Ye Qingling said: "Wang Tianlong asked us to wait for you. He said that he would bring people here tomorrow, and then he would discuss to solve the problem of Putuo Tianzong thoroughly."

"That's it Tang Long frowned.

He will leave for the Crystal Palace tomorrow, but if he goes to Putuo Tianzong now, the problems there will not be solved all of a sudden, and it will take some time. However, he must also do things about the Crystal Palace as soon as possible, because he hopes to gain something in the crystal city.

It is mainly because he does not know what extent the strongest among the mieshenzong can achieve.

In order to control the enchanting continent as soon as possible, he must find a way to improve his strength.

Moreover, he knew very well that the time for the blood demon world to attack the whole world was imminent, and his strength at this time was not enough to cope with the coming catastrophe.

To this end, he must also try his best to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"It seems that Xue Yan or Mo'er can only help me go to the Crystal Palace." He thought helplessly, but worried about what to do if Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan met with natural disaster and whirlwind on the road!

You know, the natural disaster whirlwind is very fierce!

"In the natural disaster whirlwind I met before, I feel that the power of the natural disaster cyclone is the degree to which I can deal with me. I am the strength of the five realms of the emperor of heaven, but the powerful combat power that I burst out is obviously far beyond the five levels of the Emperor of heaven!"

"The appearance of natural disaster whirlwind seems to be based on the strength of martial arts. Not all natural disaster cyclones are equally powerful!"

"When permanganate and potassium permanganate went to Tianfeng villa, they encountered a natural disaster whirlwind over Tianfeng mountain villa. They sealed their strength at that time. In the natural disaster cyclone, their strength broke out, and they also dealt with the natural disaster cyclone!"

"In this way, if Xue Yan or Mo'er encounters a natural disaster whirlwind, if they can suddenly burst out more powerful fighting force than themselves in the natural disaster cyclone, they should be able to smash the natural disaster cyclone and get out of danger!"

"How can we let them suddenly burst out a lot more powerful than themselves?"

Tang long thought.

All of a sudden, he thought: "the real strength of Mo'er and Xueyan is the same as that of the emperor of heaven. However, they all have divine beasts. If they encounter the whirlwind of natural disasters, they will summon them to defend themselves, and they will surely be able to avoid danger!"

He felt a little relieved at this thought.

However, at this time, he had a new doubt: "according to my calculation, when the natural disaster cyclone attacks people, they all know the strength of the attacked people in advance. Permanganate and potassium permanganate are suddenly enhanced by me, and the natural disaster cyclone will miss the attack!"

"In such a situation, is the natural disaster cyclone alive? Can you even explore other people's strength in advance? "

"Otherwise, it's who controls the whirlwind of natural disasters, and even some mysterious means are used to create the whirlwind of natural disasters. This method is likely to be the curse of natural disasters!"


Thinking of this, Tang Long's heart was suddenly shocked: "is it that there are some people hiding in the dark in this continent, controlling everything in this continent?"

"If so, who are these hidden people?"

"If no one was in control of all this, how could it be that when the natural disaster whirlwind attacked people, the destructive power just exceeded that of the attacked people. If the strength of permanganate and potassium permanganate suddenly soared that night, they would be hard to escape the attack of the natural disaster cyclone!"

"What's more, it's obvious that there is not only one kind of natural disaster cyclone. What I met before, as well as permanganate acid, were natural disaster cyclones containing live poison for the first time."

Thinking of these, Tang Long immediately felt that this piece of land seems to be very difficult!

"It seems that we have to find out the secret of the natural disaster cyclone, but I'm afraid I don't have the time now. I can only tell Xueyan and Mo'er that they must be very careful and try to be cautious when they encounter natural disasters and cyclones."

Thinking in his heart, he said to Ye Qingling in his heart: "baby girl, I'll go to see you tomorrow morning!"

"Good!" Ye Qingling promised.

After chatting with Ye Qingling, Tang Long hurriedly went to Gongsun Mo'er.

At this time, Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan had already arrived at the master's mansion of Xuanji City, and dantai Shuya had also arrived here.

After finding Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, Tang Long takes them into the training room: "Mo'er, Xueyan, I may not be able to go to the Crystal Palace tomorrow, so I can only hope that one of you can help me go there!"

"Good." Gongsun Mo'er nodded: "let me go with Beidou Tianqing."

Tang Long nodded and turned to look at Zhong Li Xueyan: "you and Shuya should manage Xuanji city well during this period. The system I have formulated here should be carried out as far as possible. In addition, if it is not necessary, don't call out your Divine beast!"

With that, he said his own inference about the natural disaster and whirlwind.

After listening to Tang Long's inference, Zhong Li Xue Yan and Gongsun Mo'er immediately said, "husband, don't worry, we won't summon divine beasts during this period of time, unless we have to, or encounter the danger of natural disaster and whirlwind!"Tang Long nodded: "in order to be safe, I decided to go to Baihua Valley, let the Black Dragon King Duan fly here, and let several ancient strange animals come here. These magical beasts are very powerful at this time. They stay by your side, and you should not call them out at ordinary times, so your safety will be more guaranteed."

"Good!" They nodded at the beginning.

Next, Tang Long told them in detail, which made him feel relieved.

The next morning, after breakfast, Tang Long said goodbye to Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er and went to Ye Qingling. Of course, before going to Ye Qingling, he made all the arrangements in Xuanji city.

He went to Baihua Valley to bring the Black Dragon King Duan Fei.

In addition, more than a dozen ancient exotic animals were brought in, half of which were carried by Zhongli Xueyan to prevent accidents in Xuanji city.

In addition, some ancient animals, Tang long, were brought by Gongsun Mo'er.

Gongsun Mo'er wants to follow Beidou Tianqing to the crystal city of Crystal Palace. When he gets there, he can let Tang Long go directly.

Beidou Tianqing can't understand Tang Long's arrangement. He doesn't know why Tang Long doesn't go to crystal city together. However, seeing Tang Long's attitude is very firm, he can only follow Tang Long's words and go to the Crystal Palace with Gongsun Mo'er.

When Gongsun Mo'er was on his way, he called out his own beast, the black dragon. She sat on the black dragon and went on the road. Her dark fire Phoenix had not been summoned. Moreover, the ancient beasts were also put in several bags by her, which did not show up.

Those ancient monsters have grown to the level 8 medium level level, and their combat power is very strong.

In order to deal with the disaster, the ancient male and the Mo took them with them.

Zhong Li Xueyan is in Xuanji city. In order to ensure his own safety, he also calls out tuntian dragon lion to help him and deal with some matters of Xuanji city together with dantai Shuya.

If there is no need, they all try to go out as little as possible.

There are permanganate and potassium, tuntian dragon and lion, and even the black dragon Wang Duanfei here. Even though the warriors in Xuanji city have some ideas in mind, they don't dare to say anything. After all, only Duan Fei's strength doesn't dare to make a move.

At this time, these people can only hope that one month later, the supreme patriarch of mieshenzong can deal with Tang long.

With regard to some new systems formulated by Tang long, more than half of the people in Xuanji City, big and small, can't adapt to it. They can't rob, especially girls. It's really hard for them to do this!

They are used to being unscrupulous, lawless, and oppressive. At this time, they are required to do things honestly and behave themselves. How can they do this?!

They are not used to it, but they have to endure it for a while!

With the Tang clan system, ordinary people in Xuanji city are very happy, because such a system can make them feel more secure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!