"I'll go and talk to them." Qianji Baiyu looked at Ling Qingyao and said, "I hope they can agree."

Ling Qingyao said: "this matter must be done as soon as possible, or it will be very difficult for my husband to use any means when those who are strong enough to return there or wait for dawn."

"Good!" Qianji Baiyu nodded.

Then, he stood up and went to the martial arts practitioners in the Imperial Palace who were practicing. He sat down and said, "everyone, wait a moment. I have an important thing to discuss with you."

Hearing the sound of Qianji Baiyu, these people in the emperor's palace stopped practicing.

And Meng Haoran, they all stopped practicing.

Those warriors in the emperor's palace were all curious. Looking at Meng Haoran, one of them was of medium stature and looked at Qianji Baiyu and said, "brother Qianji, what do you want to tell us?"

The person who spoke was the supreme patriarch of the imperial palace.

His name is Xiahou soul snatching. His strength is very strong, which is the strength of the double realm of Tianzu.

At this time, the most powerful warriors in Huangdao heavenly palace were not the summer Marquis, but the fenglingmu mountain.

The strength of fenglingmu mountain is very strong. It is already the strength of Tianzu's seven levels. Even if it is Meng Haoran's strength, it is much weaker than fenglingmu mountain.

However, Fengling Dushan has also suffered internal injury at this time, and the internal injury is quite serious.

In the previous war with the evil spirit sect, fenglingmushan was the strongest among them. If not for the time when the evil spirit sect attacked Huangdao Tiangong, fenglingmushan was attacked by a ghost of Huangdao Tiangong who had devoured the soul, and was hurt as a result. It would have been much easier for them to resist the evil spirit sect before.

Fenglingmu mountain is the most powerful one in the imperial palace!

Fengling Dushan is also looking at Qianji Baiyu: "brother Qianji, if it wasn't for you, I'd be afraid that the whole army would be destroyed today, so if you have anything to say!"

"Well, I'm going to tell you about my business and discuss it with you." Qianji Baiyu said: "you still remember that when we all escaped, there was a strong energy. This energy suppressed the opponent's combat power and enhanced our combat power, which allowed us to escape!"

"I know!" Wind spirit Dushan nodded.

Xia Hou said: "I was just about to ask you. We all saw that boy before. Why haven't you come back now? Is something wrong?"

Hearing Xia Hou's words, everyone immediately worried about Tang Long's safety. Even Meng Haoran and others were all nervous.

Tang long hasn't come back yet. They can't help worrying!

Meng Haoran's eyes immediately fell on Ling Qingyao's body not far away: "girl, what about Tang Long's boy?"

"He has something else to do. He can't come back for the time being." Ling Qingyao said, "but he is safe now."

Qianji Baiyu said, "what I want to say now is about Tang long."

After a pause, he looked at Xia Hou's soul snatching and other humanitarians: "Tang Long is able to use the power of blood demons. His own situation is extremely special. However, let me make it clear that I believe him 100% and that he is a member of my LingXiao palace. It can be said that he is my apprentice. He is my most valued person at present!"

His eyes fell on Meng Haoran: "brother Haoran should also have absolute trust in Tang Long!"

"Not bad!" Meng Haoran nodded his head in affirmation and looked at Xiahou's soul seizing and serious way: "brother Xiahou should know my precious granddaughter Meng Xiaomeng. I have betrothed her to Tang long. Now she is Tang Long's wife!"

After listening to Meng Haoran and Qianji Baiyu's words, Xiahou snatched his soul and others nodded.

They also basically believe in Tang long, after all, Tang Long saved them before.

However, they do have some doubts.

Looking at Meng Haoran, Xiahou said: "can I ask why this boy can use the power of blood demon? Did he also take the blood demon pill? However, as far as I know, the blood evil pill has side effects, and the evil spirit sect obviously used the side effects of the blood evil pill in attacking our emperor's heavenly palace, so that many people from the evil spirit alliance will commit suicide attacks on us! "

Qianji Baiyu said: "now time is tight, I can't explain more immediately. I just hope you believe me and brother Haoran, don't have any doubts about Tang Long!"

"Since you all said that, of course we will believe Tang long." Xia Hou immediately said, "there is no trust between us."

He absolutely believes in Qianji Baiyu.

In fact, his relationship with Qianji Baiyu is very good. They had a good relationship a long time ago.

The most important thing is that one of his female disciples was coaxed and cheated by Qianji Baiyu and ran to LingXiao palace. Of course, Qianji Baiyu did not treat his female disciple badly.

Qianji Baiyu's character and work style are well understood by Xiahou.

He also appreciated the style of Qianji Baiyu.After all, after Qianji Baiyu became the Supreme Lord of LingXiao palace, LingXiao palace developed rapidly, and its service style was highly appreciated by Xiahou.

The most important thing is that they get along well!

At this time, Qianji Baiyu finally said something: "because Tang long can use the power of blood demons, he has returned to Huangdao Tiangong and got a message that someone from the evil spirit sect has discovered a secret place in Huangdao Tiangong, which seems to be sealed with a spirit!"

"Sealed a spirit?" Xia Hou grabs the soul and frowns slightly: "how did the evil spirit clan discover that place?"

"It is said that it was during our war that the space cracked and the breath came out." Qianji Baiyu said: "however, although they have found something, they have not yet found a specific place and haven't opened it. Tang Long means to worry that they will find an existence that is harmful to the whole world!"

"It's a big, big thing!" Xia Hou's soul snatching eyes showed a touch of dignified!

He looked at the wind and the mountain.

The wind spirit Dushan also fiercely frowned: "how can they find that place, this is not too second!"

Qianji Baiyu asked, "what is that place on earth?"

"I don't know much about it." Fenglingmu mountain said: "I only know that my ancestors passed down, we must ensure the absolute safety there. There is a mysterious divine vein sealed in that place, which is not allowed to be released by anyone, and there is a taboo in ancient times, saying that once the divine vein is taken away, there will be endless troubles!"

"What kind of pulse is that? You want to seal it up? " Qianji Baiyu asked curiously.

"I don't know!" The wind spirit Dushan shook his head: "I only know that is the secret of taboo of my family thousands of years ago!"

Xia Hou seized his soul and said, "as far as I know, even if ordinary people find that place, it is impossible to open the seal. However, how can they find it?"

"No matter what, we have to be careful about this matter. It's really not the only way to do it." The wind is clear and the mountain is solemn.

Qianji Baiyu said: "now Tang Long is over there, his strength is OK, and those who pursue our ancestors haven't gone back. It's his chance!"

Xia Hou's soul seizing heard Qianji Baiyu's words, but he was stunned: "brother Qianji, I suddenly realized a problem. How do you know Tang Long is in the emperor's palace? It's a long way from here

"Yes Fengling Dushan also stares at Qianji Baiyu: "how do you know where Tang Long is now?"

Qianji Baiyu knows that some things can't be concealed now. He says, "Tang Long has a special ability to connect with a limited number of people. He says, and his eyes fall on Ling Qingyao:" like her! "

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