Tang Long and Tang Xiaohu walked slowly to the inn where they were before. They looked at the scenery of the street at will all the way around. They walked in leisurely court and looked very leisurely. Although the city was indeed very chaotic and the sound of shouting and swearing happened from time to time, it did not affect their mood.

The two people walked like this, chatting casually, and soon arrived at the inn where they were before. Xuelinyue and ye Qingling were waiting for them here.

See Tang Long and Tang Xiaohu come back, ye Qingling and Xue Ye Yue are happy to come over.

Ye Qingling looked at Tang Long happily and asked, "brother Tang long, what happened to the meeting between you and Putuo Tianzong?"

"Everything went well." Tang Long laughed and said, "next, as long as Dahan comes back, we can start to act!"

Xue linyue asked, "how are the people from Putuo Tianzong?"

Tang Long said: "the people from putuotian sect are very powerful and have a high status in Putuo Tianzong. This time I met with them, I feel very satisfied. I believe it will play a good role in promoting the next thing for us."

Next, he told ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue about the conversation with Wang Tianlong, and Tang Xiaohu was also listening.

In a hurry, an hour passed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Dong Dong Dong!"

"Who?" Tang Long asked.

"It's me, Dahan!" Outside is Li Dahan's voice, obviously, Li Dahan also came back after busy outside.

Tang Xiaohu has gone to open the door.

When the door opened, Li Dahan came in, looked at Tang Long with a smile and said, "boss, the matter is finished. It's the moment of action!"

"Good." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction and asked, "what have you prepared?"

"A lot of preparation!" Li Dahan complacently said: "as long as we launch our actions, we can ensure that we can have a good effect."

Looking at Li Dahan's confident appearance, Tang Long doesn't say much.

Li Datian's preparation is to wait for Tang long to go to the place where the evil spirit League works to stimulate the side effects of the blood demon pill. It can make a lot of noise in Fengyue city. In his opinion, it's not very difficult. It's just that if there's a big movement, it depends on Li Dahan's arrangement.

Tang Long turned to look at Li Dahan: "you go to dress up, make a face of beard, let people do not recognize you!"

"Good!" Li Dahan nodded and went to be busy himself.

Tang Xiaohu also went to dress up.

At this time, Tang Long also used his magic power to transform himself into the No. 4 Tang long in the sea of spirits. In this way, if things change, he will have to deal with it.

His appearance here, of course, can not implicate Putuo Tianzong. In case of emergency, he has to use a different appearance to be the safest.

Ready, he looked at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue and said, "ling'er, yue'er, you two are here to wait for us. We will come when we are finished!"

Ye Qingling is a little reluctant: "brother Tang long, we also want to go!"

The little leopard snow leans the month also way: "our strength is not weak now, and we are here, if wait for a moment chaos, someone comes to us to do?"

Tang long looked at them and thought that their strength at this time was indeed very strong, and there were also contract animals. He nodded: "since you want to go together, go together."

After a pause, he told him, "however, you can't act without authorization."

"Well." Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue nodded happily together.

Then, the two people are very happy to turn around and walk into their own room.

Of course, they have to dress up.

They're actually ready.

Therefore, Tang Xiaohu and they cleaned up and waited for a long time. Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue came out. They dressed up as two emaciated middle-aged martial arts men, and their pretty faces were stained with a lot of moustaches.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see that they are actually girls.

Tang long looked at them like this, smile, praise and nod his head: "not bad, it seems that my two treasures have become the master of face changing!"

"Cluck, cluck..."

Hearing Tang Long's praise, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are all happy and laughing.

At this time, they learned and mastered this method of face changing after their special efforts, and some time ago, Mu Qingcheng also taught them some very special techniques, and even taught them the methods of changing their voice.

They are also very serious about learning, so at this time, their means of face changing is really good.

Of course, they can't change the characteristics of vitality and soul like Tang long. The reason why Tang long can do this is because he has the skill of magic power.

"Brother long, let's go!" Ye Qingling happily took Tang Long's arm, and his voice had become a little rough.Tang Long ha ha smile: "silly girl, you dress up really well, but take my hand to go out together, I'm afraid that many people will stare at it immediately!"

"Cluck The little leopard beside looked at Ye Qingling and Tang Long like this, and immediately giggled.

Ye Qingling also felt that this was really against the peace!

She made a lovely and incomparable face at Tang long, and then, with a face of Su, she learned the man's walking posture and walked to the door. Naturally, Tang Long left the inn with her.

Out of the inn, Li Dahan went to act alone.

Tang Long and they are not far behind Li Dahan, walking slowly forward.

Li Dahan is walking towards the place where the evil spirit League of Fengyue city works!

At this time, there are many pedestrians on the street and on the road.

Tang Long and they are not eye-catching. They look ordinary. Moreover, they are obviously a group of masters. Therefore, they will not attract the attention of anyone around them.

They walked slowly and leisurely like this. After more than 20 minutes, they had reached the place.

Li Dahan has arrived at the hundred meters outside the gate of the manor where the evil spirit League is working in Fengyue city. At this time, he also stops.

Tang Long and they are about 500 meters away from Li Dahan and come to a street.

Tang Long turned his head and saw that there were few people around him.

"Come on, let's go to the top of that tall building and see what's going on!" Tang Long pointed to a magnificent but dilapidated high-rise building in the distance.

Under his investigation, he did not find that there was a strong defensive border around the high-rise building, nor did he find anyone there. He felt that it should be an abandoned manor to be renovated.

Watching the movements of the evil spirit League in such a place, he thought that the position was also very good.

Naturally, Tang Xiaohu will not oppose Tang Long's opinion.

So a few people together, directly is to condense the vitality, toward that side to fly in the past.

Soon they reached the top of the dilapidated building, no one paid attention to them, and the bottom of the building was quiet.

Tang long, standing on the top of a high-rise building, looked at the manor of the evil spirit league office. They had already seen Li Dahan in the distance. When they saw Li Dahan, they were flying into the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Li Dahan flew high into the sky and flew over the manor of the evil spirit league office. The laughter was so loud that it shook the heaven and earth. Even with the sound of thunder, the whole Fengyue city could hear his laughter!

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