"Tianhua Hengshan? What is he doing here at this time? " Tang Long frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of a thing: "Oh, Shuya has been in our house, this matter I have forgotten!"

Zhong Li Xueyan looked at Tang Long with a smile and said, "don't worry, I've dealt with this matter well."

"Done?" Tang Long was surprised to see Zhong Li Xueyan: "how do you deal with this matter? Did she go back to the dantai family? "

Zhong Li Xueyan shook her head: "she's in a bad mood recently. She doesn't want to go back to her family. She said that the cooperative relationship between Tang Fu and Zhong Li's family has been confirmed. It's not very important that she doesn't go back next. She wants to go out for relaxation, but she doesn't know where to go!"

Tang Long asked, "what do you say?"

Clock from the snow flue: "I let her go to the enchanting land."

The Youmei continent is controlled by Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er, which is the land where natural disasters often occur. According to Tang Long's plan, after the mystery of Hongmeng cave is over, they will go to the Youmei continent to have a look.

Tang Long asked, "you let Shuya go to the enchanting land alone?"

"No Zhong Li Xuefeng: "after all, there will always be unknown dangers in the enchanting land. I dare not let her pass easily. I said that if she wants, she can go there and wait for us in a city. When we are finished, we will go to the enchanting land together."

"It's ok if we go together." Tang long felt that it didn't matter.

The main reason is that dantai Shuya knows some of his secrets, and he doesn't want these secrets to be spread out.

At least for now, he doesn't want those secrets to be known to more people in the blood temple.

Dan Tai Shuya has been with them all the time, so he can feel more at ease.

He asked Zhong Li Xuefeng: "we have made it clear what we have told our generals and ministers. We must attach great importance to our cooperation with Dongguo wild wolf. This is our most powerful chip against Gao Fu. After I leave, Dongguo wild wolf will be the best shield of Tangfu, the city of genius."

"I know. I told him about it." The bell leaves the snow flue.

At this time, Tang long had a piece of paper in his hand.

He handed the paper to Zhong Li Xueyan: "you can give it to the generals. It is the prescription of all the herbs needed to relieve the spirit insects. Although this treatment will be much slower, it can also be used."

This paper describes the method of treating the spirit insects, which he tried to come up with during this period of time.

There is no Huang Quan Shen Zhen, and ordinary needles can replace it.

After a pause, Tang long looked at Zhong Li Xueyan and told him, "tell the generals that if the high level of the blood god temple doesn't come to embarrass him, he won't take this paper out. He can use Mr. Dongguo's power to develop well."

Zhong Li Xueyan nodded and took the paper handed to her by Tang long.

"Well, now let's meet Gao Tianye. He will be very surprised to see me suddenly appear." Tang Long said with a smile. He stopped and asked Zhong Li Xue flue: "Mo'er didn't tell Gao Tianye that I came back?"

"No Zhong Li Xueyan at this time, a beautiful smile appeared on her pretty face: "when Gao Tianye came, she looked dejected. Mo'er and I pretended to know nothing, even we didn't ask about you!"

"This is the best!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction: "don't mention it. Let's see how he can tell me what happened to me. He is a man who values interests most. In fact, you Zhongli family and Gongsun family value it very much. Qingtian has an accident. This will make him pay more attention to your family. He must not know how to tell you about my disappearance in the ancient ruins, I guess, maybe he hasn't dared to mention it to Mo'er now! "

Zhong Li Xueyan nodded, his hands closed, and he untied the isolation of the cultivation room.

Then she took her slender jade hand to Tang Long's palm, and they soon walked into the living room of Tang mansion, the city of genius.

In the living room, the atmosphere seemed a little dull.

Gao Tianye and Tianhua Hengshan are chatting with Gongsun Mo'er when they have nothing to talk about. Gongsun Mo'er looks very casual, even absent-minded.

Gao Tianye reluctantly chats a few words, is thinking about how to tell Tang Long's accident, but suddenly sees that Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan walk into the living room hand in hand.

Suddenly Gao Tianye's eyes widened!

Gao Tianye stood behind the permanganate and potassium permanganate, two people at this time is also a face of disbelief, straight staring at Tang long, think they are wrong!

The eyes of Tianhua Hengshan also widened.

He had heard Gao Tianye say that Tang Long was missing. I'm afraid something had happened. He was also a little gloomy in his heart, and he was sure that Gao Tianye's words would not be wrong.

Even in his heart, he has made various plans for the things after Tang Long's accident.

However, he did not expect that at this moment, Tang Long actually came out, and Tang long looked completely intact and damaged!"This, this, this..."

Tianhua Hengshan glared at Tang Long and could not speak for a moment.

Gao Tianye stands up in surprise!

He was staring at Tang Long for a long time. "Tang long, how did you come back? When did you come back? "

Tang long looked at Gao Tianye's astonished appearance and said in a somewhat baffled way: "brother Gao, what are you staring at me like this? You've all come back. Of course I want to come back!"

"But But... " Gao Tianye stares at Tang long in disbelief: "but in that ruins, we searched all over the place, did not find you!"

Tang Long quipped his lips: "are you surprised at this?"

"Shouldn't you be surprised?" Gao Tianye's voice dropped and urged him to ask, "tell me, how did you come back?"

"Of course I came back safely, brother Gao. Do you want me to have an accident?" Tang Long was a little unhappy and said, "but I almost can't come back!"

"What's going on?" Gao Tianye asked in a hurry.

Tang Long said, "it's a long story. We have to start with the ruins."

"Tell me, then." Gao Tianye road.

Tang Long said: "I lost myself in a passage of the ruins together with master Dongguo and some martial artists in your high mansion. Then I went to a strange place where I met many strange monsters."

"Monster? What monster? " Tianhua asked curiously.

Tang Long said: "these monsters are tall black bears with a pig's head. They look very clumsy, but they have strong fighting power. I was surrounded and almost killed!"

"And then?" Gao Tianye asked.

Tang Long said: "then I took out a runkong Fu, crushed it, and came back directly!"

"Escape from emptiness?" Gao Tianye stares at Tang Long with disbelief: "how can you have the escape talisman leading to the city of genius?"

Tang long curled his mouth and continued to say: "you forget that I used to be in the devil's Owl palace. At the beginning, lieqingtian was nice to me. Before I helped him, he gave me an escape Rune leading to the demon lord's palace, and was about to use it!"

"That's it Gao Tianye nodded clearly.

Tang Long laughed and looked at Gao Tianye and asked, "elder brother Gao, you must have gained a lot in the ruins this time, right? What good things have you got? "

"There are some gains, but not much." Gao Tianye describes the light way.

In fact, he really gained something in this trip. He got two kinds of natural treasures to enhance his strength, but at this time, he didn't want to talk about it.

He had a grim plan in mind.

Looking at Tang long, he looked very happy and said, "it's ok if you come back. I've been worried about you these days. Moreover, two thirds of the people who went to the site this time in Gaofu haven't come back. They are still looking for you there."

"Then let them come back!" Tang Long said: "I've all come back. They're looking there. They can't find me."

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