The strong gas shock wave sweeps the fierce momentum, bombards in all directions unceasingly to go out, will the square circle tens of thousands of meters the mountain peak, is the bombardment explosion!

So many fierce fighting warriors were bombarded in all directions by the momentum of the magic emperor's self explosion.

In those places where the devil emperor exploded, the space in that area was also constantly fragmented, and the space in many places was seriously distorted.

In this seriously distorted space, strange blood runes fly out of the seriously distorted space, which contains powerful energy.

This powerful energy is also the power of blood demons.

Obviously, there is a secret in that twisted space.

The power of blood demons burst out of this twisted space, and the powerful shock wave generated by it is even more powerful than those generated by the demon emperor's self explosion just now!

This powerful and extremely powerful shock wave spread in all directions, and they all flew back hundreds of meters!

Around the four sides, within kilometers, the mountains have been bombarded to pieces!

Originally, the big and deep pool not far from the cliff, at this time, the whole pool was exploded by bombardment, and the pool water was swept with gravel all over the sky, swept by the powerful momentum, and flew out in all directions!

Even in such a deep pool, the water at the bottom of the pool is exploded by strong gas, which is also bombarded by Gao Tianye, permanganate and high manganese potassium hiding under the water.


Three people are unable to prevent, by the powerful force bombardment of a mouth of blood, was swept up by the pool, toward the side of the fly out!

Tang Long was tens of thousands of meters away from the war.

Of course, he was still hiding under the ground, only to see what was happening.

He tried his best to catch his breath and was trying to explore the situation around him. However, at this time, under the sweeping of a powerful blast wave just now, he could not find out the specific situation of the war situation there.

After a long time, the strength of the shock wave finally passed.

Tang Long hastened to use the sea area, again to explore the situation there, but completely can not find the breath of strong Qingtian!

"It was so chaotic just now. Yilie Qingtian's ability must be able to escape What was that dark creature on him, the king of demons or what? How could the devil power he cultivated be so powerful... "

"If you miss this time, it will be more difficult to kill lie Qingtian. But from now on, he should not be able to stay in the blood temple. He summoned the demon emperor in front of these people. The news will spread quickly in the blood temple."

Tang long thought secretly.

At this time, Tang long already felt that there was a breath of blood devil power containing the devil's power, and rushed away towards the distance.

He knew that those who had the power of demons were those brought by strong giant.

These people, brought by strong giant, took advantage of the chaos brought about by the powerful impact of the space. They all fled directly and flew far away in a twinkling of an eye.

Tang long, of course, can't stop the strong giant at this moment. After all, his strength is still far from the strong among those people.

"It seems that this battle is finally over. However, I can still accept such a result. After all, so many people have seen the mutation of strong giant!"

"After going back to the high-level temple, there will be a lot of blood involved in the investigation, and even the blood of the gods will be harmed."

"And by that time, I had already left the city of genius!"

Tang long thought about the situation of the blood temple after this event, and even felt a little proud.

After all, it is obvious that he can cure the trouble of the spirit insects, but at that time he will disappear directly. Then, those who have been killed in the blood god Hall of the spirit insects will be regarded as dangerous objects!

Even in these people, there must be many people with devil power!

How can such people be allowed to exist in the blood temple?!

"These people will be temporarily controlled by the blood temple, at least they will not be allowed to move freely. In this way, the blood temple should be in chaos for a while, at least the time for attacking the great world will be hindered."

Tang Long knows that his goal this time is also achieved.

Moreover, he was sure that the people in the blood Temple cooperating with lie Qingtian were not only Gao Tianye, but not only Gaofu family, but also many families.

"What will be the reaction of those families who have cooperated with lie Qingtian when they know the truth about the blood of the star God?"

"How will those super big men in the blood Temple react to you?""Let you go to chaos, I just seize the time to go to Xuanji Hongmeng cave to practice and improve my strength to cope with the coming war!"

Tang Long gently breathed a breath, flew up into the sky and looked at the place of the previous war!

The last powerful shock wave of the war there was produced by a powerful seal prohibition in space layout, which was smashed by forced bombardment!

At this time, the seal prohibition disappeared, and there was already a door of space above the air.

It was a blood red, more than five meters in diameter.

Tang long looked at the gate of space from a distance, and thought to himself: "the ancient ruins found here by the martial artists of Gaofu should be in the door of that space. This is good. The prohibition of the door of space is smashed directly, and the door of space is revealed, so as to avoid the trouble of looking for it!"

At this time, the remaining warriors of Gaofu and the people brought by Dongguo wolf had gathered towards the place where the gate of space was.

Even some people in the far sky are flying that way.

These people are brought by the wind Ling Mu Han, as well as the people brought by Gao Yang Mo Feng!

So many people, at this time, their attention is focused on the door of the space, strong Qingtian is to escape, now exactly where they have gone, they have completely ignored.

After all, as long as you give him a little chance, as long as you run away, it's extremely difficult to grasp them again!

Instead of making useless efforts, it is better to focus on the site in front of you.

Tang Long flew to this side quickly, and soon appeared in front of them.

At this time, Gao Tianye and permanganate potassium permanganate, have also stood up not far away, a pale face toward this side.

When Tang Long saw the wolf, he also made a very surprised look. He said respectfully, "I didn't expect that master Dongguo was here. It's a coincidence. I'm very polite to you!"

With that, he saluted the wolf.

Dongguo wolf is also a very surprised look, looking at Tang Long curiously: "how do you also here?"

Tang Long scratched his head and said with a smile, "you have to ask elder brother Gao about this matter!" Say, turn head to look not far away, just see Gao Tianye a few people, toward this side walked over.

In addition, some of the warriors in Gaofu are also coming this way.

Gao Tianye, of course, has seen Tang long at this time. Seeing that Tang Long is not dead, he is completely relieved. Seeing Tang Long's appearance at this time is obviously safe and sound, and he also has some envy in his heart.

He was seriously injured here, but Tang Long was intact!

Dongguo wolf has already looked at Gao Tianye and asked, "what's going on here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!