The ghost of Zhuge knows that Tang Xiaohu has picked up all the people in Tangmen.

If you want to change this situation, you must kill Tang Xiaohu!

What's more, he can't kill Tang Xiaohu as quickly as possible, which will inevitably make all the people in Tangmen lose control of their emotions and finally attack in groups. If so, it will be extremely unfavorable to his side!

He wants to let Tang Xiaohu die slowly!

And he also wants to show his own comprehensive strength as much as possible, so that these people in Tangmen can see fear again and see absolute fear!

"Li Gui, go and kill him!"

Zhuge, the leader of the necromancer sect, had a deep voice.

A figure flashed out from behind Zhuge's ghost.

He was also dressed in a red robe. He was thin and thin, with a tall head and a ferocious look. His face was a little blue, and his eyes were full of faint green light!

The look in his eyes made people feel cold, as if he had come out of the ground!

seeing this man's appearance, Tang Xiaohu also slightly frowned.

He has already discovered that Li Gui's strength is very strong, and has reached the nine levels of the emperor of heaven. Even compared with the ghost of Zhuge, it is only a little weaker!

Zhuge's ghost and the man around him are the strength of the heaven emperor's Jiuchong peak state, which is slightly stronger than that of Li Gui.

Tang clan side, Wang Tiegu and others are certainly paying attention to this side.

When they saw that the undead sect sent a warrior from the nine realms of heaven to fight Tang Xiaohu, they were all nervous and worried.

Although Tang Xiaohu can defeat the martial arts of Tiandi's seven levels, the martial arts of Tiandi's nine levels are different!

The martial arts of the nine levels of heaven are much better than those of the seven levels of heaven!

"Can the leader of Tang clan defeat this man?"

"Look at this man. He's very gloomy. He shows his teeth and his means must be fierce. I'm afraid the leader of Tang clan will not have a good time this time."

"If you die, you will die. The leader of Tangmen will go first, and we will all arrive later!"

"I hope the leader of Tang clan has more powerful means!"


Low voice, from the king iron bone behind them ring.

Wang Tiegu looks at Zhao Tieer. At this time, Zhao Tieer's eyes also fall on Wang Tiegu's body. Both of them see the tension in each other's eyes!

They looked at Li Dahan again.

But see, Li Dahan, they are still the same as before, fighting high spirited, not a trace of fear and fear appearance!

"It is true that all the people in the Tang clan are unyielding men who are fearless in the face of danger. What is more rare is that they have such strength at a young age. What kind of powerful existence do they have behind them?"

Wang Tiegu's heart was ringing, and he had already heard the thundering sound from the front:

"boom, boom, boom..."

Hearing the sound, he looked ahead in a hurry.

Ahead, in the thunderous roar, Tang Xiaohu and that Li Gui two people, have already rushed to each other's eyes, both sides have launched an extremely crazy fierce battle!

"How can the master's fighting power be..."

Wang Tiegu saw Tang Xiaohu's situation at this time, and his eyes were shocked!

At this time, Zhao Tieer was shocked!

At this time, Tang Xiaohu's body was bursting out with a terrible purple gold light. The powerful energy on his body broke out in a crazy way, revealing a terrible breath of death and destruction, giving people a deep and heavy feeling of fear!

"It seems to contain the power of the stars in the legend!"

"How could that be possible? Isn't the power of the stars only for the destruction of the earth and the disaster stars? "

"Is he a disaster star?"

"It's impossible. If the star of doom and doom had grown to this level, it would have been swallowed up and become a killing machine. How could it have such a clear mind now, let alone risk for so many of us as the leader of Tang clan is now!"

"How can the leader of Tang clan be a disaster star? It must be his special energy to cultivate!"

"Even the power of blood demons can be cultivated. What's so strange about cultivating the power of stars? Everything is possible with the master of Tangmen's heavenly talent. Don't be surprised!"


All sorts of guesses were heard.

At this time, Tang Xiaohu has indeed exerted the power of the stars.

His star power is combined with the power of blood devil and death sky fire, and his own vitality is tempered by the eternal star of Tang long.

In this case, the power of his vitality has become extremely powerful.

Moreover, at this time, he used the magic power of heaven and earth to enhance his strength, and even opened his natural constitution!Tang Xiaohu's natural constitution is the body of ghosts!

It is because of his ghost body that he can cultivate the vitality of the powerful death sky fire!

At this time, his combat power has been greatly stimulated!

Li Gui stares at Tang Xiaohu, and his attack is crazy. The magic skill he uses is the wind ghost claw, which is a very powerful eternal magic skill!

The ghost claw of the gale is displayed. The wind is howling and the strength is surging in all directions between heaven and earth!

Between heaven and earth, Tang Xiaohu's all directions have been completely wrapped by the energy ghost claws.

Energy ghost claw from all directions, toward Tang Xiaohu attack!

"Lingxi flicks the finger!"

At this time, Tang Xiaohu also displayed a magic skill that he had learned when he was inherited. This magic skill can fully resist the attack of this energy ghost claw with the reaction speed he practiced when he was in the ninth emperor's mansion.

Only to see, Tang Xiaohu's hands suddenly and quickly close, change fingerprints.

With the rapid change of his fingerprints, in all directions around him, the purple gold energy crazily condensed, which directly turned into purple gold shining energy spots.

These energy light spots are numerous and numerous, and they all attack the energy ghost claws in all directions.

At this time, Tang Xiaohu doesn't need to look at any attack in any place around Tang Xiaohu. He can fully detect it by virtue of his divine sense, and then the light spot of purple gold is the attack in the past.

In the purple gold light spot, all contain the power of the law of explosion!

Watching, the purple gold light spots one by one are severely bombarded on the dense energy ghost claws. All of a sudden, the energy ghost claws are all exploded by the bombardment.

The energy spots are all exploding.

The energy of the explosion swept together with each other, and the crazy bombardment and collision between heaven and earth made the earth and sky on this side produce continuous thundering.

The powerful momentum surged up and swept in all directions. In a twinkling of an eye, it covered tens of thousands of meters of sky.

The whole world is full of wind and strength!

On the square below, some weak warriors, even though they have tried their best to gather strength to resist the strong wind, are still swept back by the strong wind.

Even, a lot of people in the square have been forced to fall to the ground and can't get up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!