In order to be safe, Tang Long now uses the power of blood demon!

"Zhenwu Tiancheng power, explosion!"

After he used the power of divine power, he immediately moved his mind, opened the array power of Zhenwu Tiancheng, and broke out the auxiliary role of Zhenwu Tiancheng as much as he could!

Above the sky, Qianji Baiyu and others are fighting hard in some Tianzu dizu realm of the evil spirit sect. The two sides are inseparable from each other in the fight. But at this time, Qianji Baiyu and others have been extremely passive by the other side's attack, and even it is difficult to break through the encirclement!

Obviously, the strong ancestors of the evil spirit sect surrounding them, no matter in number or strength, are stronger than them!

Fortunately, they came here. If they were only warriors in the Imperial Palace, they would have been completely destroyed at this time!

But now their situation is obviously not optimistic!

"Today's situation seems not very good. I didn't expect that the evil spirit sect was so well prepared. Meng Haoran and I still had ten days to wait. So many strong people from our ancestral territory came to support us, but they were completely suppressed by the evil spirit sect!"

Qianji Baiyu is already worried.

He turned to see that there were fifteen people around him and on his side!

These 15 people are all the strongest among the remaining people on their side. In addition to Meng Haoran who came to support them, the rest of the people fighting here are all the reclusive powers of the imperial palace!

The other warriors in Huangdao Tiangong have been killed by the evil spirit sect. There are not many left!

"Ah, if it was not for the lurking of the people who had been devoured by the soul, how could the emperor's palace be destroyed at this point?"

Qianji Baiyu sighed helplessly in his heart.

Although there is only one reclusive power that has been devoured by the soul in Huangdao Tiangong, there is only one ghost hidden in it by the evil spirit sect, but this one inner ghost has already brought disaster to the emperor's heaven palace!

At this time, the most powerful people left in the Imperial Palace are already here. They are in an absolutely dangerous situation. They are surrounded by the warriors of the evil spirit sect, and they will be destroyed together!

Even Qianji Baiyu and others who came to support are going to be killed here!

But at this time, in Qianji Baiyu, they all know that the situation is very bad today, suddenly, they feel a very strange energy.

This energy suddenly covers it.

The coverage of this energy, let Qianji Baiyu and Meng Haoran and other people, so that the combat power of those who don't use the power of blood demons has been improved!

The fighting power of the people around them who use the power of blood demons is weakened a lot at this time!

"It's Tang Long!"

Meng Haoran first realized the situation.

He knew that it was obviously the power of divine power.

Moreover, the power of this divine power is very strong, even the strong one in the heaven ancestor realm can receive some response!

The key is that he knew under his investigation that the power of the divine power was coming from below, emanating from a man with the power of blood demons, but it was obviously helping them!

This situation makes Meng Haoran think that it is Tang long without thinking about it.

Qianji Baiyu and others immediately feel that it is likely that Tang Long is at the bottom of this, and all of a sudden they are all in a spirit!

They were originally suppressed by the powerful enemies around them, but suddenly their strength increased and the strength of the enemy weakened. This is obviously an excellent opportunity for them to see the possibility of escaping.

Although this escape may be very small, but, at least better than all die here!

"There's someone to support us, we're running away!"

The white feather of a thousand airplanes sank.

Of course, the rest of the people in the Imperial Palace also noticed the sudden spread of the power of divine power. The power of divine power is very mysterious and can only be exerted by those who possess the power of domination.

Even in the whole world, there are only a few people who can exert their power.

At this time, their enemies, the warriors of the evil spirit sect surrounding them, had also noticed the abnormality.

One by one, their divine senses were exploring the ground below.

But at this time, suddenly, their place, the whole space has become extremely heavy, a kind of extremely mysterious energy, suddenly enveloped this piece of heaven and earth!

All of a sudden, the strongmen of the evil spirit sect suddenly realized that their combat power was suppressed and madly weakened at this moment. The extent of the reduction was almost to the extent of reduction!

It's a terrible thing for those with strong ancestral territory to reduce their combat power!

And Qianji Baiyu and others at this time have suddenly increased their fighting power, which makes them more sure that the people below are Tang Long!

And they know that Tang long must be in the lower part, displaying the array of Zhenwu Tiancheng.At this time, the warriors in the ancestral realm of evil spirits are extremely angry!

"Someone is making trouble. Damn it, I'll go and kill the troublemaker below!"

A warrior in the ancestral region of the evil spirit sect was drinking in a deep voice!


How could Qianji Baiyu and others let these guys go down and kill Tang Long? At this time, their strength suddenly soared, and the opportunity was rare. It was a good opportunity for them to break through from here!

the most important thing was that he had detected that the breath below had already flown towards the left front direction!

"Left front, rush out!"

Qianji Baiyu thundered and roared. At the same time, his powerful energy broke out. Facing the strong people of the ancestral realm of the evil spirit sect, he bombarded the past fiercely!

The powerful spirit of the evil spirit clan has bombarded several powerful ancestors of the evil spirit sect to fly back!

however, a strong ancestor of the evil spirit clan has been chasing the Tang dragon!

Tang long, of course, has detected the danger.

He ran away in the direction he had set, used the magic skill of shrinking into an inch, and continued to fly forward rapidly.

Meng Haoran, after they launched a fierce attack, they had already blasted out a gap in the enemy's encirclement circle. All of a sudden, they all flew in the direction of Tang Long!

They have to protect Tang Long!

the surviving strong people in the emperor's way heavenly palace are also following Meng Haoran, hoping to break out from this direction and escape the killing of evil spirit sect.

At the same time, they also hope that Qianji Baiyu can have strong people to support them!

The party was flying rapidly to the front left.

While flying, Meng Haoran has already applied his body method speed to the limit.

He quickly chased Tang long in the direction of escape, to stop the strong ancestor of evil spirit sect who chased Tang Long and attacked Tang long.

The one with strong ancestral territory is the strength of dizu jiuzhong.

Although the fighting power of this warrior is very strong, it is much weaker than Meng Haoran. At this time, the warrior is not out of the control range of Zhenwu Tiancheng. The combat power is suppressed a lot, and the moving speed is also slowed down a lot.

More importantly, this warrior was not far from Meng Haoran before.

Therefore, seeing that he is going to catch up with Tang long, Meng Haoran has already caught up with him, slanting over his head.

Meng Hao Ran roared, and his powerful momentum burst out. His fist, with the extremely powerful momentum of being a tyrant, directly bombarded the warrior.

Feeling Meng Haoran's attack, the warrior can only temporarily give up Tang long to resist Meng Haoran's attack.

Meng Haoran is slanting over his head. The palm of his hand bombards him, and his powerful momentum bursts out. He turns into a giant hand with energy of more than 100 meters, which is like the top of Mount Tai. He is going to bombard the warrior of the evil spirit sect of jiuzhong.

But at this time, after Meng Haoran's death, the powerful blood demon's power swept over.

It's an attack by a warrior in the heaven ancestor area of the evil spirit sect who chased over.


Meng Haoran didn't care about the attack at all. The huge energy palm directly and severely bombarded the top of the warrior of dizu jiuzhong below, which spewed out a mouthful of blood from the warrior's bombardment. The lower part was hit by the bombardment and fell into the ground in an instant!

Even the ground below was bombarded by the powerful energy giant palm, and the whole collapsed!

Within a kilometer radius, the ground was rocked by the bombardment.

At this time, the powerful blood Demon power that bombarded Meng Haoran before was also blocked by the hundred Li cold light and the hundred Li deep water!

But at this time, on the side of Meng Haoran, two powerful blood demons have swept towards Meng Haoran wildly, which directly flew him back tens of meters. At this time, Tang long in front of him was also bombarded by strength and flew out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!