At this time, Tan Tai Shuya also felt that the affairs here were probably arranged by the high government.

There has been an accident in the city of genius over there. The man Wolves of lie Qingtian lent them to the people of Gaofu. Now the people of Gaofu, of course, hope that they can borrow the people of strong Qingtian to deal with the people of the sky burial family!

In this way, the high house has no loss. It can let lie Qingtian's reserved strength in the blood demon world fight with the sky burial family, which will make the man wolf of lie Qingtian suffer a great blow, and at the same time, it can also make the sky burial family suffer heavy damage.

This is obviously a way to kill two birds with one stone!

And then, if the warriors of the high government make further arrangements to report to the blood temple, saying that they have found manwolves here, and then kill these wolves on the way back, wouldn't they do a great job in the blood temple!

Even have the opportunity to indirectly give the Gaoyang family a favor!

Dan Tai Shuya thought of this, but also had to admire the high government's action this time, this plan is simply a loss in many ways, only his family profits!

She looked at Tang Dou and said, "what shall we do?"

Tang Dou thought for a moment and said, "our purpose is only for the blood emperor's palace. The struggle between these families has nothing to do with us. I don't want to get involved in these things. So what we have to do is to get to the celestial burial family safely."

After a pause, he looked at the dantai, and said in a deep voice: "so many wolves appear here. If it is only to stop Dan, the purpose is too simple!"

"What do you mean?" Dan Tai Shuya looks at Tang Dou.

In Tang Dou's eyes, there was a sharp light: "it is likely that someone would like to take advantage of the weakest strength of the celestial burial family to come and occupy the blood emperor's palace, and then put all this on the head of man and wolf, in order to get the maximum benefit!"

After listening to Tang Dou's words, Shuya's eyes suddenly showed a shock: "do you mean that someone is going to destroy the family of celestial burial here?"

"Very likely!" Tang Dou said in a deep voice: "if so, there must be more human wolves lurking here than we have seen. However, they will not fight against the celestial burial family for the time being!"

"Why?" Dan Tai Shuya asked.

Tang Dou said: "it is obvious that although some people in the family of celestial burial are seriously injured and poisoned, they are not at the most dangerous time. These people are waiting for the best opportunity. At the same time, they should completely block the news here. Otherwise, the battle of the family of celestial burial will explode."

After a pause, he continued: "besides, there must be ghosts in the family of celestial burial."

After listening to Tang Dou's words, she felt that Tang Dou's idea was very reasonable.

Tang Dou thought for a moment and looked at Dan Tai. Shuya asked, "how many roads are there from here to the celestial burial family?"

"There are three normal routes!" Dan Tai Shuya said: "but mainly to the front of the city of Linfeng!"

Tang Dou pondered and said: "it seems that the city of Linfeng should be safe. The city must always be controlled by the people of the sky burial family. The human wolves will not go to scare the snake. They must be lying in ambush outside waiting for the news of the inner ghost and waiting for the best opportunity. Therefore, I think that the people of the sky burial family still don't know that their family's crisis has been discovered by others."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "such important news about the family of celestial burial was actually known by outsiders. I believe that there must have been major problems within the family of celestial burial. Moreover, the troubles in the family of celestial burial must be more serious than what you and I know!"

"Not bad!" Dan Tai Shuya still agrees with Tang Dou's inference, looks at him and asks, "what do we do now?"

Tang Dou's eyes, showing a sharp light, looking at Dan Tai, Shuya said: "we now have two roads, either return, or through the blockade line of man and wolf in front, continue to go to the family of celestial burial!"

After a pause, he looked at Dan Tai Shuya and said solemnly, "do you want to go back?"

"What about you?" she asked

Of course, I'm not sure about that After a pause, she looked at Dan Tai and said, "but the front is too dangerous, and it may be even more dangerous next time. So, I hope you'd better go back!"

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Dou and said seriously, "if you go back, I will go back. If you don't go back, I will go with you."

Tang Dou hesitated slightly and finally made a decision: "in this case, you have to listen to me!"

"I always listen to you." The sound became softer and softer.

Hearing this, Tang Dou couldn't help but jump in his heart and pretended to be casual: "in this case, you'd better go and dress up now. Be quick, don't be so beautiful!"


Dantai Shuya gently answered, and when she heard Tang Dou's beautiful words, she felt a little happy, and her pretty face turned red.

She turned her head, looked around, and then went to a hidden place not far away.

Tang Dou is here, still cautiously staring at the battle situation in the air ahead.The fighting there is always fierce!

The power of blood demons is constantly roaring in the sky and spreading in all directions. Even if it is tangdou, they are already howling in the wind.

At this time, she was dressed up as a young warrior in her early thirties. Her face was blackened. Although she looked pretty, she lacked the elegance.

Tang Dou looked at her like this, but also quite satisfied.

"That's OK. Let's wait a moment. We'll go there when we have a chance." Tang Dou said in a deep voice.

"Don't we take a detour?" she hesitated

"No detour!" Tang Dou said: "I think that's right. On the way from the front to Linfeng City, there must be a lot of people in ambush. We can't get around it if we want to."

"So it is." Dan Tai Shuya nodded and asked, "how can we safely reach Linfeng city?"

Tang Dou said, "wait for the chance!"

His voice dropped, followed by a surprise in his eyes: "really did not expect, the opportunity so soon, fast, convergence breath, do not let people find out!"


Dan Tai Shuya gently answered, and Tang Dou and Tang Dou quietly fell down together, trying to restrain their breath.

After a while, she found out that there were more than a dozen strong breath coming from the distance behind them, and among them, it was obvious that someone had used mental power!

"The God of Dan has come again. Maybe they came to help the family of celestial burial. Moreover, the strength of these people is very strong, much stronger than the three before!"

Dan Tai Shuya whispered beside Tang Dou.

Tang Dou said with a smile: "this is completely in my expectation. I just didn't expect that there will be a chance for us to implement the plan so soon. We are waiting. The people who come here just can take advantage of it."

"Yes." Dan Tai Shuya answered softly.

She didn't know Tang Dou's current plan, but she felt that he would succeed.

At this time, her heart is always very happy, she found that Tang Dou is really smart, and Tang Dou is obviously not that greedy, simple minded person.

This coincides with some conjectures in her mind during this period.

The people who flew from behind them obviously found the war that was unfolding in front of them, and these people also found that there were man wolves in the front of them.

All of a sudden these people will speed up, toward that side of the fast fly past.

But when they were flying over there, when they were about to fly over the natural lake, the lake suddenly had a terrible explosion!

In this explosion, the lake flew up towards the sky, dozens of figures flew out of the lake, and killed those soldiers fiercely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!