Most of the martial arts practitioners in Gaofu, including Gaofu, who had taken the blood of the star God, suddenly felt the pain in their head and heart.

The power of the devil broke out on them, making them all feel that they are being used a long knife to tear their hearts!

That kind of pain, let their eyes are bursts of black!

Even if they get together, it is extremely difficult for them to get together. One by one, they fall down on the ground, and the pain is distorted!

Without these people's attacks, the situation of strong giant's side suddenly improved a lot.

"I'll deal with you later!" Strong Qingtian glanced at the soldiers who fell to the ground and looked around for the trace of Tang long. However, he couldn't find it at all!

"Son of a bitch, where the hell is he?"

If he didn't find Tang long, lie Qingtian was very angry. He knew that Tang Long was hiding behind the high crack for a short time just now and ran away!

"By the way, I have received news before. He seems to have learned the art of earth hiding. Bad!"

At this time, strong Qingtian also remembered his own time ago. After some investigation on Tang long, he knew that Tang long had gone to Tianjiao feast before, and he got the skill of escaping from the earth.

"He must have taken advantage of the moment just now, using the art of earth escape to escape!"

Strong sky guess, busy with divine sense to explore the situation under the ground, but exploration for a long time, but did not find where Tang long in the heart more and more depressed.

He came here mainly to kill Tang Long!

He obviously failed again!

At this time, the fighting here has become more and more fierce.

The warriors of the big families invited by Gao Fu and those arranged by lie Qingtian have already launched a fierce battle. At this time, the two sides of the fierce battle seem to be evenly matched, and neither side can take the initiative.

"I didn't expect that the Gaofu invited so many people to come here this time!" Strong Qingtian glanced at the battle situation in front of him, and his heart was also very depressed.

He thought that if he sent so many people here, he could easily control the situation here.

However, I didn't expect that Gao Fu sent so many strong men to come.

"It's all the damned Tang Long who has discovered the secret of the spirit insects in the blood of the star God, which makes me in the present situation!"

"Now, there are so many family members in the blood temple. If they are allowed to go back, they will surely publicize what kind of wizard I am. Even if some people don't believe that I am a wizard, they will try to catch me for the sake of my star blood and my secret."

"It seems that I have to do it!"

Strong Qingtian eye, showing a touch of ice cold to kill the machine, the hands suddenly closed, rapid change fingerprints.

With the change of his fingerprints, the dark energy burst out more and more fiercely on him.

The dark energy gathered the power of the blood demon, sweeping and tumbling around him.

In a short period of time, the powerful blood and red energy was condensed on him and turned into an extremely fierce ancient evil devil. The height of the ancient evil devil was more than 1000 meters!

In the fierce devil's eyes, there was a flash of black and red light.

What's more, an extremely cold momentum broke out from the fierce devil and spread out tens of thousands of meters. Suddenly, within these tens of thousands of meters, all the warriors who can burst out black energy have a huge increase in their combat power!

And these people, one by one in the eyes of the eyes, are a little crazy up!

This is caused by the momentum of strong giant body!

The power of the devil's father!


The thunderous roar of the sky sounded, and the bones of those who broke out of the devil's power began to crack!

The dark energy swirled and swept over their bodies, integrating the power of blood demons, so that their momentum at this time was greatly improved, and the power of vitality was also greatly improved.

What's more, their appearance is beginning to change.

Even at this time, even before the fall on the ground, such as high crack, are actually standing up, eyes full of a kind of people's fear of crazy killing!

On their bodies, the murderous spirit erupted madly, and they launched a fierce attack on those warriors who had no dark energy around them!

Their attack at this time, it has become a little crazy.

And their appearance one by one, are also completely changed, all into a head of human wolf, human bear, human pig!

In this way, their defense ability has been greatly improved!

Obviously, these people have all been controlled by strong giant!

In this case, strong Qingtian, the fangdun, has taken the initiative, and the powerful members of the blood god temple families who will attack us are constantly retreating from the bombardment!In the distance, there are some warriors flying over!

These people are also those invited by the high-level military men. They didn't intend to show up at first, because they thought that those people just now had enough control over the whole situation.

However, I didn't expect that strong Qingtian actually used mysterious means to control some people in Gaofu.

And what they didn't expect was that strong giant was here and arranged so many powerful people.

They know that if they and others do not immediately go to support, strong Qingtian's people will certainly let the high government's people suffer heavy losses.

In the consideration of some interests, and the things in front of strong Qingtian are obviously of great importance, so they also know that they must go all out to catch strong Qingtian first!

What's more, they are also interested in the secret of strong sky.

They were invited to come here by the martial artists of Gaofu. They all listened to the people of Gaofu. After this event, if they want, they can get the blood of the star God, and they can also get a big secret.

Now, of course, they don't dare to get star blood again.

High house said the major secret, they have also seen some clues at this time, the secret is obviously in the body of strong Qingtian.

At this time, there are, in the distance, some people are quietly approaching this side.

There are three groups of them.

Among these three groups of people, the weakest one is Gao Yang Mo Feng. He has brought some people from the blood Temple talent college. They come here mainly to listen to Tang Long and want to see the excitement.

If Tang Long is in danger, they will come out to see if they can save Tang Long with their own identities.

Of course, they brought some strong people.

However, among the strong men they brought, the most powerful was the emperor's peak.

They thought that the people at the top of the emperor could solve all the problems here.

But now they know that their judgment is obviously wrong!

The second wave of the three groups of people is the people brought by Feng Ling and Mu Han. Basically, he brings people from his own family. Of course, there are still some high-level people in the blood god temple.

The third wave is Dongguo wolf!

Dongguo wolf was not very surprised by the situation in front of him.

After all, before he came here, Tang long had already told him the basic information of the plan, and even some information about lie Qingtian. Tang Long also told him through Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!