Tang Long and his party successfully entered Fengyue city and landed down towards the bottom. According to Wang Tianlong, they were standing at the gate of a very luxurious restaurant.

"The place where Wang Tianlong said to meet me again should be here!"

Tang Long turned his head and looked around. There was no big restaurant around, so he strode in with Ye Qingling.

They know that this is a restaurant owned by the people of the evil spirit sect.

There are armed guards at the door of the restaurant.

Tang Long and they went in, but they were not stopped by the martial arts at the door.

This is not surprising, because they all have a weak breath of blood Demon power, so it is very easy to go to the restaurant.

The environment in this restaurant is very good and very large.

However, the atmosphere in this restaurant is really a little chaotic, which makes Tang Long totally unexpected!

Ye Qingling and Xue linyue see the situation here, and their pretty faces have turned red. They didn't expect that there was such a shy service in such a restaurant!

What's more, the warriors here are too unscrupulous!

The two retreated a little together. When they reached Tang Long's back, they bowed their heads. Sorry, Tang Long frowned: "the biggest restaurant opened by the evil spirit sect actually does business like this. No wonder the business is so good. It's just the people who come here..."

Tang Long was thinking that a girl had come.

The girl looks very beautiful. She doesn't wear much clothes in her twenties and forties. Looking at several people in Tang long, she asks, "how many guests do you want?"

"Oh, to the most luxurious box on the second floor!" Tang Long said, took out a jade bracelet, casually put it into the girl's hand: "you are very beautiful, so I have to give you a gift, this is a gift for you to meet!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The girl was holding a jade bracelet, and her eyes were shining. Although she could not see how much the bracelet was worth, she also saw some differences in the bracelet.

The jade bracelet is blood red and transparent.

The girl thinks, this kind of thing in the market, also want at least 1000 gold yuan stone, already very expensive!

She immediately became very polite. She took Tang Long and them to the door of a private room. The girl had already opened the door of the box.

The environment is very good, of course, there is no one.

Looking at Tang long, the girl said happily, "what do you need? We have the best drinks and dishes here, and you can order anything you want, we have the most beautiful

"Girl, I don't need it. Next time, this time I'm here to talk to a friend about something. I need to be quiet. So, give me a good table of wine and vegetables. It doesn't matter if it's expensive. As long as it's delicious, it's OK."

"Yes The girl agreed and took out a thick menu book: "Sir, please order!"

"So thick!"

Tang long held the menu book, feeling heavy, like two thick dictionaries superimposed so thick, heart is also a little speechless, this restaurant dishes are too much!

Open the front, order some big dishes, and then turn to the back.

The back is not a menu, but portraits. The portraits are inlaid in the menu and can be taken down and changed at any time. On the portraits, there are some beautiful girls! "

"I'll go, and that will do!" Tang Long looks a little dizzy!

He stopped looking back and casually closed the menu: "that's it. Hurry up!"

"Just a moment, please." The girl agreed and turned to leave quickly.

Tang Long and they waited here. After about two minutes, there was a knock on the door again: "Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

"Who?" Tang Long asked.

"The king of heaven and the earth tiger!" The man at the door said in a low voice.

"Pagoda town river demon!" Tang Long's side, Tang Xiaohu is also a low road.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue listen to Tang Xiaohu and people on the incision, eyes are emerging a smile.

Tang Xiaohu looks at Tang long.

Tang Long nodded slightly.

Tang Xiaohu went over and opened the door.

There were two people standing at the door, Wang Xiu and Wang Tianlong.

At this time, the two people are still the same as Tang long had seen before. They are obviously not under any disguise.

Tang Long has opened the isolation boundary of this box, and then carefully explored the surrounding movement and noise, to ensure safety, which was relieved.

Tang Xiaohu looked at Wang Tianlong and asked curiously, "how can you still look like this? Are you not afraid to be recognized by the people of the evil spirit sect?"

Wang Tianlong said with a smile: "this is the first time we have come to this city. What's more, after we separated from you, before the chaos happened in this city, we had already been in this restaurant. We only ran out to have a look at the chaos outside, and we were driven in by the people of evil spirit sect. They all refused to let us go out and checked the outside Of course, no one will check us out! ""I see!" Tang Long nodded with a smile.

Wang Tianlong said: "however, we also know what happened before. After all, the whole restaurant went out to watch the excitement for a long time, and even the responsible people went there to help deal with those people who suddenly went crazy, so we were the safest at that time!"

Tang Long nodded and asked no more questions.

Several people sat down, Tang long looked at Wang Tianlong and said, "what are you going to do next?"

Wang Tianlong said, "of course, I want to go back to the ancestral gate and report what you said to the Lord of Putuo Tianzong as soon as possible." After a pause, he said, "it's just that I still have a worry."

Tang Long said: "I know your worry. I think you want me to go to Putuo Tianzong with you and help you, right?"

"Not bad!" Wang Tianlong nodded: "I don't know if my Putuo Tianzong is really so safe. I think it's possible that there are dangers in Putuo Tianzong."

Tang Long asked, "how many days will it take you to go back to Putuo Tianzong?"

"Four days is almost the same!" Wang Tianlong road.

Tang long thought about it and turned his head to look at Tang Xiaohu: "the business here is finished. You can go back to batian city first." The voice falls down, turn to look at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue and Li Dahan: "you stay with me!"

"Good!" The three nodded at the beginning.

Tang Xiaohu went back in advance, of course, to deal with the affairs of the Tang clan in batian city.

Li Dahan and ye Qingling stay for Tang long. After all, Tang long can't follow Wang Tianlong all the time and go to Putuo Tianzong.

Tang Long has to leave tomorrow to deal with Xuanji city.

Just as he was talking, there was a knock outside the door, and then a girl's beautiful voice came out: "guest, your meal is here!"

Tang Xiaohu goes to open the door.

A table of sumptuous dishes was served, and Tang Long and they were also busy eating at this time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

They didn't open the barrier of the box.

After dinner, chatting and seeing that it was not early, I left the restaurant together, and then I left Fengyue city at night.

Just arrived at the restaurant door, a warrior blocked them: "where do you want to go

Tang long looked at the warrior at the door and frowned slightly: "we have something to do. Now that we have finished our meal, we must continue our journey and do our own business."

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