The general looked at the God of Dan angrily: "my eldest brother's level of refining elixir is improving every day, and the situation before and after half a year can't be compared."

Said, directly to the two seriously injured Danshen, took two seven grain elixir.

These two elixir, are specially used for healing, different categories, extremely rare healing elixir.

The two Danshen took the elixir, and soon their injuries were much better. They looked at the generals and officials, and their eyes flashed a touch of obvious gratitude.

You know, the seven pattern elixir is extremely precious!

The generals and their officials had never met before, and they did not know each other at all. However, when they saw them at this time, they were willing to take out such precious elixir to heal their wounds, which made them very grateful.

The generals looked at the two Dan gods and frowned fiercely: "I already know that you are bullied by the Xuanyuan family."

With that, he turned to look at the Dongling Mu Hua and the Dan gods here, and his face showed a touch of anger: "when is it my turn to be bullied by others? As the leader of the Danshi League, I can never allow this kind of thing to happen. In my eyes, all the Dan gods in the Danshi league are the best brothers and partners of my generals and ministers, I can't allow anyone to do any harm to the Danshi of our Danshi League

His words were majestic and his voice was full of anger.

And at this time, he was even more powerful, with a fierce light in his eyes, and his fists were tightly clenched. He looked as though he had been greatly humiliated and must seek justice.

When the people nearby saw the general and Minister like this, several people were also driven by the emotion of the generals and ministers, and their hearts were filled with anger.

The generals continued to shout: "the God of our Danshi League, how can we allow others to bully us like this? If this matter is not handled and we don't give those guys a strong hand, who can take our Danshi League seriously in the future? Who else can take us seriously? "

"Yes, this matter must seek the Xuanyuan family's person to seek justice!" The magic fragrance qingluan is beside the generals and ministers. At this time, her face is resolute and her eyes are full of anger.

Seeing the generals and Demons like qingluan, the present Danshen, one by one, the blood in his heart surged more quickly.

The two seriously injured Danshen's eyes, at this time are showing very obvious excitement.

They didn't expect that the generals and ministers would be able to take the lead for them.

Dongling Muhua's heart surged with emotion. He felt that Danshi League could not be bullied like this, but he was also very cautious. Looking at the generals, he said, "Xuanyuan family is very special, and has great power in the blood god temple. We should be cautious."

"Caution?" The general hummed: "if my generals and ministers can't even maintain their own brothers, are they still qualified to be the person in charge of the Danshi League? Can my boss Tang Long spare me when he comes back? In any case, I will let Xuanyuan family give me an account of this matter, I will definitely! "

Then he said in a deep voice, "come on


Two soldiers at the gate heard Tang Long's yelling and came in in in a hurry.

The general said in a deep voice: "send someone to all the big families and find all the sons of Dan League for me. Tell them that if they don't come, Dan League will no longer need them!"

After a pause, he hummed: "the existence of the Dan League is to maintain the safety of our Danshi League. Now the Dan God of our Danshi League has been attacked, and the dignity of the Danshi League has been challenged. If they don't come at this time, when will they wait?"


The two men agreed in a loud voice and hurried off.

Dongling Mu Hua frowned, worried that the matter would be too much by the generals.

He turned his head and looked at Moxiang qingluan: "Princess Moxiang, this matter can't be reckless!"

"We'll be reckless today, otherwise, the Dan God of our Danshi League will not know how to be bullied in the future," he said

At this time, she was determined to support the generals and ministers.

Although she didn't know how the generals would go to Xuanyuan family, she knew that she had to show her own position. After all, behind her, there was a strong family.

Behind the generals and ministers is the Tang Fu, but the Tang Fu itself is not enough, and the Tang dragon is not there!

If she doesn't come out to support the generals, who will support them?!

Moreover, she also had absolute confidence in the generals and ministers. She knew that her husband was definitely not a hot headed man. She only knew how to do it for a reckless person, which must have his reason.

The generals looked at the magic xiangqingluan: "you go to prepare some things for me."

"What are you going to do?" The magic fragrance qingluan asked.

The general said, "take me to the place where Danshi League stores pills, and then bring some money."

"Good." The magic fragrance green Luan nodded.

All these things are in the charge of the auction house.

The general looked at Dongling Muhua and said, "Lord of Dongling City, your identity is quite special. So, Xuanyuan family, you don't want to go, just wait for our news in this Danshi League."

Dongling Muhua was a little worried: "I'd better go together, or once Xuanyuan family starts, I'm afraid you will suffer.""Don't worry, even if they do, they won't get the advantage." The general said: "you went, some things you are in the way of identity, but it is not easy to solve."

"So..." Dongling Muhua thought for a while, and finally nodded: "well, I will go to the neighborhood to watch, in case of anything, I can quickly support you."

"No problem." The general nodded.

Then he looked at the magic xiangqingluan: "go, let's get something."

"Good." The magic fragrant green Luan agreed, and the general minister together, turned to leave.

After about 20 minutes, the generals and the magic xiangqingluan all came back together. Then the generals gathered all the more than 70 Dan gods from the Danshi alliance.

Strength did not reach the level of Dan God, the generals and ministers did not let them go.

With these Danshen, it's enough.

He looked at the Danshen and said in a deep voice: "wait a minute, we'll go to Xuanyuan family. You don't need to do it. When you come back, everyone will get a bottle of chaotic sky fire!"

"If you don't want to go with me today, please leave Danshi League," he said

Hearing what the generals and ministers said, these Dan gods did not say anything.

There were several Dan gods who didn't want to go. They didn't want to show up so as not to offend the Xuanyuan family and cut off their own retreat. However, when they heard this, they could only go together.

The general asked these Dan gods to go together in order to let them see what happened today!

He just let them watch!

that's all!

Then, after waiting for more than an hour, the princes of the big families of the Dan League, one by one, came with some martial arts men under them.

Together, they went to the conference hall of Danshi League.

The generals and ministers stood at the front, glanced at these people, and said in a deep voice: "our Danshi League has been bullied by others. This is a challenge to our Danshi League and a provocation to the Danshi League!"

"In the face of such a provocation, we must not ignore it. Any Dan God in our Danshi league can never be bullied by anyone. Anyone who dares to do so must pay a heavy price!"

After a pause, he said angrily, "today, all the people present, you originally intended to go with me. Now let's start. If anyone doesn't want to go, he will leave the auction house and the Danshi League, and never cooperate with the Tang government. I will never allow anyone to bully any Dan master of Tangfu Danshi League in any way."

With that, he strode straight to the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!