Next, Gao Tianye didn't say much. He sat down not far away from permanganate and potassium permanganate. He didn't immediately enter the cultivation state, but took out two healing elixirs.

He seems to be very confident about permanganate and potassium permanganate, but in fact, he is also a little nervous.

After all, it was the high fission that attacked permanganate and potassium.

At this time, Gao Tianye is also worried that a bad strong giant will run here, or that strong Qingtian has a way to control the spirit insects on permanganate and potassium permanganate. In that case, even at the bottom of the pool, it is no longer safe.

Permanganate and high manganese potassium at this time in the heart are very complex, know the thing of the soul Gu insect, quietly look at Gao Tianye, the bottom of my heart is cold!

They know that the two of them are obviously the absolute victims of this plan!

It's a fluke to be alive now!

They are very devoted to Gaofu and extremely loyal to Gao Tianye. However, the result at this time is

Above the pool, high above, the fighting continued.

After all the soldiers ambushed around Gao Fu came out, lie Qingtian finally fell into an absolutely passive situation.

The most important thing is that there are five strong people in Gaofu. They have united together to deal with lie Qingtian. They have completely surrounded him and blocked his retreat from all directions.

Although lie Qingtian can use the blood shadow skill, three of these five warriors can exert their basic power of space!

They all know some magical skills of space law and understand a little space law.

Although their understanding of the law of space is not deep enough, they can barely use the means of space solidification. Even if the strong giant explodes, they can not escape from the control of their three ancestors.

At this time, strong Qingtian has been in an absolutely dangerous situation.

Next to him, some of the warriors arranged by lie Qingtian, as well as those in Gaofu under his control, although they were all rushing to support lie Qingtian, they were all isolated by the warriors of Gaofu.

The purpose of Gao Fu Wu is obvious.

Strong Qingtian brought people, they do not care, now even if the strong Qingtian people one by one to escape, they do not care.

Their purpose is only one, that is to kill strong Qingtian!

On lie Qingtian, the dark energy combines the power of blood demon and the power of stars, and constantly bursts out. In the black and red energy, lie Qingtian's appearance has undergone terrible changes.

At this time, his pupils were purple and black, flashing purple and black light, and purple black scales appeared all over his body.

What's more, there are pieces of cuticle on his face!

His body, in the purple and black wind around, it seems to be a lot of tall, the whole person is extremely fierce, face is incomparably ferocious!

In this case, his combat power has also been greatly improved.

But in any case, his own strength is still limited, even the realm of the emperor has not reached.

Although he has the power of demons, it is impossible for him to deal with the strong in the five ancestral regions.

Although lie Qingtian's body method is extremely strange, and with the help of the blood shadow skill, he can continue to explode and disappear, and then condense again. It seems that he can't be killed. But with the passage of time, the momentum of his body also began to gradually weaken.

Obviously, if it goes on like this, he won't last long!

All of a sudden, in the earth and sky that constantly sounded in the roar of the sky, in the moment of strong Qingtian's body burst to pieces in a place and re condensed, behind him a figure of strange rapid flash!

This man was the sixth strong man to attack his ancestral land.

Moreover, the strength of this man has reached the level of four levels of ancestral realm.

In the face of such a strong man behind the attack, strong Qingtian simply can not resist, what's more, he even has no time to resist at this time. He is directly bombarded on the back by the warrior with a fierce blow, and immediately spurts a mouthful of blood and is seriously injured!

This internal injury, but also let strong giant make a decision!

He knew that he had to make a decision now, or he would die here today!


Strong giant endure the internal injury, suddenly a thunderous roar, on his body, mysterious blood red rune, contains strange dark, suddenly crazy burst out.

And with the sound of his roar, half of the warriors he brought along also roared with him, and their bodies were full of strange blood red runes.

Even on these warriors, there are many terrible cracks!

A breath of terror spreads from these warriors. Among these people who have undergone strange changes, there are actually two strong people in the ancestral realm brought by strong giant.In these people, the bones are clacking, the body has undergone a terrible change, and in front of them, there has been a small space, has been a strange twist.

Then in this twisted space, the extremely powerful breath of death and destruction, full of infinite killing intention, suddenly burst out!


The thunderous roar erupted from these twisted spaces.

Then, a head of extremely large, extremely fierce long, height more than 100 meters of magic emperor, are out of these spaces.

Even among them, there are several top demon emperors!

The fighting power of these top demon emperors is super strong. Even if they are facing the strongmen in the ancestral realm, or even the strong ones in the ancestral realm, they are not afraid at all. They directly attack the warriors of these ancestral regions and fiercely attack the past!

In this sudden situation, some of the soldiers in Gaofu who were unable to defend themselves were bombarded and flew back.

At this time, these demon emperors and the peak demon emperors, but all together, toward the besieged strong Qingtian, even around the strong Qingtian, there have been five demon emperors.

Although the five heads of the devil emperor's combat power can not reach the level of the peak devil emperor, it also helps lie Qingtian to block the attack of several powerful people in the surrounding ancestral territory.

The attack of several strong people in ancestral territory was blocked, and they were about to rush towards the strong sky again, but suddenly felt that an extremely fierce breath had already attacked them crazily.

Several people are in the heart is a cry is not good.

In the face of the attacks from the surrounding demons or the top demons, even they dare not completely ignore them.

One by one, they all turn around in a hurry to deal with the devil emperor or the top devil emperor who rushes over.

At this time, the strong sky, is in their encirclement circle, suddenly again exploded, turned into a rolling purple black fog, swept by the fierce wind, and fled towards the distance!

In the chaos of the strong wind, he escaped tens of meters, suddenly in the direction of his front, a strong momentum towards him, and these momentum, the air completely locked him!

"No, there are still people!"

Strong giant at this time, the heart is also shocked.

Although the number of high-ranking soldiers who came here and their combat effectiveness have completely exceeded his judgment, making him lose control of the situation here today, he feels that he can at least escape.

But I didn't expect to see so many people coming out again.

These people are the Dongguo wolf, and the people brought by the wolf!

"Take down all these witches for me. If anyone dares to resist, kill me!" The wolf of Dongguo roared, give orders.

He brought more than a dozen people, already separated around this, are paying close attention to strong Qingtian.

At this time, these people are rushing towards the strong sky together.

"It's not so easy to kill me!"

Lie Qingtian snorted coldly, and then the warriors he brought were all roaring with it.

We can see that with the sound of these roars, those who are called out of the peak of the devil emperor, all together from all directions, toward the strong sky that side of the wild to the extreme rushed past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!