At noon that day, Tang Xiaohu and they went to the square of the heaven and earth market.

White eyebrows, iron bones and others, of course, were all concentrated here. Now they have become members of the Tang clan. Although most of them are still unconvinced and unwilling to join the Tang clan, they are still in the Tang clan, and no one is separated from them for the time being.

What's more, they are also looking forward to the treasure house under the great square of Qiankun market.

Wang Tiegu is now the leader of the Dragon hall in the Tang clan.

The other four Tang clan hall leaders have already been selected. Zhao Tieer is the leader of the tiger hall, Zhuge Baihong is the leader of the eagle hall, Ouyang Qianzhang is the head of the lion hall, and Lenghan Xin is the head of the leopard hall.

These people, except Zhao Tieer, is the strength of the six levels of heaven, the rest are all the strength of the five levels of heaven.

Originally, they were the leaders of the major forces who came here, but now they have become the leaders of the Tang clan.

The most important thing is that their subordinates have been completely broken up by Tang Xiaohu and divided into five halls. Moreover, some of their profitable subordinates, the martial artists of the triple and quadruple realm of the emperor of heaven, have been transferred by Tang Xiaohu to the commandment hall!

Tang Xiaohu is directly responsible for the discipline hall.

However, in addition to Tang Xiaohu, Li Dahan, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are also in charge of the discipline hall. Moreover, all 108 members of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan are in the discipline hall.

Obviously, the commandment hall was the core of the Tang clan.

Although Zhao Tieer was in charge of the remaining five halls, the strength of the people under them was obviously much weaker, and most of them were not familiar with them, which weakened their influence a lot.

In this way, at least for now, they can't make much trouble in Tangmen!

At this time, the hall leaders of the five halls of the Tang clan had gathered in the central square of Qiankun Ding market.

Tang Xiaohu turned his head and looked at Lin Ximeng: "how is the matter?"

Lin Xi dream way: "the matter has been done!"

Hearing Lin Ximeng say so, Tang Xiaohu is also very satisfied.

He knew that without some very special means, it would be impossible for all the ferocious people in front of him to obey his orders completely.

Only those who can face the danger of life in the future can be changed!

So Tang Xiaohu, in the establishment of the Tang clan framework, also let Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang do one thing!

This is a big deal!

Lin Ximeng and Tang Yang secretly betrayed Tangmen!

Tang Xiaohu heard that Lin Ximeng said everything had been done, and he was completely relieved.

He glanced at the five hall leaders around him and said in a deep voice: "the ultimate purpose of you here is to get the treasure house under the square of heaven and earth market. Now, I am as you wish!"

After a pause, he continued: "I would like to make a statement here. Anything in this treasure house, as long as it is medicinal materials, will be owned by the commandment hall, and any remaining valuable things, gold yuan stones, etc., will be distributed to the other five halls!"

Speaking of this, his voice also suddenly raised a lot: "in addition, I also want to tell you that from now on, as long as you sincerely join the Tangmen, I Tang Xiaohu will certainly let you get the best, but as long as it is the enemy of Tang Xiaohu and the enemy of Tangmen, I will make them die very ugly!"

There was no one around to speak.

Listening to Tang Xiaohu's words, these people gathered in the square at this time did not feel much in their hearts.

This is not surprising. After all, these people were not willing to join the Tang clan. At this time, they joined the Tang clan because of the powerful fighting power of the supernatural beasts in the Tang clan and Tang Xiaohu's fierce means.

If there was no Tang Xiaohu that powerful beast, they would have been against!

Of course, in the face of the treasure house of the Qiankun market which is about to be opened, they are still looking forward to it, because they have heard for a long time that the treasure house under the square of Qiankun market contains countless treasures and countless natural treasures!

Tang Xiaohu glanced at the crowd, stopped and said in a deep voice, "now, we're going to open the treasure house!"

Tang Xiaohu's voice had just fallen. On the far sky, a deep voice suddenly came from afar: "if you want to open the treasure house here, you can't do it without us!"

At the same time, a very strong momentum, towards this side of the rapid flight.

In this powerful momentum, there are many warriors with high-level strength of Tiandi, even the most powerful, who have reached the level of the ninth peak of Tiandi!

Feeling the strong momentum from the high altitude, the martial artists gathered in the square, their eyes all showed a touch of tension!

How suddenly, there will be such a strong strength of the people here?!All of a sudden, Wang Tiegu and others are looking at the sky above, and the voice comes to look at the past.

At this time, they have also felt that there is a strong momentum sweeping from the distance, many of which are extremely special and contain a strong breath of death and destruction.

They know that many of these people have taken the blood devil pill of the evil spirit sect, and have the power of the blood devil.

Of course, these people have no idea of the threat contained in the power of blood demons.

They only know that taking the blood demon pill can improve their strength!

And at the same time, you can get powerful blood Demon power!

Tang Xiaohu's eyes also looked at the place where the voice came from. At the same time, he asked Lin Ximeng, "the strength of the people who come here seems not to be right!"

Lin Ximeng, of course, also gathered Qi to form a voice at this time, so that people around her could not hear her voice. Only Tang xiaohutai could hear: "the news we detected before has a little deviation. There are several strong reclusive people in this sect, and their strength has reached the peak of the Heavenly Emperor!"

"That's it Tang Xiaohu frowned slightly.

Even if the emperor is very strong, he has to be cautious.

Of course, he knew who those people were from high altitude, and why they suddenly arrived at the market.

This is the second step plan that Tang Xiaohu wants to carry out. However, he has to divide the second step plan into two parts. The first part of the plan is what he has to do now!

Wang Tiegu and they don't know Tang Xiaohu's plan.

At this time, they looked into the distance in the sky, toward the place where the voice came from, and they had already seen people wearing blood red cloaks flying towards this side quickly.

One third of the warriors with red cloaks have strong blood red vigor.

The number of these people is not very large, only more than 100.

However, the strength of these more than 100 people is obviously very strong. There are more than 50 warriors in Tiandi realm. Even among the 50 warriors in Tiandi realm, there are two warriors in Tiandi's nine highest levels!

In addition, there is also a warrior who reaches the nine levels of the emperor of heaven!

There is also the strength of Tiandi's eight realms!

There are still three warriors left in the six and seven levels of Heaven Emperor!

Such a lineup has been very terrible, even compared with Tang Xiaohu, compared with those supernatural beasts that Tang Xiaohu summoned before, they have been much stronger!

Wang Tiegu and others saw that those red cloaks of martial arts quickly flew past, and gradually, they had seen the chest position of their red cloak, which was embroidered with a totem!

It was the pattern of a blood red flower on the other side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!