Guangyao Canglong thought for a moment and continued: "during this period, you should keep an eye on the Tang house, and contact with the big families. At least, don't let the Danshi League of the Tang mansion get in touch with them for this period of time!"

"Good!" Shining on the lintel, nodded again.

"It's not early. Go to have a rest first, and then do it tomorrow. It's already late." Guangyao Canglong said, turning out of the hall: "by the way, the matter of strong Qingtian still needs to be investigated. This guy doesn't know where to hide. If we can find this person, we can not only control the blood of the stars, but also control the spirit insects from another aspect. This person is the key!"

"I've been looking for this man, but I haven't found it!" Shine on the lintel.

"Investigation, family investigation!" Guangyao Canglong snorted: "I don't believe he can drill to the bottom of the earth!"

"Yes Shining on the door, he nodded.

Guangyao Canglong no longer said much, strode away, and in a twinkling of an eye has left the living room.

At this time, in the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons, Dongguo wolf, Xiuli Changhe and his generals sat together and discussed things roughly. Seeing that it was not early, Dongguo wild wolf and Xiuli Changhe left together.

What they discussed was very simple. It was nothing more than Xiuli Changhe's joining danmeng as a partner.

The generals and ministers also agreed with this decision, and they agreed with it for a long time.

Now it is necessary to determine the right of Xiuli Changhe in danmeng.

If Xiuli Changhe becomes the Dan League, the Dan League has a clear and not low status in the holy city of blood demons. In addition, with the sons of the big families, at least for a period of time, neither the Danshi League nor the danmeng will have a big problem.

The generals and ministers also know that, at least at present, the development of Danshi alliance in the holy city of blood demon can not be too anxious.

After all, the Tang government arrived at the holy city of blood demons.

He has to stand on his feet first.

After seeing off the wild wolf of Dongguo and Xiuli Changhe, the generals went to have a rest. At this time, mooxiang qingluan and Huangfu Ning'er had already been waiting for him in their bedrooms.

When the three met, they also briefly talked about what happened just now, and then they had a rest together.

And at this time in the city of demons.

Tang Long is working hard to build the Tang mansion of the magic city.

All kinds of furniture of Tang Dynasty Fengxian mansion were built in advance, and all kinds of furniture were finished in advance.

What's more, the brand of Tang mansion has been put up!

On the first day of the completion of the Tang Dynasty mansion of the city of ten thousand demons, Lieyang Tu Su, the city master of the city, came to congratulate him in person.

Lieyang Tusu is a subordinate family of Gaofu, who was also ordered by Gao Tianye before.

What happened recently in Gao's mansion has been heard of by Tu su. However, he is in the blood demon Kingdom after all, and the Tang family has no reputation in the blood demon world. Therefore, he does not know much about the affairs of the Tang family.

However, the burning sun Tu Su also probably knows something about Tang Fu, and has heard of Tang long.

Some time ago, he had heard from Gaofu that the relationship between Tang and Gaofu had deteriorated, and Gao Tianye was in a bad situation.

Even Gao Fu has been looking for Tang Long everywhere.

It was only two days ago that Lieyang Tu Su learned about the building of the Tang mansion in the city of ten thousand demons. Moreover, he heard that the person in charge of the building of the mansion was actually Zhong Li Tian Yu of the Zhong Li family!

So he came here today to see the situation of the Tang mansion and see if Tang Long was there!

If we can find Tang long, he knows that it is still a great achievement!

He was still curious.

This is clearly the Tang family. Why are the two important people of the Zhongli family here? He thinks it strange.

In the biggest restaurant in the city of demons, at the banquet for the completion of the Tang Dynasty mansion, the burning sun Tu Su looked at Zhong Li and asked curiously, "Mr. Zhong Li, I'm very surprised that it's the residence built by the Zhongli family, and that people as important as you are sitting here. Shouldn't this place be called Zhongli mansion?"

With a smile, Zhong Li Tianyu explained: "this is nothing strange. This mansion belongs to the Tang family, but there are few people in it. I'm here to help and have a look. That's all."

"This mansion seems to be built very quickly," said Tu Su, a fierce sun

Zhong Li Tian Yu said faintly: "why, do you think that my Zhongli family can't even build a mansion?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that." Tu Sulian in the hot sun was busy.

He was really curious about it.

Before he saw that the place of Tang mansion was still a piece of ruins, a piece of ruins, and there was no movement in it. How could this mansion be built suddenly.

But he also knows that Zhong Li's family is no better than the general family, and even if he asks about some things, people may not say it.

So he had to stop asking.

After a pause, he asked his most wanted question: "Mr. Zhong Li, is Tang Long here?""Where does Tang long have time to be here? I don't know where he is playing now." Zhong Li Tian Yu, with a smile, said, "this boy has no proper shape all day, so he knows to play around!"

"What about Xueyan girl?" Burning sun Tu Su asked.

Zhong Li Tian Yu said: "this girl is with Tang Long every day. Tang Long is not here. Of course, she is not here. I don't know where she is now."

"Well." Burning sun Tu Su nodded.

Although his strength is much stronger than Zhong Li Tian Yu, he dare not easily provoke Zhong Li Tian Yu.

However, of course, he has to report this matter up, at least to let the people in the high government know.

Looking at Zhong Li Tian Yu, he asked, "Mr. Zhong Li, I want to ask you what important things Tang Fu is going to do in building a mansion in the city of ten thousand demons?"

Zhong Li Tianyu said casually: "if the Tang mansion wants to develop, it can't just stay in the city of genius. Now the Tang mansion has settled in the holy city of blood demons. Of course, it has to develop in some places in the blood demon world."

After a pause, he said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, the relationship between the Tang family and the heaven burial family is also very good. The reason why we choose to develop here is that we are not far away from the family of celestial burial. If something happens, we can take care of each other."

"I see!" Sun Tu Su nodded clearly.

Although he was supported by high government, he did not dare to offend Zhongli family.

Moreover, at this time, the situation of Gaofu was very bad, and he did not dare to have friction with big families like Zhongli family.

Then he stopped asking.

But at this time in his mind, also had some ideas and plans.

After all, the city was controlled by Gaofu, and it was the main place for the development of the Lieyang family. The Zhongli family suddenly arrived, and in the name of Tang Fu, there was even a celestial burial family nearby.

What does Tang Fu want to do?

Burning sun Tu Su thinks that the Tang government is likely to take a fancy to the city of ten thousand demons, and is likely to come to fight for territory with him!

"It's nothing to do with the high government of Tang Dynasty. You have to tell me that it's nothing to do with the high office of Tang Dynasty. You have to tell me that it's not serious to send someone from Tang's mansion."

Burning sun Tu Su thought secretly.

He felt that there was an hour when Tianyu was here. No one dared to move on the surface, but it was hard to say it secretly. Although Gaofu was in deep trouble now, it could not be without the powerful emperor of heaven!

It's impossible to kill clearly. Isn't it possible to assassinate?!

As long as we can't find out, what can Zhong Li's family do to him afterwards?!

He was thinking of a plot.

Zhong Li Tianyu didn't take him seriously. All the people he invited to dinner here today are the people of the city of ten thousand demons.

Of course, Tang Long is not here at this time.

He is in the Tang mansion of the magic city. He is explaining some things to some people of the Zhong Li family here with Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er.

After the completion of the matter, they went to the enchanting land together.

Tang Long is ready to control the enchanting land.

The place where he is now is a big city in the enchanting continent. This city is called Xuanji city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!