"Yes, the quenching is finished at last!" Vatian looked at the silver pool and was relieved.

The floating flame had already flown in the past, and held Tang long, who was almost planted in the pond, flew up and put Tang Long not far away.

Tang Long's gods and beasts have all returned to the heavenly spirit garden.

These beasts have been fighting for so long just now, and they all need to recover well at this time.

The king of the abyss did not return to the flag. They all sat down on their knees not far from the flag. They also practiced quietly to recover their vitality.

In this way, they can help Tang Long recover faster.

Tang Long was in a coma for about an hour. He finally woke up, and then he didn't dare to say much. He practiced for almost three hours. With the joint efforts of the king of the abyss, his consumed energy finally recovered.

Stop practicing and stand up. At this time, they all stopped practicing.

Tang long looked at him and said, "what's going on in this pool?"

With a smile, he looked at Tang Long and exclaimed, "I didn't expect that someone could really make such a strange life. It's really hard to imagine!"

After a pause, he said: "at the bottom of the pool, there are several powerful seal arrays, including the array to gather energy, the array to gather vitality, and the array to gather aura."

"So what?" Tang Long said curiously.

"It's true that these things can't be done, but if in this case, a kind of extremely rare and extremely poisonous medicinal material is planted under the pool, and even more, the water in the water beach is still made by mixing thousands of kinds of herbal medicines with the thousand year blood essence of countless kinds of Warcraft, then it will be different!"

"That would be so?" Tang Long asked.

"This pool of water, after being tempered by these special means, can breed a lot of life in it. These life and Warcraft essence blood fusion, can produce very strange spirit, contain extremely terrible powerful energy!"

"Tens of millions of years ago, someone wanted to create the most mysterious life in the world. Then this man and some of the same crazy people carried out various research, and finally achieved something. They developed such a method!"

Tang long looked at the glittering water in front of him: "do you mean that this pool of water is made according to their method?"

"This is exactly what they did, and it seems that this is basically a success, but not a complete success." "Although there is vitality in this pool of water, mysterious life individuals are produced, and even these life individuals seem to be able to integrate with each other, there is no life brand in this life, and there is no life consciousness. Therefore, once these lives are fully mature, they only know how to swallow up everything, and they don't know anything else!"

Floating flame sighed: "speaking of, this is also a bit of a pity, the energy contained in this pool of water, obviously after tens of millions of years of gestation, the value is simply inestimable, but this energy is extremely violent, can not be absorbed!"

"Not bad!" "Such a pool of water containing mellow energy and the power of life is extremely rare. Unfortunately, it can't be used."

In Tang Long's eyes, however, a touch of joy appeared.

He looked at vatian with a smile: "it's useless for ordinary people, but it's very useful for me."

"What do you say?" Vatian looks at Tang long.

Tang long thought of the people of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan, as well as the heavenly daughter of the Tang clan whose life has also become very special.

Because of their special constitution, they were tempered and persecuted by people from childhood. They were tempered with various drugs and strengthened by Tang long in every way. Therefore, even if it is very violent energy, they can be refined and absorbed!

When Tang Long explored the silver water in the pool, he was sure that both the people of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan and the heavenly daughter of the Tang clan could barely absorb the powerful energy in the pool.

Of course, this also requires Tang long to arrange an array to ease the violent energy.

But in any case, the silver water in the pool is obviously impossible to waste, and its use is obviously unimaginable!

"I have to take all the silver water back and take it away for the people of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan and the heavenly daughter of the Tang clan. It's something that has been bred for thousands of years. It's priceless!"

Tang long thought to explore the pool again and look for Tiancai Dibao below. It's a pity that after exploring for a long time, he didn't find any.

He immediately looked at the cutting sky and frowned: "it is reasonable to say that there should be a kind of natural material and treasure growing in this pool."

"Before, there was Tiancai Dibao under the pool. It was a kind of poisonous and rare thing, and there was not only one. Unfortunately, the energy of refining pool water was very strong, and with the fierce impact of silver water, the Tiancai Dibao below had already been reduced to ashes."Floating flame explained: "the reason why the silver light water has strong vitality is because those Tiancai Dibao below have been absorbing the vitality of Tiancai Dibao for thousands of years. Therefore, even if those Tiancai Dibao are extremely rare and have been growing for so many years, their own value is not very big."

"That's it Tang long felt a bit sorry and stopped exploring the situation under the water.

The Tiancai Dibao under the silver water is gone, and the silver water has been refined. Of course, the poison in this place has disappeared completely.

At this time, the king of the abyss and so on all returned to the flag.

Tang Long is in the heart to contact Qin Ziyi: "Ziyi wife, where are you now?"

"I'm in Madison City, and I'm dealing with a couple of ghost auctions." Qin Ziyi's voice sounded in the heart of Tang long. Her voice was always so gentle and beautiful: "husband, do you want to come over?"

"Yes Tang Long said: "I found some good things here, so I have to go back immediately!"

"Come here now." Qin Ziyi Dao.

Tang long no longer said much, but summoned the wisdom heart gate between Qin Ziyi and Qin Ziyi, and directly appeared in front of Qin Ziyi.

At this time, Qin Ziyi is in a room in madiven City, busy with some things.

Qin Ziyi saw that Tang Long came back. He looked at Tang Long and asked, "my husband, are you in a hurry to come back? Can I help you? "

"No!" Tang Long said, "I'll go to Fengtian city."

"Well." Qin Ziyi answered softly.

Tang long had already turned to go outside the door, went to the door, but suddenly stopped, looked at Qin Ziyi and said, "Ziyi, tell you something!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Ziyi asked.

Tang Long said: "some time ago, you sent a lot of people to the world to buy various metals and so on? Now, we still need to purchase all kinds of medicinal materials to the maximum extent, such as healing herbs and restoring vitality. The more the better

Qin Ziyi said: "I have been doing these things."

"That's good!" Tang Long nodded his head and said, "by the way, tell the people who heard about Yuzhu to speed up the speed of refining the elixir."

Hearing Tang Long's saying, Qin Ziyi's eyes immediately showed a touch of tension: "dragon, do you mean that the battle between the blood demon world and me is about to start?"

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