
Tang Yun seemed a little hesitant.

Of course, he knew the meaning of Tang Kuo's words, but he had never seen the autumn Li Ruo water after all!

Tang Kuo said with a smile: "don't worry. The young master told xian'er that he had seen autumn Li Ruoshui before. This autumn Li Ruoshui is very beautiful and smart. He is a very good woman. If you can marry her, it will be your blessing!"

Tang Yun is still entangled!

He is very serious about feelings!

If he met the kind of girl he liked, he would like to be with him, but in case of autumn Li Ruo Shui

Among the five of them, Tang is the most introverted in terms of feelings!

He is a little nervous when he sees a girl he likes very much.

"Now, those who are willing to participate in the meeting can sign up. There is no limit on the number of people. Anyone who meets the requirements can sign up!"

His voice dropped, and some girls of Qiuli family had already walked towards the warriors of those families around him.

Most of the kids present signed up.

There was a girl with an application booklet and went to Tang Kuo: "I know that you are from the Tang family. My girl has explained it specially. I hope you can sign up for it!"

"Special account!"

Tang Kuo several people are Leng Leng Leng.

Tang Dian couldn't help asking curiously, "do your girls know us?"

"Yes." The girl nodded.

Tang Lei said, "but we don't know her at all."

The girl said with a smile: "you can rest assured that my girl will never let you down. I promise you!"

Tang Kuo said, "but I have a wife!"

"I have it too!" Tang Lei immediately said, "and I have two more!"

The girl said, "in our blood demon world, good men seem to have more than one wife." After a pause, she immediately said, "however, my girl still hopes to find a man who loves her only."

"He has no wife yet!" Tang Kuo immediately pointed to Tang Yun: "he fully meets the requirements of your girl!"

Tang Yun's face immediately turned red!

The girl looked at Tang Yun and saw the red blood on his handsome face. She immediately giggled: "is this childe really shy?"


Tang Yun's face is even redder and his ears are red!

The girl's smile was like a flower, and her eyes were full of inexplicable Brilliance: "young master, what's your name?"

"Tang Yun!" Tang Yun's eyes don't know where to look.

It's too bad for him to talk like that!

He didn't understand about girls.

Among the five, he is the most shy in this respect. It's OK to meet ordinary girls. When he meets a girl he likes, his shyness is even worse than some girls!

Not to mention, at this time the girl is very beautiful, but also talk about this kind of thing, he looked at her then embarrassed, felt that the whole person was burning up!

The girl looked at him like this and couldn't help but giggled: "in this case, that childe also called the name!"


"Yes, he signed up!"

"Girl, he is the only one among us to sign up. Please write it down for him!"


Tang Yun also wants to say what, Tang is short of a few people are already in a huff, to prevent Tang Yun from speaking.

Tang Yun uttered Chi, and finally did not object.

The girl looked at Tang Que and said, "do you sign up? Miss, I hope you all sign up, so it will be better for us to sign up together! "

"I'd better forget it!" Tang Kuo laughs.

"I don't care!" Tang Lei Road, he was afraid to go back after Lei Qianqian furious, although the girl is very beautiful, and very good to him, but some things are also easy to explode!

Marry again this kind of thing, Lei Qianqian very easily can blow open a flower!

The girl took another look at Tang Yun, her eyes glittered and giggled. Tang Yunzheng took a good look at her, and immediately her face was red, and she was in a mess!

"Mr. Tang Yun, I'll leave first. Don't worry, my girl will be very happy!"

Then he turned around and went.

Tang Kuo looked at Tang Yun with a smile and said, "Tang Yun, how do I feel that the girl was very interesting to you just now. Don't marry someone else like water and take the girl away!"

"You, what are you talking about? I, I didn't..." Tang Yun's neck is red, he is not so greedy!

Feelings of this kind of thing, he is really not good at!

Tang Lei and others looked at him like this and made fun of him. However, they were all looking forward to it. They also hoped that Tang Yun could find someone he liked.After all, at this time, whether it is Tang Kuo, or Fenglei electric, have already had their beloved, only Tang Yun is still single.

This time, they also hope that Tang Yun can solve this problem.

As a brother, as a friend, they wish him well.

Several people teased at each other for a while. On the platform, Qiu Li Mo Feng already said in a loud voice: "now, the registration has been completed. Then, all the registered childe please follow me!"

With that, he went directly towards the distance.

Tang Kuo looked at Tang Yun with a smile: "you are not quick to follow the past!"

Tang Yun's face turned red!

However, he finally walked towards the autumn Li Mo Feng, and at this time, many young masters had already rushed in front of him, one by one, it was quite fast!

In fact, some of them have never seen autumn Li Ruoshui.

But they don't care.

They know that just what Qiuli mofeng proposed just now is enough to make them have a reason to marry Qiuli Ruoshui. Even if Qiuli is ugly, they can't see it, but the wealth that Qiuli Ruoshui holds can make them reckless and die!

Tang Yun followed the childe.

He was a little nervous and expectant.

After all, in fact, he hopes to find a good girl to enjoy life together.

At this time, of course, there were still many people sitting in the square. These people were accompanied by these childe, some were the elders of the big families, and some were the girls accompanying them.

Of course, it is impossible for the Qiuli family to let people sit on the square like this.

They are well prepared.

At this time, another warrior of Qiuli family has already flown to the high platform. After a simple talk, there are some very beautiful girls who are dancing on the platform!

And someone has already brought all kinds of tea and put them on the tables under the stage.

The song and dance are moving and the music is beautiful.

Snacks are delicious too!

So at this time, although people are waiting for the results of the three hurdles before the marriage convention, although some people are nervous, such an environment also allows them to spend this period of time very easily.

Tang Yun and other childe have entered a very magnificent fortress behind the Qiuli family.

The fortress was very large, with a large hall in it.

The hall is empty. Qiuli mofeng stands at the front, turns around and looks at the childe gathered in front of him. He laughs: "now I will open a door of space. When you enter the gate of space, there will be some barriers. If you pass those barriers, you will be able to come out. The first person who comes out will be qualified to challenge the five people in the hundred mile family!"

After a pause, he continued: "we should be prepared. It's not easy to break through the checkpoint. If anyone can't get out of the way, you don't need to continue to rush. Just wait inside. When the time comes, there will be a door of space in front of you. You can get out safely."

The voice dropped, and he didn't say much.

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