Vatian didn't answer Tang Long's question, but looked at Tang Long and guessed: "we won't talk about this. If I guess right, the old man is likely to be the spirit controlling the divine pulse. You can gather your energy and open the spiritual pulse. Let me have a look!"

"Open the spiritual pulse?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, closely followed in the eye to emerge a light: "you mean..."

"Open the spirit pulse first and try it!" Cutting down on heaven.


Tang Long nodded his head. According to the requirements of cutting the sky, he condensed his vitality and opened his own spiritual pulse. He immediately found out: "this, how can this happen?"

He glared at Vajra.

At this time, he was able to find out clearly that he had already owned three spiritual veins!

"Can't it be that I have already got the sealed spiritual pulse here?" Tang Long stares at the sky in disbelief.

Vatian nodded and looked at Tang long. He laughed and said: "obviously, the old man with energy condensation is an ancient strong man. He obviously left his spiritual pulse and passed it on to you, so that you can become stronger."

"You I beg your pardon? Can the spirit pulse be passed on? I've never heard of it Tang Long glared at the cutting sky: "how to inherit the spirit pulse?"

He has never heard that spiritual pulse can be passed on like this!

Spiritual pulse is produced together with the soul, containing the life brand of the soul. When the soul dissipates, the soul will dissipate naturally.

The spirit pulse can't be passed on at all!

Why don't you understand the world of Tang Duotian? Do you know more or I know more? "

"But..." Tang long thought: "but before me, the call in the deep of my heart, I feel that I am calling myself. What's the matter?"

"That's just a trick of the old man. He found out that your spiritual pulse is very special. He can integrate and inherit his spiritual pulse, and he will deceive you!"

"Lie to me!" Tang Long is still a little unconvinced: "he won't want to be reborn in me, will he?"

"No!" Vabatian is very sure of the way.

Looking at Tang Long's disbelieving appearance, the demon of death at the side immediately helps to break the sky together!

He said with disdain: "you don't know this thing, and you even doubt it. Boy, I used to think you were very smart. Now I find that you are really stupid. You don't believe what we say? What's the good of us lying to you? "

Tang Long was a little upset when he heard that the demon of death despised him so much.

And he still has doubts in his heart!

What he was about to say, the Holy Light demon looked at him and said, "the spiritual pulse can indeed be passed on. Moreover, if your spiritual pulse is suitable for receiving inheritance, then the spirit pulse that has been passed on will produce a call to you in your heart, and this call is just like your own call!"

"Not bad!" Xuanyuan sky array also said: "if it is the spirit pulse that you cannot inherit and integrate, it is impossible to produce this kind of call!"

"So it is!" Tang Long saw that they all said so. He couldn't explain the situation. What's more, he had already got a divine pulse before. This was the second one, so he believed it.

He looked at Xuanyuan sky array and said, "I have three divine veins now. Can I speed up my cultivation?"

"Of course The answer is to cut the sky: "get this third spiritual pulse, not only will your cultivation speed be improved a lot, but also after you take Tiancai Dibao, the effect can be improved a lot!"

"That's wonderful!" Tang Long ha ha smile, in the heart immediately thought of those things that the treasure house of emperor Dao Tian Gong got before.

Before he took those things, because of the urgency of time, he did not have time to examine them carefully.

At this time, I want to say: "such an archaic sect, how can we also have some treasures to enhance our strength? Of course, I can't miss such a good thing!"

Just thinking, deep in her heart, Ling Qingyao's voice suddenly rang out: "husband, how are you doing in the imperial palace? It's already noon the next day. Why haven't you come back? Master, they are all waiting in a hurry. The reclusive power of the imperial palace is also asking us. "

"I'm going back now!" Tang Long immediately said in his heart.

He was also a little surprised: "before I suddenly lost consciousness, it seems that after a long time, now it is noon!"

He has already got the sealed spirit pulse of Huangdao Tiangong, and the treasure house of Huangdao Tiangong has been removed by him. It is obviously meaningless to stay here now, so he intends to leave.

He immediately said to Ling Qingyao in his heart, "Qingyao, I'll go to your side now!"

At this time, he was still thinking: "after I go back, I must first look at the Tiancai and Dibao I got in the treasure house of Huangdao Tiangong. Maybe there are some good things to improve my strength."Ling Qingyao's voice has once again sounded in Tang Long's heart: "husband, I am in a training room, there is no one here, come here!"

"Good!" Tang Long agreed and summoned the Huixin gate between Ling Qingyao and Tang long. He appeared in front of Ling Qingyao.

Looking at the simple and beautiful girl in front of him, Tang Long's heart surged with emotion. He reached out and held her in his arms. He was about to say something to her. The voice of Beigong Xianer in his heart suddenly rang out: "villains, generals and ministers, they are ready to go to the peak competition test ground of the holy city of blood demons, to compete with the people of Guangyao family!"

"Well, I see." Tang Long agreed and said in his heart, "tell the generals and ministers that this battle must be won. No matter what the consequences are, we should play the prestige of our Tang house."

The North Palace fairy son is a little worried way: "can such words, in case of what matter to do?"

"If anything happens, I'll go back and solve it!" Tang Longdao.

"That's good!" Hearing Tang Long's words, Beigong xian'er immediately had no worries and said, "well, I'll tell my generals and ministers that we should clean up those people who shine in the family and let them know how powerful our Tang house is."

At this time, at the side of Beigong Xianer, generals and Tang Kuo are here.

Beigong Xianer talks with Tang Long with huixinmen in his heart, which is to cut off the spiritual connection with Tang long.

Then she looked at the generals and other humanitarians: "my husband said that you can make a lot of noise today. In any case, you will fall out with the shining family. In this case, don't have any worries. If something goes wrong, he will come back to deal with it."

Hearing the words of Beigong Xianer, the generals and ministers were all excited!

During this period of time when they came to the holy city of blood demons, although the development of Tang mansion was still good, they were all quite restrained. They were worried that they would offend too many families and it would be difficult to clean up.

But at this time, with the command of Tang long, they immediately have no scruples!

Even they want to make a lot of noise!

"Let's go to Dan League and Danshi League first, and then go to the peak competition test site of the blood devil holy city. Today, we're going to make those people in the shining family look good!" The powerful way of generals and ministers.

At this time, he had some conjectures about Tang Long's decision.

He thinks that Tang Long may want to expand the reputation of Tang mansion in this holy city of blood demons to a greater extent. At the same time, Tang Long may be brewing a big plan!

Therefore, the generals and ministers decided at this time that they must teach the glorious family a good lesson today.

The general and minister will not go with him for the test of the peak competition platform today.

Dongfang bing'er will not go either.

The magic fragrance qingluan and Qiuli Ruoshui went together. They first arrived at the Danshi League, which was not far from the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu. At this time, many people had already gathered in the Danshi League.

Not only the Dan gods of Danshi League gathered here, but also the sons of ten families, including Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, all arrived. , the fastest update of the webnovel!