Wang Xiu explored the door around, did not find anything suspicious, this just made way for the way: "come in."

Tang Xiaohu and Tang Long walked into the guest room of Wang Xiu.

The guest room is large and elegantly decorated.

Tang Long and Tang Xiaohu together followed Wang Xiu to the front of the living room beside several chairs. Tang Xiaohu looked at Wang Xiu and said, "where are the people of Putuo Tianzong?"

"Wait a minute!" Wang Xiu said, turned and walked towards a door not far away.

Tang Long explores the room.

This room is obviously equipped with very strong isolation and defense barriers, and there are several small rooms around them, and the periphery of these small rooms are also arranged with very strong isolation barriers.

"It seems that they are quite cautious!" Tang long thought secretly.

After sitting with Tang Xiaohu for less than five minutes, Wang Xiu came with a warrior in his early fifties, dressed in a white robe, and looked dignified.

The warrior's eyes are bright and bright. Tang Long knows that this warrior is very powerful!

Wang Xiu sat down with the warrior in front of Tang long.

The warrior introduced himself: "I'm wang Tianlong!"

"My name is Tang Long!" Tang Longdao.

Wang Tianlong looked at Tang Long and said, "I heard that you are the master of the Tang clan. So, are you in charge of the affairs of the Tang clan or Tang Xiaohu?"

Tang Xiaohu immediately said: "when my master is not here, it is my master who is in charge. When my master is in, of course, it is my master who is in charge. So we can start our conversation now."

"Good." Wang Tianlong nodded with satisfaction.

Wang Xiu looked at Tang Xiaohu and said: "the last time in batian City, you offered to meet us here. You have made an appointment to meet with us. When you arrive here, you should first tell us the purpose of your appointment."

After a pause, Wang Xiu continued: "I hope you'd better not play tricks. Although this is the territory of the evil spirit alliance, here, I Putuo Tianzong is not without influence. Moreover, you must know the strength of Putuo Tianzong. Even if you are the Tangmen of Tiancheng, we don't pay attention to it at all!"

Tang long looked at Wang Xiu with a smile: "since we asked you to come, of course, there are very important things to discuss with you."

Wang Tianlong looked at Tang Long and said: "we have basically determined that before in batian City, the death hunter was destroyed by you Tangmen. Moreover, those who ambushed the death Hunter outside the dark city were also dressed up by your Tangmen people. However, you disguised yourself as the people of Putuo Tianzong and framed me as Putuo Tianzong. What's your purpose of doing this

Tang Long ha ha smile: "this is of course the last resort for it!"

"Why do you have to do it?" Wang Tianlong asked.

Tang Long said: "as you know, the Tianjian family is very powerful. Our Tang clan was just established in batian city. If we want to stand firm, we dare not offend the Tianjian family. But because of the affair in batian City, we have a big feud with the death hunter. It is the undead cult that can't give us a way to live. So we had to do our best to destroy the undead cult However, he still did not dare to offend the Tianjian family. He only dressed up as a member of Putuo Tianzong to deal with the ghost corner, so that the Tianjian family would not come to our trouble and ensure the safety of Tangmen! "

What he said was very true, and he didn't hide it at all.

After a pause, he went on: "anyway, you are enemies between Putuo Tianzong and Tianjian family. One more Festival and one less Festival is nothing!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Wang Xiu glared at Tang long.

This Tang long, using them to prevent disasters, actually still said it was right here. It was a natural appearance, and full of reasons!

However, why did Putuo Tianzong protect the Tang clan from disaster? Why should we deepen the contradiction with Tianjian family for no reason?!

You know, there is a powerful evil spirit sect behind the Tianjian family.

Although there are powerful Archean clan behind Putuo Tianzong, there is no need to let Putuo Tianzong fight with Tianjian family for the sake of Tang clan!

The most important thing is that during this period of time, the people of Tianjian family have fought with Putuo Tianzong many times, and Putuo Tianzong has lost something!

Wang Tianlong looked at Tang Long and said with a cold hum: "I can see that you must have deep meaning when you come to meet me!"

After a pause, he continued: "your Tang clan is developing in the territory of the evil spirit sect, and I understand that you are a force suddenly appearing in the big market of heaven and earth, but in a short time, you can close down hundreds of powerful evil forces there. You can see that you are very effective!"

Tang Long chuckled: "those forces in our Tang clan will certainly be better than their dispersion. They are now in good order. At least they have not joined the evil spirit League to do evil. You should agree with this."

After a pause, he continued, "you must have seen this when you came to meet us this time.""Not bad!" Wang Tianlong nodded: "our people have gone to the heaven and earth market, that is, the present batian city. Although the batian city has been destroyed, it is obvious that the current situation of batian city seems to be better than that of the dark city. We can barely accept the current style of the Tang clan!"

Tang Long said: "you should see that our style is different from that of the evil spirit sect."

Wang Tianlong nodded: "because of this, I'm here!"

Tang Long said: "I want to know your Putuo's views on some things, such as the evil spirit sect, such as the blood demon pill."

Wang Tianlong looks at Tang long, pauses and asks, "what do you think of these things?"

Tang Long laughed and looked at Wang Tianlong and said, "I think, if we can, we should talk about it alone. What do you think?"

"Alone?" Wang Tianlong did not understand: "there are only four of us here. How can you talk about it alone? What can't be said here? "

After a moment's silence, he went on to say, "Mr. Tang, you should have found out. There is a strong barrier in this room. It's impossible for people outside to hear anything we say here."

Tang long looked very serious: "but even so, I still ask to talk with you alone!"

Wang Tianlong frowned slightly.

Wang Xiu looked very unhappy: "what do you mean?"

Tang Long said seriously: "it's not interesting. I just want to talk with Mr. Wang Tianlong alone. It's so simple!"

Wang Tianlong looked at Tang long, thought about it, but also nodded: "OK, let's talk about it alone!"

He has a high status and strong strength in Putuo Tianzong.

And when he came, he already knew Tang Xiaohu's strength. Although he had no idea of Tang Long's strength, he was sure that as long as an accident happened, Tang Xiaohu would be under control.

As for Tang long, in his opinion, Tang Long's strength can't be stronger than him.

He can detect that Tang Long's breath of life is still very vigorous and full of vitality, which shows that Tang Long is not very old, even if he is older than Tang Xiaohu, he is definitely not much older.

How strong can such a breath of life be?

The most important thing is that this inn is not a very simple one. Others don't know about it. But some people at the top of Putuo Tianzong know that this inn is actually opened by Putuo Tianzong!

As a powerful recluse family, and they also have a very strong enemy, Tianjian family, staring at them. There is even a super powerful rival sect, the evil spirit sect. How could Putuo Tianzong be a "blind man"

of course, they must arrange their own Eyeliner as far as possible in all areas of enemy control around them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!