"Take a rest and let you know when I get back." Tang doudao.

At this time, dantai Shuya's internal injury has been basically stabilized, and there will be no major danger. Of course, Tang Dou has to go to the valley to pick up the magic medicine of the bloody purple flower.

This is a magic medicine that can enhance the strength, even if it is just growing out, it is extremely rare.

Dan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Dou and said, "you go, be careful."

Tang Dou was still very cautious. He explored the surrounding conditions and found no abnormality. He was relieved. However, he summoned the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman to protect dantai Shuya.

Then he headed for the valley.

This time, there was no danger again. He picked the bloody purple flowers smoothly.

This bloody purple flower looks not small, but its petals are very thin. Tang Dou estimates that it is very difficult for such a large flower to refine two miraculous elixirs.

First of all, he collected the flower into the flag.

Then, he turned his head and looked around. His body flashed. He came to a stone wall not far away. He took out his blood knife and got busy.

He soon dug a very big cave.

At the entrance of the mountain, he arranged a total of two layers of defense, and then he went to pick up Dan Tai Shuya carefully and went into the cave to open the defense boundary of the mountain entrance.

Both the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman have returned to the flag of sealing the sky.

It was already night.

The meaning of Tang Dou's heart is that he doesn't want to delay here. He hopes to reach the blood emperor's palace as soon as possible.

But at this time, Dan Tai Shuya is seriously injured. He has no choice but to delay here.

It was dark outside, and strange light red rain was still falling around.

Tang Dou took out a few moonstones and inlaid them on the surrounding walls of the cave. Suddenly, the cave became bright.

He helped dantai Shuya to treat his internal injury again. It was more than an hour later. He was already hungry at this time. He went to make some food and fed it to dantai Shuya.

Of course, he ate something himself.

After eating, he looked at Dan Tai Shuya and asked, "how do you feel now?"

"I feel a lot better." Dan Tai Shu Ya Dao.

At this time, her own heart also felt a little curious. Before the internal injury was heavy, she still felt very painful. How long has this been? After being treated by Tang Dou, she can't feel much pain now.

He looked at Tang Dou and asked, "where was the bloody Octopus before?"

"I killed him," Tang said

Then, I took a look at the bandaged wound on dantai Shuya's chest: "I'll give you a change of medicine. If there is no accident, with the help of these herbs I used and the role of the elixir I refined before, your wound will be basically healed by tomorrow morning, and if you have three days' rest, the wound will be completely closed."

The medicines he gave to dantai Shuya were extremely precious. Many of them were obtained from the herbal medicine storehouse of the celestial burial family.

With these medicinal materials, it can make the wound recovery speed of dantai Shuya much faster.

Dan Tai Shuya nodded and asked Tang Dou to change her dressing.

Tang Dou has taken out some medicinal materials, and a few elixirs. After a while of busy work, he has made a large group of medicinal mud.

Then, he changed the dressing for Tantai Shuya.

Tan Tai Shuya looks at Tang Dou's movement, and her heart suddenly jumps.

Her wound is in a very important place, which is a very valuable place for her daughter's family. If other men came to change her dressing like this, she would not agree with her in any case.

But at this time, Tang Dou came to change her dressing, and she didn't say anything.

Tang Dou didn't think about anything else. He just wanted to help dantai Shuya get rid of the internal injury quickly, so that he could make his way as soon as possible. He hoped that he would not delay too long. He still hoped that he could get to the blood emperor's palace as soon as possible.

He is very careful to Dan Tai Shuya chest place, at first he applied the medicine ball to remove, then Tang Dou is dull.

He had thought that there were still clear wounds under the pills.

But what appeared in front of him at this time was already without a trace of wound, but it was a smooth and smooth skin with perfect luster. It seemed that the chest of dantai Shuya had never been hurt before.

"Well, how could this be possible?"

Tang Dou stares at dantai Shuya's wound in disbelief.

He did not expect that Tan Tai Shuya's recovery ability was so strong that he could even compete with his eternal body's recovery ability!

Dan Tai Shuya is a little curious.

She was lying on a comfortable blanket that Tang Dou had prepared for her, and she couldn't see where she was hurt.

When she saw Tang Dou staring at her injured place, she couldn't help but ask, "Tang Dou, what's wrong?""Your wound is completely healed!" Tang Dou said, hastily will Dan Tai Shuya chest medication place, the medicinal residues are cleaned up.

In front of him, is the perfect scenery!

There were so many medicinal materials on it before, which covered the scenery, but it didn't seem anything. Now the herbs have been cleaned up. All the beauty of dantai Shuya is displayed in front of Tang Dou's eyes.

Before Dan Tai Shuya felt that his wound was no longer painful.

Now, seeing Tang Dou like this, I suddenly feel curious. I look up and my pretty face turns red.

She saw that Tang Dou was staring at her very important scenery with greed in her eyes!

"This man, it seems that I have forgotten that I still have injuries However, my injury seems to be almost good. Although the internal injury is not completely healed, it is obvious that the wound has completely disappeared, and there is no trace of injury at all. This is amazing! "

"Now that the injury is well, let him watch it if he likes to..."

In this way, Tan Tai Shuya felt her own fragrance, and her heart beat faster and faster.

And it looks like it's on fire!

She didn't say anything. She lay back quietly, closed her eyes gently and pretended she didn't know anything.

She thinks that if she doesn't look at Tang Dou, she won't be too embarrassed. If he likes to see it, he can watch it for a while. After all, all her scenery belongs to him.

After a long pause, Tang Dou finally recovered.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, he couldn't help jumping, but he finally resisted. He looked up at dantai Shuya and saw that she was closed. Although her face was flushed, she was not angry.

"She may think that I am changing her dressing, so she dare not see it. In this case, I will put some medicine on her to cover up the embarrassment, and it is also good for her internal injury..."

In this way, Tang Dou smeared the medicine ball that had been made before on the wound place of dantai Shuya.

Tan Tai Shu Yafang's heart beat faster, but no matter, let him toss.

Tang Long changed the medicine and helped it to clean up his clothes carefully.

After finishing his work, Tang Dou's heart is bound to jump, and he still has the scenery he saw before: "this kind of good demon!" He threw his head in a hurry and threw off the mess in his mind. Then he looked at Dan Tai Shuya and said, "the medicine has been changed."


Dan Tai Shuya answered, and then he opened his eyes.

She looked at Tang Dou and tried to make an appearance that she didn't know her situation at this time. She asked, "Tang Dou, how is my internal injury?"

"Well You've recovered very well. Take a night off and you should be OK tomorrow Tang Dou said, followed by a sudden thought of himself in the valley before the blood purple flowers.

He said in a hurry: "you have a rest, I'll refine the elixir, and then we'll take the elixir to practice. At that time, you can not only have a completely good internal injury, but also greatly improve your strength."

"Well." Dan Tai Shuya answered and said, "Tang Dou, I'm a little tired. I need to sleep for a while, and wake me up when you're finished."

At this time, she already knew that there were many secrets about the man. I'm afraid there were some secrets in refining the elixir.

She didn't want to embarrass him, so she didn't look and pretended to know nothing.

With a glance at Tang Dou, a deep tenderness flashed through his eyes. He closed his eyes again and quietly recovered his internal injuries. He was completely indifferent to what happened in the cave.

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