"Good, I'll go to them now!"

Tang Long takes these bills, and then he leaves Meng Zhi's room together with Youye and Beifeng Mingyue.

At this time, Tang Long was in an inn.

The guest room for the quiet night and the bright moon in the north wind is one of the upper rooms of the inn. The guest room is very large, with three lounges, two training rooms and a large living room.

The three people went into the living room of the guest room and sat down. The quiet night and the north wind and bright moon told Tang Long about the basic situation of Prometheus. Then Tang Long left alone.

He walked out of the Inn and went out into the street. He looked around. He was also curious: "the city of Prometheus looks very prosperous."

He didn't plan to stay too much in the city.

At this time, there are still many things about him. On the other side of the enchanting continent, he needs to know about the strange natural disasters and whirlwinds.

So he hopes that things can be solved soon.

After confirming the position, Tang Long flew directly to the outside of the city.

After flying for almost two hours, Tang Long has arrived at heifenggang.

Around heifenggang, there are small hills of varying heights. From a distance, it looks like a large graveyard. Moreover, the whole Heifeng hillock is full of gloomy environment and even chilly wind.

"This place is actually a place where Yin and cold gather together."

Tang long thought about it, and first used the magic power to make himself look like the new No. 3 Tang long in the sea of spirits.

He became a warrior who looked like forty-eight.

Then, he continued to fly forward, and soon he reached the sky above the valley in the middle of heifenggang. After exploring, he knew that there was also a strong defensive border over the valley.

"This defensive boundary is also very strong. Even if it is a warrior in the realm of God, it is not easy to smash it. Unfortunately, it is not a threat to me."

Tang long thought.

His eyes passed through this barrier and looked into the valley.

In this valley, there are many magnificent buildings of different sizes, and there are high and thick walls.

"Who, what's the matter with my Heifeng family?"

Just as Tang Long was about to gather his strength and smash the defense barrier, he suddenly heard a blast from below, and then several figures came rapidly towards the sky.

Tang long did not use vitality at this time.

He uses mental power.

Moreover, his spiritual power is controlled in the level of a Dan God.

The spirit of Yipin Danshen is not strong, but it is only equivalent to the fighting power possessed by the warrior in the peak state of the God King.

The two warriors of the black wind family soon flew to the place less than 20 meters away from Tang long, and the two sides faced each other across a defensive border.

Tang long looked at the two warriors and said calmly, "I come to the Heifeng family. I have something to look for your Heifeng family's master!"

"What do you want from our family?" Asked one of the two warriors.

Tang Long simply said: "I am a Dan God, looking for the owner of your family, is for a matter a few days ago."

Knowing that the other side was Dan Shen, the two black wind family Warriors also seemed somewhat respectful. One of them thought about it and looked at Tang Long and said, "wait a moment, I'll report it to you!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

He had intended to make a strong attack, but when he thought about it, he felt that it was a bit rash to attack. In case the important person of the other side escaped in the chaos and scuffle with what he needed, he would have gone for nothing!

"See the people who deal with it first, and then take action!"

Tang long thought secretly.

At this time, he also wanted to touch the details of the Heifeng family. Although he was very confident in his own strength at this time, he still felt that it was better not to be too rash.

One of the two warriors of the black wind family has already flown down rapidly.

The other is still on guard looking at Tang long.

The strength of this warrior is not weak, reaching the seven levels of the divine king.

Not long ago, the former warrior flew back again and stopped not far from the bottom of Tang Long: "my master, please!"

With that, the warrior folded his hands and quickly changed the seal.

With the change of the handprint of the warrior, a big gap appeared in the defense border under the Tang dragon.

Tang Long flew in from the gap.

Then he followed the two warriors and flew towards the square of the Heifeng family. When he arrived at the square, he walked towards the magnificent building not far away from the front. Within five minutes, he had met the owner of the Heifeng family.

The name of the owner of the Heifeng family is Heifeng Yujie.Heifeng Yujie looks almost forty-nine. He is tall, dark, with stubbles all over his face, and his hair is like a steel needle!

This guy has a big mouth, a windy ear, a Sirius nose, and a hawk eye. It looks like this, and it's really scary!

"Who is it, sir? Why did you come to my Heifeng family? "

However, the tone of Tang Shangjie is still fierce.

Tang Long explained his intention directly: "I came here for the things you robbed. Before, there was a man named Meng Zhi who bought a rare metal from you and was robbed by you!"

"It's for the cold star tiantough steel!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Heifeng Yujie's eyes immediately showed a touch of murderous spirit.

He stared at Tang Long and looked at it carefully for a long time: "you look like a Dan God, don't know your martial arts strength?"!

"Not too bad!" Tang Long's simple way.

Heifeng Yujie laughs: "the cold star tiantough steel can be given to you, but you have to promise us a condition!"

"What conditions?" Tang Long asked.

Heifeng Yujie said: "if you want to get something back, you need to pay for it. All those things add up to 20 billion yuan. The price is very reasonable."

"Is that fair?" After listening to the words of Heifeng Yujie, Tang Long couldn't help but sneer at him: "your family is really an expert in business. The ability to handle white wolf with empty hands is really superb!"

"Praise and praise!" Heifeng Yujie is also a smile: "my family just follows the law of the world development for this skill

"The weak eat the weak, that's good!" Tang Long's eyes showed a sharp: "you mean, Meng Zhi's strength is very weak, my strength is very weak, so you deserve to be bullied like this by you?"

"In theory, you can say that." Heifeng Yujie also gave a strange smile and looked very proud: "of course, your situation is special. After all, you are the Dan God, so we will be more polite to you!"

"20 billion yuan stone, let me buy what was originally mine and was stolen by you, which is also called politeness?" Tang Long snorted coldly: "your polite ability is really different!"

Heifeng Yujie said: "you are the God of Dan. Money should not be a problem for you. There are a lot of 20 billion gold yuan stones, but I believe that you can also take them out."

After a pause, he added, "if you can't get the money, it's OK to give me some elixir."

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