bad." Tang Long nodded: "you are the final control of this matter, I think, at that time, before the outbreak of conflict between me and strong Qingtian, before the strong giant does not show major flaws, you had better not show up."

Dongguo wolf asked, "what's the flaw in the sky?"

Tang Long said: "lie Qingtian will certainly exert all his strength in the event of great danger to his life. At that time, he will probably use the power of the devil, and even do more shocking things. In that case, we can know all his secrets more comprehensively."

Dongguo wolf thought about it and nodded: "OK, I will arrange this matter. Don't worry!"

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said solemnly, "I told you about the chaotic sky fire. You should be prepared in advance."

"Of course Tang Longlian busily said: "cooperate with the elder. I can't ask for it. Of course, I will prepare it in advance."

"Good." Dongguo wolf was satisfied with Tang Long's attitude at this time.

Next, they discussed the whole plan in detail.

Time is in a hurry. Half an hour has passed.

The matter has been discussed. Tang long looked at the wolf and said, "master Dongguo, let's settle this matter. When Gao Tianye has arranged, I'll send someone to tell you the specific position and way to deal with lie Qingtian. We will act according to the plan."

"Good!" The wolf nodded.

Tang long thought and asked, "master Dongguo, how many people can you send to help me deal with strong Qingtian this time?"

"Don't worry, the problem of human is absolutely satisfactory to you!" Dongguo wolf confidently said: "since I decided to cooperate with you, of course, the first thing is to help you get rid of the danger of strong giant!"

"Then I'd like to thank Master Dongguo more!" Tang Longlian was busy.

Dongguo wolf nodded, stood up and said, "after the discussion, I'll go first. You can wait for a while before you leave the box. Don't worry. I've arranged everything here. You can rest assured and be bold."

"It's still the thought of my predecessors!" Zhong Li Xueyan said by the side, "it will certainly be of great benefit to the future of Tang Fu if we can cooperate with Mr. Dongguo."

"You just know." Dongguo wolf walked to the door: "after this incident, our cooperation is just the beginning. In addition, I need to remind you again, don't forget about the chaotic sky fire.""I will never forget it." Tang Longlian was busy.

Dongguo wild wolf no longer said, strode to the door, opened the door to go out, here left Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan.

Of course the two of them will not leave so early.

Tang Long re opened the isolation border in the box, looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and laughed: "Xueyan, next, let's have a good rest here!"

"Well." Clock from snow smoke nodded.

At this time, Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan also ate something casually and chatted while eating.

In a hurry, more than half an hour has passed.

Tang long looked at the time is not early, on the clock from the snow flue: "we should go back."


The bell leaves the snow smoke to answer gently.

Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan stood up together, left the box, left the restaurant, and walked to the street.

He explored his surroundings without being noticed.

At this time, Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan can't go back to the Tang mansion like this.

They wandered around the street for about an hour, sure that no one was paying attention to themselves, so they found an inn to live in.

After asking for a good guest room, Tang Long went into the training room of the room, opened the isolation boundary of the training room, and then contacted Gongsun Mo'er with the wisdom heart door in his heart: "Mo'er baby, is Mr. Gao Yang here?"

"Not yet." Gongsun Mo'er said, "what's the matter with you, husband?"

"We have a good time here. I'll go back now." Tang Longdao.

Gongsun Mo'er said, "wait a moment. I'll go to the training room and come when you're ready."

"Good!" Tang Long agreed.

He waited less than five minutes, and Gongsun Mo'er's voice sounded in his heart again. Gongsun Mo'er was ready.

At this time, Tang Long summoned the door of wisdom between him and Gongsun Mo'er and appeared in front of him.

At this time, in this inn, Zhong Li Xueyan had gone through some careful dressing up again, and then left the inn alone and returned to the Tang mansion.

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