Dan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Dou's gentle and sweet smile. He was glad to see Tang Dou. He said in a drunken voice, "Tang Dou, my strength has been improved so much. It's all because of you. How can I repay you?"

Tang Dou looks at Dan Tai Shu Ya at this time, and feels that the girl suddenly seems to have become a demon!

All of a sudden, he was a little afraid of the goblin.

"We are good friends, so I don't need your reward." Tang Dou Road, immediately changed the topic: "Shuya, since your internal injury has been cured, then we'll go on our way."


Dantai Shuya agreed, and his heart was full of emotion. Suddenly, he was in Tang Dou's arms and went to Tang Dou's face for a little fragrance.

Tang Dou's head is confused, staring at Dan Tai, Shuya falls into stagnation.

He felt that the lion in his heart was about to go mad, and his whole body was burning with a raging fire, but he still held it down!

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Dou, and her pretty face was red with blood, but she gave him a relaxed look: "cluck, look at you, you don't know how to take advantage of your greedy reputation, and I don't know how you got your greedy reputation!"

Said, directly is to fly up in the air, jiaochen a voice: "still in a daze, go!"

She was in a very good mood at this time.

Just now, although Tang Dou didn't do anything to her, she had really felt the reaction of Tang Dou.

She knew that Tang Dou had a strong feeling for her.

However, Tang Dou is obviously trying to restrain himself!

She let him restrain herself, and if she couldn't, she would let him.

Tang Dou stares at Dan Tai. Shuya bites his teeth and shakes his head. He feels that the goblin is becoming more and more dangerous. He is a little tangled in his heart. He tries to suppress his chaotic mood, and then he flies up.

Just fly to Dan Tai Shuya side, Dan Tai Shuya a slender jade hand, has been sent to his hand for him to hold.

He hesitated a little, but took her hand.

Dan Tai Shuya turned his head and looked at him gently: "I have lost a lot of time. Next, I have to hurry up."

"Well." Tang Dou should a sound, run vitality, and Dan Tai Shuya together with the rapid flight forward.

While flying forward, Tan Tai Shuya asked, "by the way, I was injured so badly yesterday, why did I get well so soon? I always feel like something happened to me

"Something happened to you." Tang doudao said: "yesterday that blood red octopus is something special. In fact, it is a very strange treasure."

"Fortune and treasure? What is it? " Dan Tai Shuya asked curiously.

Tang doudao said: "it's called an ethereal pearl. It contains a strong force of space, and contains a strong vitality. Even, they have already possessed their own life and consciousness."

After a pause, Tang Dou told dantai Shuya in detail about the situation and refining of the spirit beads.

After listening to Tang Dou's words, dantai Shuya was elated again.

She looked at Tang Dou and asked expectantly, "so I should master the power of space now?"

"It should be." Tang Dou said: "however, you should not be able to use the force of space at will. At least you have to learn some means to use the force of space, and then you can be familiar with the use of the force of space, and then you can make good use of the force of space."

"Well." Dan Tai Shuya answered with joy.

She was born in the dantai family, which is an extremely powerful family in the blood demon world. She also knows something about the power of space, and she can also use the power of space.

It's a pity that she can't use the magic power of law without the energy of using the force of space.

But now, she decided to try to practice that magic power and see if she could use the power of space.

Looking at Tang Dou, Tan Tai Shuya suddenly finds that with this man, his luck suddenly becomes better, his strength can also be improved, and his mood has always been very good.

As for Tang Dou's taking advantage of her, she has 10 million yuan in mind.

Of course, she would rather die than die.

"Tang Dou, my internal injury recovery speed, is not a lot faster?" She asked suddenly, and her pretty face turned red again.

At this time, Tang Dou is flying and exploring the surrounding environment with the help of the vast sea.

He has to prevent danger from happening.

Hearing Dan Tai Shuya's question, he didn't care. He said, "your internal injury recovery speed is really amazing. This recovery ability can make you safer in the future. It must be related to the spirit of the Pearl."

"Well." Dan Tai Shuya answered, and her voice had become much lighter: "in fact, last night, when you proposed to change my dressing, I already saw that my wound had been completely healed.""Er!"

Tang Dou didn't know what to say.

After a pause, he had to say: "although your wound was healed at that time, but the internal injury is still there, so it is necessary to treat it."

"Yes, I know." Dan Tai Shuya gently said: "when changing the dressing, although you will inevitably take advantage of me, but my heart is the original intention, after this, if you want to, don't bear to..."

At this point, she is also embarrassed to say it again.

That was obvious.

Tang Dou is in a mess again. This girl, how can she tell him all these things at this time!

He is not a good man. It is very dangerous for the girl to talk like this!

However, Tang Dou still tried to restrain some of his emotions. He held down the crazy roaring lion at the bottom of his heart, but he didn't know what to say. He said, "let's fly forward quickly, hoping to reach the blood emperor's palace."

"Well." Dan Tai Shuya answered and said softly, "Tang Dou, our relationship is always a secret, OK?"

Tang Dou is a little confused.

He did not know how to answer the words of dantai Shuya.

Tan Tai Shuya doesn't want to talk about it any more. At this time, she is very satisfied with her inner thoughts. Seeing that Tang Dou has not refused, she feels that she will at least not be so hesitant and empty.

Two people fly so forward, and then Tan Tai Shuya and Tang Dou talk about other things.

At this time, Tang Dou also took the opportunity to ask dantai Shuya about the black dragon family in the blood demon world, and asked if she had ever heard of the black dragon family in the blood god temple, or who had mentioned about the dark dragon.

Dan Tai Shuya had no idea of these things.

Even, the blood demon world has the black dragon clan, she has only seen in some ancient books, the real dark dragon she did not see.

This side of the flight chat again, time flies, I see it has arrived in the afternoon.

They are flying fast forward. Suddenly, when they are flying forward, Tang Dou feels that the space in front of him is strangely distorted.

Dan Tai Shuya has the same feeling.

They had already flew into the twisted space, and all at once everything in front of them became very strange and vague.

Even the speed of their forward flight slowed down sharply.

At this time, they feel as if they are in the deep swamp. There are strong blocking forces in all directions. It is very difficult and hard for them to move forward.

"Tang Dou, it seems that the situation is not right!"

Tang Dou has already used the vast sea to explore the surrounding activities, and he has a very dangerous feeling in his mind: "Oh, there may be blood animals here!"

After listening to Tang Dou's words, Dan Tai Shuya became nervous.

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