Looking at Tang long, Qianji Baiyu said: "we have drawn up several Archean sects. We intend to communicate with them and work together to resist the attack of the blood god temple. However, we think about it for a long time, but we are not sure who has been devoured and who has not been devoured by spirits!"

Xunkong then said: "if we go to these ancient ancestral gates to warn us, a bad one will surely bring disaster to that sect if the people who are hiding in the blood Temple know it!"

Tang Long nodded: "I also thought of this point, just had an idea!"

"What do you think?" Asked xunkong.

Tang Long said: "my plan is divided into two parts. The first part is to make the whole world in chaos. The second part is to find a way to form an alliance with some sects with the fastest speed when the people in the blood temple are unprepared."

Qianji Baiyu shook his head and sighed: "boy, you don't know. Every Archean sect has its own hidden skills, just like our LingXiao palace. If it wasn't for Qingyao and Feixue, do you think you can find the headquarters of Lingxiao temple? We want to unite with other Archean clans. Under normal circumstances, we have to pass some information personnel of those clans and pass the news to that sect first, then we can see the big men of their sect. In this process, the news may have been spread to the ears of the hidden warriors of the blood god hall! "

Tang Long said: "I know that this is the biggest problem in contact with the great Archean sects. It is likely that secrets will be leaked in the middle of the way. Among those Archean sects now, there must be people hiding in the blood temple. Therefore, we have to disrupt the layout of the blood Temple, and then proceed with our plan."

"How to disturb the layout of the blood temple?" Qian Ji Bai Yu asked.

Tang Long said: "create the biggest chaos, walk the biggest news. In this way, the big men of the Taigu sect will certainly clearly understand that the danger is coming. They will come out by themselves. You can think of a way to lead secretly and hold a large alliance meeting!"

"Alliance Congress?" Several old men were in a daze.

Meng Xiaomeng is also stunned.

However, Meng Xiaomeng's eyes immediately showed a light of glory: "yes, the alliance meeting, this will be very successful!"

The three of xunkong thought about it and grasped the key: "this is really a good way. If you want to make a mess, you'll make a big mess of him!"

Qianji Baiyu looked at Tang Long and frowned: "it's just, how can this major chaos happen? But I'm afraid it's hard to believe that the evil spirit sect and the dark god sect are developing too fast, and the forces of the evil spirit alliance are developing too fast! "

Tang Long said: "I can control the blood evil pill, and let the side effects of the blood evil pill break out in advance on some people. Even, I can make those who take the blood demon pill in the evil spirit alliance break out in advance, so that the evil spirit alliance will be in chaos before the blood temple is ready!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Meng Haoran's eyes brightened.

Qianji Baiyu said in a deep voice, "Tang long, can you really do this?"

"It should be!" Tang Long said: "I will first make a pilot project in Kara City, and then expand this matter as much as possible in various places, so that the evil spirits can not control the situation, and then we will make a plan!"

Qian Ji Bai Yu thought for a moment and said, "when the side effects of the blood demon pill appear, chaos will indeed arise. If we send someone out for a walk, we will immediately form an alliance to discuss how to deal with the evil spirit alliance and even the blood god temple."

Meng Haoran said: "in this case, people from the blood temple will inevitably mix into it. I'm afraid the situation will be complicated and unimaginable!"

Qianji Baiyu nodded: "therefore, we have to be extremely cautious in this matter and be well prepared."

Tang Long nodded: "we are ready to find a way to relieve the danger of those people who you can trust in taiguzongmen. At that time, I will check whether they are safe or not."

"OK, that's it. We are ready to cooperate with each other!" Xunkong even busy road.

They have been discussing these issues all the time.

However, after a long discussion, they could not find a way to solve the immediate problems. After all, after all, the people in the blood temple could completely restrain themselves and hide themselves, so that they could not distinguish them.

If they act rashly, they will not only fail to work, but also bring great danger to those Archean clans they have contacted.

It may even bring danger to LingXiao palace.

In fact, if Tang Long hadn't found out so many people in the hidden blood temple in advance in Lingxiao temple, and eliminated these people in advance, the present Lingxiao temple would have been destroyed by the blood temple!

The reason why the Qingyun sect was slow to detect the danger made the people of the blood Temple hidden in the Qingyun sect cooperate with each other inside and outside, so that the people of the blood Temple directly arrived at the important place of the Qingyun sect, which led to the fact that the remaining big men of Qingyun sect could only settle down in LingXiao Temple temporarily.

In fact, the Qingyun sect is basically extinct!

So now, they have to be extremely cautious in doing something.But at this time, they all know that Tang Long's sudden radical means can indeed play a role.

Before that, the blood god temple had the matter of soul poisonous insects, and the problem of strong Qingtian. In addition, the matter of wizard was not completely solved. All these delayed the time of the blood Temple attacking the whole world.

If the whole world is in chaos ahead of time, it can be beyond the expectation of the blood temple.

Xunkong thought that if all the plans on their side went well, the upcoming alliance meeting might have unexpected effects!

Of course, Tang Long has to do something very important!

Several people discussed for a long time, and finally basically determined these things, and at this time Tang long, heart is also a little relieved.

However, Tang Long knows that in the next period of time, he will face an infinite war, because the catastrophe of the blood temple and the great world will happen as soon as possible under his promotion!

"I don't know where lie Qingtian is now? What will he do now? " Tang long thought secretly.

He was still afraid of the sky.

He knows, strong Optimus is bound to not let him go, now lie Qingtian body, there is a super powerful spirit, and got the power of the devil.

So what will lie Qingtian do next?!

What he did not know was that at this time, the strong giant was already planning to withdraw from the blood temple.

Strong giant this period of time in the blood temple, although it is indeed in the dark control of many people, although not worried about their own danger.

However, he did not dare to show up easily in the blood temple.

This situation makes it difficult for him to do much in the blood temple at this time.

Strong Qingtian wants to kill Tang long.

But the mysterious existence of strong Qingtian, the ancestor of the devil, has great ambition and many important things to do.

Of course, he can't let lie Qingtian waste his time in the blood Temple all the time.

Can't kill Tang Long all the time?!

Therefore, at the request of the devil's father, and strong Qingtian himself also has great ambition, so, strong Qingtian has decided to leave the blood temple.

He's going to the wizarding world!

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