Tang Long said: "the evil spirit sect certainly does not know that you have already known their details, and absolutely do not know that the people they arranged in your Putuo Tianzong have been discovered by you. Therefore, they will not be so powerful to attack you this time. At most, they think that they are well prepared."

"That's true." Huang Yu Feng Xiong nodded his head, but immediately said, "they will not underestimate my Putuo Tianzong."

Tang Long said: "I remember you told me before that the evil spirit sect will let the people of Tianjian family come to attack you together, right?"

"Yes Huang Yu Feng Xiong nodded.

Tang Long laughs: "then, the Tianjian family is our helper!"

"Help?" Huang Yu Feng was stunned: "what do you mean? The relationship between the Tianjian family and our Putuo Tianzong is very bad. We have been constantly resenting each other. Even if they don't help the evil spirit sect, they will never help our Putuo Tianzong. Let alone, the information I have got is that there should have been some agreement between the Tianjian family and the evil spirit sect. Therefore, they have agreed to attack me together with the evil spirit sect! "

After a pause, he continued: "even I am almost sure that, to some extent, the Tianjian family has been controlled by the evil spirit sect!"

Tang Long said confidently: "Lord Huang Yu, time is short. We'd better discuss how to give the evil spirit sect a major blow. When we win this time, the evil spirit sect will surely come back again, but the time in the middle is enough for you to make a safe transfer to Putuo Tianzong!"

Huang Yufeng Xiong saw that Tang Long was full of confidence. Although he didn't understand, he still said, "how do you deal with the joint attack of evil spirit sect and Tianjian family on us?"

Tang Long ha ha smile: "you forget, I told you, I can stimulate the side effects of blood evil pill!"

"You, you mean!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong's eyes suddenly flash a touch of surprise!

He has already guessed Tang Long's intention!

Tang Long said with a smile: "now, we need to wait for them on the way and let them have civil strife. I expect that the Tianjian family is strong enough to attack you. The evil spirit sect can't send more strong people. If they make a big mess on the road, and wait for them to fight almost, you will attack again, and the battle will be won!"

"Not bad!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong's eyes are full of deep surprise.

Originally, he even thought about the worst plan. If it was a big deal, he would kill the net and fight for time to let the disciples of Putuo Tianzong escape.

Even he had thought that if the situation was bad, the younger disciples of Putuo Tianzong would join the Tang clan of batian city to escape. In this way, at least those younger disciples would not die in vain. As for themselves, they could only depend on fate!

But at this time, Tang Long gave him a great vitality!

"Let's go and discuss it at once." Huang Yu Feng Xiong busy road.

Tang Long said: "we can't let the people of Putuo Tianzong know about this matter. It should be enough to gather all the people we explored yesterday and have us deal with this matter together!"

"Not bad!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong repeatedly nodded: "only the strongest one of Putuo Tianzong will go. We will stop the evil spirit Sect on the way to here. They must not have arrived yet. We already know the way they are going."

With that, he was in a hurry with Tang long.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue stay in Putuo Tianzong for the time being, and Li Dahan is responsible for their safety here.

Tang Long and Huang Yufeng Xiong together soon met gale Tianyan and others. After listening to Tang Long's plan with Huang Yufeng Xiong, they all had a deep expectation in their eyes.

They all know, of course, that this is a very good opportunity, and the time is very tight and it must be carried out immediately.

Gale Tianyan looked at Huang Yufeng Xiong and said: "Supreme Lord, we have learned from the mouth of those two guys that they will take the road back to our mountain. They have mastered the opening method of our defensive and illusory boundaries. They will pass through the space gate there and quietly arrive at Putuo Tianzong and launch an attack!"

"Let's go to the back mountain to ambush now!" said Huang Yufeng


They all agreed, of course, that they would not go with great fanfare.

However, the back mountain was originally the forbidden area of Putuo Tianzong, and few people were there at ordinary times. Even more, all the people who were here at this time were highly qualified Putuo Tianzong people. They went there in three batches in turn, and others were responsible for supporting the people of Putuo Tianzong on the road. Therefore, the road was also silent.

Tang Long followed Huangyu fengxiong and gale Tianyan, and was the last group to arrive at the forbidden area of Putuo Tianzong.

In fact, the headquarters of Putuo Tianzong is in a very different space. The entrance of this space is in a deep mountain, and around this place, there are also powerful psychedelic and seal junctions.

Therefore, it is obviously very difficult to enter the headquarters of Putuo Tianzong if it is not for people with high status in Putuo Tianzong.

Even ordinary people can't even find it.Along with Huang Yufeng Xiong and others, Tang long passed through the forbidden area of Putuo Tianzong. A space wormhole appeared in the mid air of a deep mountain valley.

Here around quiet, Huang Yufeng male explore around, and did not find any movement around, this is also a little relieved.

Tang Long asked: "in addition to the people involved in our operation, other people in your clan should not know it at all?"

"Don't worry, except for the people here, the rest of Putuo Tianzong are not aware of it!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong said: "moreover, the two blood temples hidden in our ancestral gate have been disposed of by us, and the spirits are all destroyed!"

"That's good!" Tang Long nodded at ease and said, "let's move forward and ambush in their only way."

"Go Huang Yu Feng Xiong nodded.

Together, they carefully explore the surrounding and fly forward. Of course, the strong people in the ancestral realm fly in the front, while the warriors in the Tiandi realm follow them several kilometers away.

Tang Long is naturally with Huang Yu Feng Xiong and them.

It took about 20 minutes to get over a grand canyon.

"Stop here!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong said: "this place should be the road they have to enter. It's not easy to make sure if we go further ahead."

Tang Long said: "we dug a cave on the stone wall of the canyon. We hid in the cave. When they passed by, I first stimulated the side effects of the blood demon pill, and then we waited for the opportunity."

"Good!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong nodded together.

After discussion, they were divided into two groups, the strongest of which were gale Tianyan and Tang long. Together with Huang Yufeng Xiong's three people, they dug a cave in a stone wall of the canyon to hide. The rest of them were hiding and waiting for several kilometers behind them!

Ready. It's half a morning.

At this time, it was still quiet around, and no one from the evil spirit sect or the Tianjian family came.

Tang long, together with gale Tianhan and Huang Yufeng Xiong, hide in the cave. Huang Yufeng Xiong is responsible for exploring the movement outside the cave and patiently waiting for the arrival of the evil spirit sect.

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