Originally, the hell devil lion diffused a thick dead gas, and also emitted a light radiating energy, but at this time the dead gas has been quenched and completely disappeared.

The radiant energy has also been transformed into the energy of purple and gold light.

What's more, the hell demon lion was originally blood red, but at this time it was also changed. The blood red went down and turned into purplish red.

Hell demon lion's body, also always covered with a layer of strange, purple red flame!

This purple flame does not contain any trace of temperature, and there is a faint golden Rune flickering in it, as if there are ethereal spots of light in the purplish red flame, which looks very mysterious.


The hell demon lion roared at Tang long, the voice was earth shaking, which actually contained the powerful sound wave concussion power, and even contained the power of thunder, so that Tang Long's whole person was suddenly for a while!

"What a powerful force of sound waves

Tang long looked at the devil lion in front of him and was surprised again.

He knew that the fighting power of the hell lion was much stronger than that of him, because he could see that the hell demon lion had no hostility to him.

The roar of the hell demon lion just now was obviously relaxed in his heart, and he did it at will. It actually contained such a powerful power!

The most important thing is, originally this hell demon lion body does not contain the breath of life.

But now the hell demon lion, the breath of its body has also contained some breath of life, which is very similar to the life breath of generals and ministers.

Tang long looked at his generals and said with a smile, "are you satisfied with the condition of the hell demon lion now?"

"Satisfied, so satisfied!" The general was as happy as a child, and then he was in a flash, and instantly appeared on the back of the hell demon lion: "in the city of genius, there will be a place for the hell devil lion!"

"You boy, don't play too hard for me in the city of genius. Don't destroy my affairs. You should make the Tang Dynasty smoothly transformed according to what I said." Tang Long glared at the generals and ministers, and told him, "when I come back, if you mess up, I have to deal with you!"

"Hey, hey The general scratched his head: "boss, don't worry. When you return to the city of genius, you will be very satisfied."

Tang Long said: "OK, the hell demon lion's problem has been solved, you go to be busy with your own."


The general agreed and took the hell lion away.

Tang Long himself went to Madison city to see what kind of Medivh Cheng has become.

At this time, the change of madiven city is really very big. Under the efforts of Dongfang binger and dark linghuangyou night, the city of madiven at this time has completely lost its original appearance.

The Lord's house of Medivh has been rebuilt into an extremely magnificent palace.

Even if this palace is compared with the largest palace of Qingyun Zong that Tang Long has seen before, it is absolutely the same.

Moreover, in the distance opposite the palace, there is a very high tower building, which is exactly the new Danshi tower of Tang clan!

At this time, Danshi League of Tangmen had moved to Danshi tower.

Of course, the construction of Danshi pagoda is also extremely magnificent. It depicts all kinds of mysterious ancient runes, and it also has a strong defensive border.

Youye and Dongfang bing'er accompany Tang Long here and turn around the city Lord's house of madiwen city. Until evening, Tang Long is about to take Youye and Dongfang binger back to "clean up" them. However, something suddenly comes to mind.

He looked at the dark night and asked, "have all the people of Wen family moved here now?"

"Moved here." You night said: "the whole Danshi League, all the people have moved here, of course, the people of the Wenren family have moved here. Their family has built a manor not far away from Danshi tower, as the place where the family lives."

Tang Long said: "let's go to Wenren's family and I'll look for Yuzhu."

"Good!" You night nodded, and Oriental binger together, accompanied Tang long to hear the family.

The person in charge of Wen Ren's family is Yuzhu.

Although wenrenyuzhu is an absolute younger generation in Wenren family, its strength is very strong in Wenren family.

And the spirit of Yuzhu is the strongest in Wenren family!

What's more, there is Li Dahan behind the rain bamboo!

So at this time, the whole Wenren family, wenrenyuzhu, was actually the real controller, and even the whole Tangmen Danshi League was already in charge of Wenren Yuzhu.

Oriental binger and Youye with Tang long, in the living room of Wen Ren's family, saw the rain bamboo of Wen Ren.

Yuzhu was obviously surprised by the arrival of Tang long.

She looked at Tang Long and asked curiously, "young master, do you come to see me today, is there anything important?"Tang Long laughed and said, "there are two things. The first thing is, I sealed a lot of chaotic sky fire, which I handed over to Ziyi. You are responsible for selecting the strongest Danshi in Danshi League, and select 500 people to be specially responsible for refining high-quality spiritual elixir!"

"Good!" Smell person rain bamboo nodded: "this matter purple madam already sent to come to say with me, I am preparing."

Tang Long nodded: "the second thing, I need to know, I asked you to study the blood demon pill, how is this going?"

Hearing this, Yu Zhu said: "I'm going to report to you about this matter. We have basically studied the pharmacological composition of the blood demon pill. We have also studied the blood Demon power contained in it, and are working hard to study the antidote!"

"How long will the antidote be worked out?" Tang Long asked.

At present, he is very concerned about the blood evil pill. After all, he is very clear that once the war between the blood god temple and the whole world starts, the outbreak of the blood evil pill will be a major means to create chaos in the blood god hall!

He had to figure out a solution ahead of time.

Yuzhu said: "I estimate that in another month, the antidote of the blood evil pill can be studied. At that time, the problems that people who take the blood evil pill will have to be solved basically."

After a pause, she hesitated: "just..."

"Just what?" Tang Long asked.

Hearing this, Yu Zhu said helplessly: "although the antidote of the blood evil pill we studied can dissolve the effect of the blood evil pill, it will also cause certain degree of damage to the martial arts who take the antidote!"

"What harm?" Tang Long asked.

Yuzhu said: "it will make their strength disappear completely for a period of time. The disappearance time is almost half a year. After half a year, their strength will gradually recover. During this period of time, the blood Demon power left on them by the blood demon pill will completely disappear, and will not cause any impact on them."

Tang Long frowned: "half a year to recover, there is no other way?"

"No!" Hearing this, Yu Zhu said: "we use the method of thoroughly dissolving the vitality to dissolve the blood evil power in the blood evil pill. We have obtained the result that the blood evil power of the people taking the blood evil pill is attached to the warrior through the blood evil pill, and will not be integrated into the Dan yuan of the martial arts cultivation. Therefore, we thoroughly remove the vitality of these martial arts, and at the same time protect and protect them Seal their Dan yuan. After a period of time, the power of blood demons on them will disappear, and their vitality will gradually recover through the Dan yuan they have cultivated. The power of blood demons that they should get from taking blood demon pills will disappear completely and will not be restored again. In this way, the danger caused by the power of blood demons will be completely solved for those who take the blood demon pill! "

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