After receiving wanhun tower, Tang Long turned to look at Beidou Tianqing and said, "now the poison has been solved temporarily by me. At least there is no problem for the time being. So, let's go in!"

After a pause, he still said: "however, this poison is from a very rare plant. Although I have refined the poison in this palace, I can't completely eliminate the poison when I don't find that kind of plant. So it won't be long before the poison will be full of here. You should be careful!"

"Good!" Beidou Tianqing nodded, took a few deep breaths, and then closed his breath.

He's been here, so he knows where the source of the poison is.

After Tang Long's death, Gongsun Mo'er also closed his breath to prevent poisoning.

Tang long looked at the two humanitarians: "this kind of poison can not only poison you by breathing, but also poison your spirits through simple contact even if you don't breathe. Therefore, you'd better condense a layer of energy shield to protect yourself thoroughly. At least, there should be no problem in doing so for the time being."


The two agreed and did as Tang Long said.

Seeing that they were ready, Tang Long took the lead in flashing his body shape and went towards the Crystal Palace. In a twinkling of an eye, he passed through the open door and entered the Crystal Palace.

The Crystal Palace is really very big. All kinds of things in it are made of a kind of very strange crystal stone.

The things made of these stones are all emitting a light blue and white light.

And around it, there are some strange gemstones.

These gemstones all give off all kinds of light.

In the light of all kinds of light, the whole Crystal Palace becomes very bright.

Moreover, in the light of these lights, the Shuijin palace looks beautiful, like a dream paradise.

In the Shuijin palace, all kinds of furniture and so on are quite complete. All kinds of things are also made of blue and white strange crystal.

And these crystals are carved with various mysterious runes!

Beidou Tianqing came to Tang Long and pointed to a place in front of him: "there is a door. Open the door. Behind is a long passage of Crystal Palace. Through that channel, you can reach the crystal city!

Tang long looked along the finger of the Big Dipper sky. He had already seen the five gates in front of him!

Beidou Tianqing is pointing to the biggest gate in the middle.

Tang Long asked curiously, "what are the other four gates?"

Beidou Tianqing said: "the other four gates, two of which I have opened, got some things, but also in one of the gates met with life danger, and was poisoned!"

After a pause, he said, "the strange smell before is from the gate over there!"

Tang Long asked, "have you never been to the gate in the middle?"

"I really haven't been there yet!" Beidou Tianqing said: "that's to the crystal city. There's great danger in it. I wanted to take a risk to open it at that time. However, I didn't have time to open that door. When I opened a small door next to it, I almost died here!"

Tang long looked at the Big Dipper sky Qing and asked, "from which door did the poison spread?"

"The door on the far left Beidou Tianqing pointed to the other side: "the door seems to be very tight from us. In fact, you can see that there are many honeycomb like holes on the door, but all kinds of reflection on the door hide the holes. If the distance is a little far, you can't see the holes on the door and think it is a whole!"

"I see!" Tang Long nodded: "that door opens, what is inside?"

Beidou Tianqing said: "there are very fierce trolls. I was wounded by one of them. Fortunately, I was bombarded and flew out. Then I closed the gate in a hurry. Otherwise, I would have died inside and couldn't get out."

"Fierce devil!" Tang Long frowned: "that fierce devil is very powerful?"

"Very strong, very powerful!" Beidou Tianqing stopped, but said: "however, the fierce devil I met, I believe your strength should be no problem!"

"That's good!" Tang Long was relieved: "we have to solve the root of the poison first."

He wanted to find and get the fragrance.

Although Youmeng sanhunxiang is really poisonous, if you refine the poison, it is also an extremely rare natural material and treasure.

Even the value of this thing is more precious than some magic medicine!

Of course, Tang long wanted to find Youmeng sanhunxiang to completely eliminate the trouble here. After all, he did not know how long he had to stay here to get to the crystal city. He solved the poison earlier. At least Gongsun Mo'er could be safer here.He also wanted to see what was behind the other doors, but now the first problem is to solve the poison.

The last time Beidou Tianqing came here, he actually got some good things here. In addition to the poisonous gate, there was also the gate to crystal city. He didn't get much. He opened the other two doors, and he got something from them.

Behind one of the two doors he opened, there was a treasure room behind which he had taken everything.

However, he had not opened the poisonous door and the one beside it.

He didn't know what was behind the door.

It's not that he didn't want to open the door. When he came here, he was bombarded by a monster from the poisonous gate. He found something wrong. It seemed that he was poisoned. He was in a trance. He escaped directly and left the crystal palace!

Tang long looked at Beidou Tianqing and Gongsun Mo'er and said, "you stay here and be careful. Don't follow me. I'll go to the poisonous place and have a look."

"Good!" Beidou Tianqing and Gongsun Mo'er nodded together.

On the front of these five doors, there are very ancient strange arrays.

Even if Tang Long looks at this array, it will take a lot of time to untie the boundary of the array.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to study this array now, because Beidou Tianqing has been inherited here before. He knows how to untie the seals on the doors.

Beidou Tianqing walked past and soon came to the gate.

He first looked at Tang Long and said, "there are strange space restrictions in each door, and there is a strange force of space and another law. You stay inside for a month. After you come out, it's just a day's time outside!"

Tang Long was a little surprised and looked at the Big Dipper sky Qing and asked, "do you mean that there are such rules behind each of the five doors?"

Beidou Tianqing nodded.

After hearing this, Tang Long was also a little happy.

In this way, even if he spent a long time in these places, it doesn't matter much. After he comes out, the time outside is just a little past.

However, at this time, he is also full of curiosity about the master of the Crystal Palace.

Obviously, the master of this Crystal Palace is not only proficient in various arrays, but also in various laws, at least the laws of space and time!

The laws of time and space are the two most mysterious laws.

Especially the law of time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!