"My God, this is Tang Long?"

"This boy, this boy, my God, is his combat power so terrible at this time?"

"No wonder he dares to build a mansion here. His fighting power is so terrible. Even if he is a man wolf with double fighting power in his ancestral territory, he can be defeated by him even under his full strength!"


Zhong Li Tian Yu and Ling Fengxian stare at the sky, shocked in the heart.

In the sky above the Tang mansion in the city of demons, Tang Long's attack is still unfolding. In a flash, a wolf has been bombarded hundreds of meters away, and then a ghost directly shatters the spirit!

The king of the abyss and other attacks are also in the storm.

At this time, it was obvious that the people of the city Lord's house had arranged the city in advance. In addition, the movement here was so fierce that no one was afraid of being hurt by accident. Therefore, although there was a great deal of activity and noise on the side of the Tang mansion, no one dared to come near to check the situation!

Even a lot of people run away!

Thousands of meters away, there are people flying in the air looking at this side.

These people fly up into the sky and look at the Tang mansion, but they can only see the colorful light between heaven and earth, dazzling stars everywhere!

Moreover, the strength of blood red and colorful light is sweeping in all directions!

The sky above the Tang mansion is extremely chaotic. I can't see the situation clearly!

Because the man wolf can also use the power of the stars, and it was seen by some people when the man wolf began to attack the Tang house, so at this time, the outside people could not guess what was going on in the Tang house at this time.

They all felt that the Tang house was attacked by wolves and men. It must be over!

However, in their distant watching, only for a short time, the sound of the thundering sky disappeared completely, and the dazzling purple light suddenly appeared and covered the whole sky.

Wait for the purple light to disperse, only the crazy whistling, gradually in the dissipation of the strong wind!

Five minutes later, the energy dissipated, and the people who watched from afar could see the situation here. They had seen that the magnificent buildings still existed in the place where the Tang mansion was located, and they were obviously complete and undamaged!

However, there is no one in the Tang mansion, even no breath!

It's a bit weird!

Suddenly, many people looked from afar and talked:

"what's the matter? Is the battle over? Isn't it rumored that the Tang government will be destroyed today? "

"How can it be destroyed? You haven't seen it. The manor is still in good condition."

"Maybe it was the man wolf who killed the people of Tang house, and the manor was left behind!"

"That's right. The manor is so beautiful. It's more magnificent than the city Lord's house. It may be that the manor will be occupied by the Lord soon."

"What are you talking about? The manor is still intact after all the noise just now. Do you think the people of Tang family were really killed? What's more, you should be careful. Those who attacked Tang house just now are human wolves. Dare you say that the Lord of the city has something to do with them? "

"Shh, don't be heard. You don't want to live?"

"No matter how I look at it, I think it's weird and incomprehensible!"


Among all kinds of voices, although more and more people were flying high above the sky, no one dared to go to the Tang mansion to check the situation. They were all afraid of trouble. They were even more afraid that suddenly a wolf would fly out and kill them.

So these people are just looking at the situation of Tang Fu from a distance.

You know, in case the man wolf didn't go away, in case the man wolf was still hiding in the Tang mansion, wouldn't they want to die? After all, they didn't see a wolf leave from there!

And a few days ago, the Lord of the city issued a strict order that the people of the city of ten thousand demons were not allowed to watch the fun and even imposed a Road ban!

At this time, what happened in Tang Fu made these people realize something.

In their conjecture, the Tang mansion was always quiet.

Tang Long has been in the previous burst of dazzling purple light, it is from the high altitude to fall down, and has already collected all ghosts and ghosts, and even has completely restrained the breath.

The battle just now, from beginning to end, is less than two minutes!

Although it was only two minutes, Tang Long broke out all his fighting power, combined with ghosts and ghosts, and so on. He even wiped out so many wolves and men directly!

Of course, there are still a lot of the human wolf bodies left here!

Tang long looked at Zhong Li Tianyu: "father-in-law, you should flee the manor as far as possible. In addition, please send someone to the celestial burial family immediately after this. This is the most suitable thing for the people of the celestial burial family to come forward!"

As he spoke, he had taken out two pills to restore his vitality.

Just now, when the whole battle broke out, Tang Long's vitality was exhausted. Even because of the fierce promotion of combat power, his meridians were in some severe pain.But he doesn't care about it now!

Zhong Li Tianyu asked, "Tang long, do you mean that the matter of man and wolf should be reported to the high level of the blood god temple by the heaven burial family?"

Tang Long nodded and said, "I will tell Xianer and let them tell the generals and ministers that they can use all their strength to help the celestial burial family get the control of the city of ten thousand demons, which is good for us!"

"Control the city of demons?" Zhong Li Tian Yu Leng was stunned: "the city master of the city of ten thousand demons is still there, and after all, there is not much matter in the Tang mansion. Therefore, even if the city Lord has some mistakes in this matter, he will not bear much responsibility."

"The Lord of the city of demons is about to die!" Tang long light road.

"What do you mean?" Zhong Li Tian Yu Leng asked, "are you going to kill the city Lord now? Isn't that too bold? "

Tang Long said: "I can't explain more for the time being. You should leave the Tang house quietly as soon as possible. After a while, you will come back after the Tang house is quiet. I believe that after a while, when the Tang mansion is quiet, the city Lord will surely bring people here! "

"All right." Zhong Li Tian Yu nodded and no longer asked.

Tang long warned: "wait a moment, there will be a big war in the Tang house. When you come back here, you can say what you feel, and don't hide anything!"

"I see." Zhong Li Tian Yu nodded, and then he and Ling Fengxian gathered their breath, explored the surroundings, and went quietly towards a place!

With a flash of body shape, the Tang dragon headed for the hall of Tang Dynasty.

At this time, of course, there were many people in the Tang Dynasty, but these people were basically members of the Zhong Li family and those brought by Zhong Li Tianyu.

After the Tang house was attacked by man and wolf, Zhong Li Tianyu told those people to hide.

Their strength is so weak that they will sacrifice in vain if they do not hide.

Of course, now these people also want to quietly "escape" with Zhong Li Tian Yu.

Tang Long quickly arrived at the hall of the main hall of the Tang mansion and saw Gongsun Mo'er waiting here.

Gongsun Mo'er flashed and came to ask, "husband, what's going on outside?"

Tang Long said: "the problem has been solved. Now tell me, which city is still under the control of the high government around the city of ten thousand demons. I will directly kill all the forces related to the high government and completely control this area!"

Gongsun Mo'er said: "as far as I know, beside the city of ten thousand demons, there are Jintian city and ye Gu city."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "you go to the secret room of the wormhole, which leads to the enchanting land, and wait for me. I'll be back in a minute."

"Good!" Zhong Li Xueyan agreed.

Although she didn't know what Tang long had in the end, she agreed.

Tang Long has already contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart: "Ziyi, I'll go now!"

"Come here, I'm in Madison city!" Qin Ziyi Dao.

Zhong Li Xueyan has already gone to the secret room with wormhole space in the Tang mansion of the magic city. Tang Long is here, summoning the wisdom heart gate between Qin Ziyi and Qin Ziyi, and directly appears in front of Qin Ziyi!

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