After one of the two hidden doors in the treasure house was opened, behind the secret door, there was a large medicine storage room, which stored all kinds of rare herbs!

Although these herbs have not been able to enhance their strength, there are many herbs for restoring vitality, healing herbs and detoxifying herbs.

Tang Xiaohu, of course, took all these herbs.

He wants to take these herbs back to the heaven soul world and give them to Yuzhu, who is in charge of Yuzhu. He wants to make Lingdan for the future.

Tang Xiaohu also knows that once the war between the blood demon world and the whole world is opened, it will not stop in a year or two. All kinds of natural wealth and land treasures needed by then are absolutely astronomical numbers!

After all, the world is too big, and there are too many people!

so now Tangmen always use all kinds of methods to restrain all kinds of natural wealth and land treasures, so as to prevent these resources from being occupied by the people of the blood demon world in the event of a war in the future!

At that time, if there is no healing elixir, if there is no spiritual elixir to restore vitality, the warriors in the world will become extremely passive!

After collecting all the herbs, Tang Xiaohu and they went to the treasure room behind another secret door.

This treasure room is not big. There are only five purple gold cards in it!

Tang Xiaohu took the purple gold cards, but did not see how many gold yuan stones were stored in them. After emptying the treasure house completely, Tang Xiaohu left the underground treasure house with Zhao Tieer and them.

It was already night.

The moon is in the sky, and the stars are all over the sky.

After finishing the mess, they went to the market to make arrangements.

Zhao Tieer and they know that after the death cult, the great market of heaven and earth will begin to rebuild.

When Zhao Tieer and his colleagues have arranged things, they gather together in a grand hall on the side of Qiankun market square.

Tang Xiaohu sat in the front of the hall, looked at Zhao Tieer and said, "next, we'll have a good night's rest. We'll start tomorrow morning and go to the dead spirit cult."


They all agreed.

After Zhao Tieer left, Tang Xiaohu went into a large and spacious training room behind the hall.

At this time, several people were sitting in the training room.

They are Mu Qingcheng, xuelingyue and ye Qingling. Of course, lieyunshang is also here.

Tang Xiaohu came in and said the previous things briefly. Then he looked at Mu Qingcheng and said respectfully, "my mother, tomorrow morning we are going to the spirit of the dead."


Mu Qingcheng nodded, and then there was a space ring in his hand: "you can take this one!"

Tang Xiaohu takes over the space ring and checks the contents inside. He is completely relieved of his next action. In the space ring, there are some clothes that Mu Qingcheng has prepared for him in advance.

These costumes are usually used by Putuo Tianzong people to go out.

With these things, Tang Xiaohu dressed up as the people of Putuo Tianzong can be more difficult to distinguish.

Mu Qingcheng looked at Tang Xiaohu and said, "you must be careful when you go to the undead God sect. It's best to use the means of attack. Before that, no one of the undead cult escaped from here. So now the undead cult does not know that all of their people have been destroyed here!"


Tang Xiaohu nodded.

Mu Qingcheng told Tang Xiaohu some things in detail, so he didn't say more.

This time, Mu Qingcheng is very satisfied with Tang Xiaohu's performance here.

She hopes that Tang Xiaohu can grow faster and take charge of his own affairs!

The big world war is near at hand. Now let Tang Xiaohu experience more things and experience, so they can help Tang Long share more in the future.

Next, Tang Xiaohu said goodbye to Mu Qingcheng and turned to have a rest.

The night was in a hurry, and the twinkling of an eye it was already dawn.

Tang Xiaohu summoned Wang Tiegu and others together: "now we are going to go to the necromancer sect, but we can't take many people with us!"

"How many people are we going to?" asked Wang Tiegu

Tang Xiaohu thought for a while and said, "500 people are enough!"

"Is 500 people a little less?" Wang Tiegu is a little worried.

Tang Xiaohu laughed: "don't worry, there are a lot of 500 people. What we need is a man with strong fighting power. If you are not good at fighting, you can choose people and speed up!"


Wang Tiegu and others agreed, and was about to turn around and leave. Tang Xiaohu had already taken out a box for them: "take this and dress it up!"

Wang Tiegu and others did not ask more, pressing the box that Tang Xiaohu handed them, they turned and left.An hour and a half later, people gathered.

At this time, all of them were wearing white robes and holding a Zen stick in their hands, which was the most common dress of Putuo Tianzong.

In fact, people of Putuo Tianzong don't always use Zen sticks as weapons. They also use swords, sticks and so on. But they are used to holding a Zen stick and a white robed Zen stick in their hands, just like their identity symbols.

These Zen sticks and other things were prepared in advance by Mu Qingcheng.

After Tang Xiaohu decided to control the heaven and earth market and use the evil spirit of the dead cult to suppress the people who recovered the heaven and earth market, a lot of preparatory work has already begun.

Therefore, when Tang Xiaohu arrived at the Qiankun market, muqingcheng had already sent people to prepare the clothes of Putuo Tianzong.

Now everything is ready.

Next, let's see how much Tang Xiaohu can do in the big market.

This matter is directly related to the development speed of Tangmen here.

Zhao Tiegu, the 500 people gathered here, are very powerful, which is the sum total of the most powerful warriors among them!

Among them, the weakest strength is to reach the realm of the emperor, and even the emperor has more than 200 high-level martial arts!

There are many warriors in the realm of the emperor of heaven!

So many strong people gathered together, is a very terrible force.

Zhao Tieer is the most powerful among them, and has reached the level of the six levels of the Heavenly Emperor. The remaining four hall leaders of the Tang clan, including Wang Tiegu, are all the strength of the five levels of the Heavenly Emperor.

At this time, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, as well as Li Dahan, also came out with the Dragon guards.

All of them are the strength of the realm of the emperor of heaven!

with such lineups gathered together, even Zhao Tieer and others could not help their hearts, and some of their efforts were boiling.

There are so many warriors in the realm of heaven emperor. Even if they are placed in some reclusive families, I am afraid they are already more powerful than others. Obviously, the comprehensive forces of the Tang clan are not weak, and the only thing lacking is the peerless strong!

They think that the comprehensive strength of Tangmen, with the participation of so many people, can be regarded as a super powerful force in this area, which is enough for them to be proud of themselves!

Tang Xiaohu glanced at these people and was very happy.

In such a short period of time, with the help of Tang clan Shenlong Wei and Li Dahan and others, he quickly closed up so many martial artists in the realm of the emperor of heaven, which also satisfied him.

"Let's go!"

Tang Xiaohu said in a deep voice.

Looking at Tang Xiaohu, Ouyang Qianzhang, the head of lion hall, reminds him: "master, should we keep a low profile?"

"Why keep a low profile?" Tang Xiaohu said with a smile: "we are all dressed up as people of Putuo Tianzong, which is to let everyone in the big market of heaven and earth and all the people along the way know that the people of Putuo Tianzong have been here!"

"All right." Ouyang Qianzhang said no more.

Cold hearted but worried, he said: "the leader of Tang clan, those people of the dead soul sect who escaped yesterday went to report to the dead soul sect. If the people of the dead soul sect get the news, will they go directly to the Tianjian family for help?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!