Tang Long catches up with Li Dahan ten minutes later. Ye Qingling and Xue linyue are together with Tang Xiaohu and fly all the way.

The crowd gathered together and flew away again.

Their strength has reached the realm of the emperor of heaven, and their flying speed is extremely fast. At this time, there is no one in front of them, but there are people behind them, but they are also far away from them. They fly directly to the forest in the distance.

They continued to fly for a while and turned around. Tang Long and they had already flown into the mountains.

Explore around, around quiet, Tang Long is also at ease down, and ye Qingling together, toward the bottom of a hill down!

At the foot of the hill, Tang long looked at Li Dahan, and exclaimed: "you are a good boy. How did you make such a big noise? You're making a mess of the city? "

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..." Li Da Han Han smile: "I moved a little mind!"

"What's in mind?" Tang Long asked, "just laugh?"

"No Li Dahan was still smiling, but there was also obvious pride in this smile: "boss, I went to the big market of Fengyue city today, found some places to sell boxes, gave some money to those traders, bought boxes, and then asked them to send boxes according to my requirements..."

Li Dahan told Tang Long of his plot.

After listening to Li Dahan's plot, not to mention Tang long, ye Qingling, they are very surprised.

How clever the scheme is!

A secret of the blood demon pill is enough to make those guys in Fengyue city moved. A sound of laughter set the time for the action together, and it attracted the curiosity of many people. Li Dahan could come up with such an easy method in such a short time and put it into practice. This is absolutely not what ordinary people can do!

"Good boy, I can't see that you still have some brains!" Tang Long raised his hand and patted Li Dahan on the shoulder: "as expected, I didn't mistake you. It's very praiseworthy."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..."

Hearing Tang Long's praise, Li Dahan's smile became more simple and honest!

Tang Long asked, "is it safe here?"

"It should be safe." Li Dahan said: "when I bought the box, I inquired about the terrain around Fengyue city. It's very remote here. In this direction, it's the territory of other sects. Even the people of the evil spirit sect will never come from this direction, and few people from that city will go from this direction!"

"Good boy, it's good that you can do this in such a short time!" Tang Long was satisfied again.

Tang Xiaohu looked at Tang Long and asked, "master, will we wait here next?"

"Yes, just wait here!" Tang Long nodded.

Tang Xiaohu is a little worried: "just now Fengyue city made so much noise, will Fengyue city be destroyed directly?"

"No way." Tang Long said with a smile: "the big and simple method has concentrated those lunatics around the office of the evil spirit League. Those people are mentally disordered and fight with each other. This kind of chaos will not spread very much. Moreover, the evil spirit sect must have some strong people in Fengyue City, and they will control the situation!"

After a pause, he continued: "however, even if they control the situation and kill those who are crazy, today's events can still have a significant impact on their evil spirit sect, and the side effects of blood demon pill will surely spread out more quickly from here!"

Ye Qingling said: "brother long, the people of the evil spirit sect will try their best to block the news!"

Tang Long laughs: "how about blocking the news? If I put my target in this city, they can't blockade it! "

Tang Xiaohu said: "master, you have made such a noise in a blood evil pill selling point of the evil spirit sect before. In addition, once the news is spread out, those people in the evil spirit alliance must worry about the side effects of the blood evil Pill on them!"

"Not bad." Tang Long laughs: "so, the next evil spirit alliance will be very chaotic!"

Li Dahan said: "when people of the evil spirit sect see this kind of chaos, they must know that their plan of the blood evil pill can't be carried out any more. Will they directly concentrate those who have taken the blood demon pill and run to attack the Taigu sect, so that their plan will not be abandoned completely?"

After listening to Li Dahan's words, Tang Long was stunned. He followed his eyes closely and revealed a touch of essence: "Dahan, what you said is very reasonable!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Li Dahan was delighted when he heard that Tang Long agreed with him. But he was a red faced man.

Tang Long solemnly said: "in the evil spirit alliance, many people must have taken the blood evil pill. At this time, the side effects of the blood evil pill broke out, and the people in the evil spirit League were afraid. If they went back to the evil spirit League for an antidote, the evil spirit sect would soon be unable to control the evil spirit alliance. Even the evil spirit alliance people would feel cheated. Because of the potential threat of the blood evil pill, these people would even take extreme actions Move

"Not bad!" Ye Qingling also nodded: "at this time, the evil spirit sect must find a way to use these people of the evil spirit alliance to help them do something, and kill these people who are about to lose control, so as not to cause trouble to the evil spirit sect."Tang Long nodded: "when the side effects of the blood evil pill break out, the evil spirit alliance will become the burden of the evil spirit sect. Moreover, the evil spirit sect will inevitably start to go to various places to control the development of the blood evil pill event. If it is not well controlled, they will launch an attack on the whole world in advance."

Xue linyue looked at Tang Long and said: "brother Tang long, it seems that the situation is serious. The blood temple is going to attack the whole world soon."

"Not bad!" Tang Long's eyes also showed a sharp, a moment later, he said in a deep voice: "you say, in this place, what forces will the evil spirit sect attack first?"

"Putuo Tianzong, of course!" Tang Xiaohu didn't even think about it: "the evil spirit sect is very close to Putuo Tianzong. Even though Putuo Tianzong is hidden well, I believe that the evil spirit alliance has already had many ways to attack Putuo Tianzong. It's just that the time is not right. They don't want to scare the snake!"

"You're right!" Tang long looked at Tang Xiaohu and nodded with satisfaction: "then you say, what should we do next?"

Tang Xiaohu said: "next, we may not have time to deal with the Tianjian family, at least not at present!"

Tang Long nodded: "we have to save Putuo Tianzong!" "Fortunately, Wang Tianlong has not left yet, and things have just happened here. The evil spirit sect will certainly consult, then make plans, and then carry out again. This will inevitably consume time, and we should have several days left!"

He knew that he had to go to Putuo Tianzong next!

At this time, it is still early, or half an afternoon, Tang Long and they will not go to see Wang Tianlong at this time.

But he knew that Wang Tianlong must still be in Fengyue city now. When Wang Tianlong saw the situation of Fengyue city at this time, he must be very shocked and worried about Putuo Tianzong!

"With the Fengyue City incident, I believe Wang Tianlong will take the blood demon pill incident seriously!" Tang long thought secretly.

But at this time, in the depths of his heart, Gongsun Mo'er's voice suddenly rang out nervously: "my husband, it's not good. There's something wrong with the magic city!"

"Magic city?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, followed by a fierce frown!

He remembered that Tang Fu in the city of ten thousand demons was the city he had just built, and the Tang house of the city of ten thousand demons was an extremely important place, which was related to the safety of the enchanting land!

Now, the Tang mansion of the magic city is Zhong Li Xueyan's parents who are in charge of watching. If something happens to them, how can Tang long face Zhong Li Xueyan!

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