"I'm in favor of your proposal!" The generals and ministers even said: "master Dongguo can join us in our Danshi League. I can't get it from Tang Fu!"

Dongguo wolf looked at the generals and said, "there are rules to join in. What do you think of the rules?"

Even the generals and ministers said: "there's time right now. Master Dongguo, the Lord of Dongling City, if you don't mind, we'll work out a regulation, and then we'll straighten out the auction house and Danshi league from tomorrow."

After a pause, the general continued: "Mr. Gao and our Tang house have broken up. The Danshi League will surely be full of suspicion these days. The faster we can stabilize the situation, the less damage the Danshi League will have."

"You're right!" Dongguo wolf nodded: "in this case, we will discuss it."

With that, the wolf turned his head and looked at Muhua in Dongling: "Lord Dongling, what do you think?"

"I certainly agree." Dongling Mu Hua's road without hesitation.

Next, several people began to discuss the alliance.

In fact, there were some decisions and plans about the alliance, whether it was generals or ministers or Dongguo wolf. Only Dongling Muhua had this opportunity temporarily, so there was no preparation in this respect.

At this time, there is no need for Dongling Muhua to have much preparation.

The generals and the Dongguo wild wolf had their own plans and purposes for the Danshi League. These goals were not in conflict in many places. Therefore, their opinions were easy to unify.

The purpose of the generals and ministers was to develop the Tang Dynasty, but they did not want the Tang government to be completely involved in the whirlpool of the blood Temple power. They hoped that they could stand outside the door of the blood god hall and look for some of the greatest opportunities to develop the Tang government's own power.

Moreover, the generals and ministers hoped that through the Dan Shi alliance, they would attract the blood god temple and play an essential role when necessary.

Of course, he had a deeper plan in mind.

His more far-reaching plan, of course, was also carefully discussed with Tang long.

This plan is very big. At present, he does not intend to carry out it immediately. After all, the Tang government and the Danshi league are now at the crossroads of transformation and growth, and their influence is still limited.

In the next auction house of Tang Dynasty, the people on the side of Tang government were still responsible for making money, controlling medicinal materials and managing money. Of course, they were all familiar.

What Dongguo wolf wants to control is the elixir!

He hoped that through the control of the elixir of Danshi League, he could achieve the purpose of closing down the major forces in the blood temple, so as to achieve the purpose of expanding his influence in the blood Temple faster.

Of course, he will not control all the elixirs.

What he is responsible for is to ensure that the future Danshi League has close contact with all the big families in the blood temple and has good cooperation. If anyone wants to get high-quality elixir and wants to get all-round support from Danshi League, he must find him and get this kind of external cooperation from Danshi League!

He intends to control the source of the elixir!

From then on, the auction house will not be able to auction higher level elixir.

Of course, the Tang government can take some of the higher level elixirs, give them to the magic incense family, the Zhong Li family, and so on. There must be a regulation on these!

Obviously, the most important thing for Dongguo wild wolf is still the effect of chaotic sky fire to improve the quality of the elixir!

What he needs is the powerful attraction of Danshi alliance's high-quality elixir.

After some detailed discussions with the general and the wolf, the general agreed to the request of the wolf and let him control the output of the elixir of Danshi League.

In this regard, of course, generals and ministers also have some power.

The purchase of medicinal materials is the responsibility of generals and ministers, with the full support of Dongguo wild wolf.

As for the purchase of medicinal materials, the generals themselves did not have much time. In the end, of course, the matter would fall into the hands of Moxiang qingluan.

As for the refining of spiritual elixirs, the Tang clan's Danshi League in the heaven soul world already has a large number of Dan masters, and also a large number of chaotic sky fire. In addition, the Tang dragon has a puppet soul of pig Gang hyena and a artifact from the heaven tower.

Therefore, the generals and ministers only need to collect enough medicinal materials, and they don't need the division alliance of the city of genius, an auction house, to help Tang Fu refine many miraculous elixirs.

At least not at all.

With the influence of Dongguo wild wolf and the participation of dantai family, even if the problem of medicinal materials leaves Gao Tianye's support, Danshi League does not have to worry at all!

Moreover, if the top of the blood Temple pressure task to Danshi League, and Dongguo wild wolf!

This time, it is obvious that the Danshi League needs to carry out major reforms in many aspects, but the core is still in the Tang Dynasty. The matter of expanding the influence of Danshi League is left to Dongguo wild wolf.

Of course, the backing of Danshi League will become more and more!

In the general's plan, Mr. Gaoyang can also cooperate, and the Tianhua family can be brought in to work together.

Cooperating with Tianhua family can directly attack the comprehensive forces of Gaofu!

In the future, the cooperation between the blood god temple families and the Tang family will be divided into two parts. One part is the core cooperation, that is, the Dongguo wild wolf, and the Zhongli family and other limited families.These families have part of the power in the auction house and Danshi League. They will send people to deal with the affairs of the auction house and Danshi League.

In addition, the cooperative families are all external cooperative relations. They will not place staff in the auction house and Danshi alliance, but form a mutual ally relationship with the Danshi alliance of the auction house.

There are only two key figures in this kind of alliance relationship, general and wolf.

After this division, the power structure of Tang government auction house became very clear, and the core became very clear. This became a deep cooperation between the Tang government and the Dongguo wolf, and then a strong alliance was established with their cooperation as the center.

The night passed in a hurry.

In the twinkling of an eye, the sky was bright.

At this time, the cooperation between the generals and Dongguo wolf and Dongling Muhua had already been discussed. All three felt very satisfied.

In this negotiation and cooperation, it seems that Dongling Muhua did not get a lot of benefits, but in fact, he has got a lot of benefits, because he can ask Danshi to help him refine part of the miraculous elixir in the Danshi League as a collaborator.

Moreover, he has a unique treatment of 50 bottles of chaos Tianhuo every month.

These 50 bottles of chaotic sky fire can let him go outside to win over Dan God and do many things.

Of course, Dongguo wolf also has special treatment in this respect.

At this time, Guo Dongyue was able to get all the things that he had promised before.

As for the remaining Danshen in Danshi League, if they want to get chaos sky fire, they have to do something to serve the Danshi League. These rules are basically the same as before.

Next, those families that want to form an alliance with Danshi alliance will certainly not have the special supply of chaos Tianhuo.

These families can only get the strong support of the elixir of Danshi League.

This has been a very important support for those big families, especially those families that have few Dan masters and are seriously short of elixir.

The most important thing is that Danshi League will stop auctioning high-quality elixirs, and there will be a serious shortage of elixirs in the market. This is to make the Danshi league's Danshen more noble!

Danshi League will also be more valued by the big families.

The chaotic sky fire is still completely controlled by the devil xiangqingluan, which of course is equivalent to being controlled by the generals and ministers.

Mooxiang qingluan and Huangfu Ning'er got up early in the morning and went to tell the people of Tang Dynasty to make breakfast. When they came to look for the generals, they had already discussed all the matters.

Of course, Dongling Muhua and Dongguo wolf stayed in the Tang mansion for breakfast.

After dinner, they left in a hurry.

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