
When he was moved, Tang Long quickly retreated. At the same time, he had already cast the curse of luoshengmen. The eighteen purple and gold luoshengmen directly blocked him in front of him to resist the attack of the roaring blood demon!

At the same time, he retreated rapidly and was about to take out another knife, but suddenly, he had a very strange feeling in his heart.

"Tianxie magic sword unexpectedly..."

"No, tianxie ghost Dao is also there..."

His heart that very clear feeling, let him feel a kind of very strange condition at this time, even let him still be in the realm of the unity of man and sword!

This is so strange!

Both swords have been broken, but he is still in the realm of human Dao integration!

"What's going on?"

At the same time, Tang Long was puzzled. The sound of breaking the sky was flying towards him from all directions in the distance. The speed of the sound of breaking the sky was very fast, and it was flying over his head in a twinkling of an eye.

Those are broken pieces of tianxie magic Dao and tianxie ghost Dao!

At the same time, among the 18 luoshengmen in front of Tang long, the front one has been severely bombarded by the power of blood demons!

This luoshengmen is directly smashed by the bombardment!

Then, the powerful blood demon's power was fiercely and fiercely bombarded on the second road of luoshengmen!

Next, all the rashomons were broken by the powerful blood demon's power.

Xiaoxiang's magic eye looked at all the luoshengmen broken, and he also saw a little pride in his eyes: "the strength of the four realms of the emperor of heaven, even if his combat power is stronger, how can it be stronger than me? I'm a great strength in my ancestral land

With that, he closed his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints. The power of the blood demon from his body directly burst out of his madness.

The power of the blood demon was in front of him and directly condensed into a blood red energy dragon!

The energy dragon seems to be real. After a thundering dragon chant, it is pounding hard at the front. In a flash, it has bombarded the last three luoshengmen in front.

If these three luoshengmen are broken by bombardment, the power of blood demons will directly bombard Tang Long!

However, just at this time, when Xiaoxiang devil gathered together the strongest attack and planned to kill Tang long in the next attack, suddenly, there was an extremely heavy feeling between heaven and earth, which contained boundless and heavy fear power as if the heaven and earth would collapse, and suddenly spread in all directions!

The power of fear and its heavy, even Xiaoxiang devil's mood has been affected!

At this time, Xiaoxiang demon's heart unexpectedly produced a sense of fear, which made his heart tight, and the speed of gathering vitality could not help slowing down a lot.

At this time, his combat power was affected and weakened a lot!


In front of him, Tang Long's last luoshengmen has been smashed by the blood red energy dragon, but the blood red energy dragon is still intact!

Under the sweeping of the roaring blood Demon power, the blood red energy dragon with the most fierce blood Demon power has already bombarded Tang Long ten meters ahead!

The blood red energy dragon is going to bombard Tang Long!


In front of Tang Long's place, a dazzling purple gold sword awn suddenly rose from the sky in front of the roaring blood demon's power. Around the awn, a terrible energy vortex was formed!

The energy between heaven and earth is gathering towards this purple and golden sword.

The power of the blood demons swept from us was absorbed by the energy whirlpool. Then the power of the blood demons was completely engulfed by the blade awn and merged with the blade awn!

The power of the energy contained in the awn of the sword has soared several times!

Tianxie magic sword!

This is the tianxie magic sword that Tang long held before, but now it has obviously gathered together again and become an intact sword.

The knife has changed!

The blade is dark, but it contains purple and gold halo. The mysterious power of fear emanates from it. It can affect people's mind and make people fear!

Moreover, there are many mysterious ancient runes floating on the long Dao!

Under the exploration of Xiaoxiang devil, he found that there was an extremely strong power to swallow on the long sword!

The power of swallowing is devouring the energy of heaven and earth wildly, improving the attack power contained in the blade awn!

"Tianxie magic sword has evolved!"

Tang long, holding the tianxie magic sword, can clearly feel the power of swallowing in the evil and evil sword of the day, and even there is a very strange space in the evil magic sword of the day!

Star River space!

In this galaxy space, there are countless colorful stars in all directions, and the energy of heaven and earth converges into this space.In the center of the star river space, a terrifying monster is undergoing strange changes!

this monster is the spirit of the sword among the evil spirits of heaven!

Dao Ling and tianxie magic Dao are both evolving and changing mysteriously!

The Dao spirit was originally dark, and contained countless dark runes. At this time, the Dao spirit had become purple gold!

What's more, the Dao Ling has three eyes!

Dao Ling is always a fierce tiger, purple gold, with a pair of wings, Purple Gold Tiger!

The third eye of Daoling tiger is on the forehead. In this eye, there is an extremely mysterious spiral, which seems to swallow everything outside!

"How could this change happen to Dao Ling?"

At this time, Tang Long was in the state of human and sword integration, so his mind was integrated into the tianxie magic sword. He could clearly feel the change of the spirit of tianxie magic knife in an instant.

Under his exploration, it is easy for him to find that the eye on the forehead of the evil devil sword and the spirit tiger contains the power of space!

Space swallowing power!

That is to say, the evil sword itself has the ability to use the power of space!

"This should be the special ability possessed by the Dao spirit of the tianxie ghost Dao. How can it be produced on the spirit of the tianxie devil Dao, and it is obviously more powerful!"

Tang long thought in his mind, holding tianxie magic knife, he had already cut down towards the roaring blood red energy dragon in front of him!

At the moment of cutting down, the space suddenly twisted strangely in the sky.

Then, in this twisted space, the previously broken tianxie GUI Dao suddenly appears. Like the tianxie magic sword, it contains extremely powerful energy. It cuts down on the bloody dragon that attacks Tang Long!

At this time, the shadow of a knife suddenly appeared in the soul sea of Tang long.

Shadow of tianxie ghost sword!

His shadow can be controlled by the ghost in the sky.

"The use of Tian Xie GUI Dao can be completely controlled by my mind. It's just too strong!"

Tang long thought in his mind, the surprise was extremely great!

At this time, in front of Tang long, both tianxie magic Dao and tianxie ghost Dao have already contained the most terrible Dao awn. In a flash, they have successively chopped at the head of the blood red energy dragon!


The dragon head of the blood red energy dragon was chopped apart.

Even the whole energy dragon was chopped by the awn of these two long swords and exploded.

The awns of the two knives were also shattered!

The broken blade awn has turned into a powerful energy hurricane with powerful phagocytic power, and turned into a terrifying powerful shock wave. It looks like a chaotic beast swallowing heaven and earth, sweeping and swallowing the past madly in front of it.

Where this powerful energy passes through, the space is constantly distorted, producing the power of swallowing. The powerful power of blood demon in front of us is directly the disappearance of the power of being swallowed by the distorted space!

Then, this powerful and extremely powerful purple gold's strong momentum torrent, is mercilessly bombarded to the Xiaoxiang devil's eyes!

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