"Shenyao, Jiupin Shenyao, God!"

Tang Long took a cold breath, and the powerful aura that diffused from that thing was able to judge that it was a kind of nine grade divine medicine!

How can he let the bloody red devil emperor get such a good thing? Isn't he going to be busy in vain?!

"We have to cancel the ancient Panlong array immediately. We must get this thing!"

Tang long thought in his mind. He immediately accepted the Tianmei wild ancient array, and all of the 108 ghosts who arranged the Panlong array disappeared together.

The ghost disappeared, of course, the ancient Panlong array was cancelled naturally!

However, at the same time that the ancient Panlong array disappeared, in the big hole of the blood red energy disc array in the sky, the great power of sucking and pulling was sweeping up. When the four blood red devil emperor was to be sucked in, one of the four blood red devil emperors had already grasped what had just fallen out of the dark energy!

It looks like a lotus root!

Lotus root is dark, there are a lot of small holes of various shapes on it. On these small holes, there is still a trace of black gas.

There are many mysterious dark runes on lotus root.

This lotus root is not short, more than a meter, and very thick, thigh thickness!

"Oh, my God, it's black and golden lotus root!"

When Tang Long saw this thing, he was deeply shocked. It was so rare that it was one of several rare natural materials and earth treasures that were almost extinct in the ancient times.

Black gold lotus root is a kind of very rare divine medicine, which is the true nine grade divine medicine!

And, obviously, it's been around for many, many years.

"This thing is too precious. You can't let the bloody red devil take it away. I must take it!"

Tang Long saw that the blood red devil emperor who caught the black and golden lotus root had been sucked and pulled by the strong pulling force together with the other three blood red devil emperors, and flew up to the top of the high-altitude blood red energy disc array. He was in a hurry!

At this time, although the array is canceled, the energy accumulated by the array can't disappear immediately. The defense barrier of the ancient Panlong array is rapidly melting.

However, this defensive border still contains the most powerful defense power at this time!

Tang Long knew that when the defense barrier completely disappeared, the blood red devil emperor must have caught the black and golden lotus root and was sucked into the big hole of the disc array and disappeared!

Of course, he can't let the blood red devil take away the black and golden lotus root.

"Fantian Dun!"

With a flash of his body, he rushed forward to the weaker and weaker defensive border, and directly cast the curse of extermination thunder!

The whole body purple gold light suddenly extremely crazy explosion, the powerful energy burst out!

Tang Long's fist contains the most domineering power. With the sound of rolling thunder and roaring, Tang Long has exerted all the power of the law. It has already hit the defensive border with a hard blow!

The fist bombards on this rapidly weakened defense barrier. Suddenly, the defense barrier is bombarded out of a big hole!

Strong pulling force swept out of the big hole!

Tang Long uses the power of Brahman to escape from the cave. With the strong pulling force, he goes through the hole like lightning and rushes to the bloody red devil who is holding the black and golden lotus root!

Under the blessing of the speed of the body method of Brahman Dun, he has caught up with the blood red devil emperor in a twinkling of an eye.

Then, he directly reached out his hand and grabbed the black and golden lotus root in the hands of the blood red devil emperor!

The blood red devil Emperor grabs the black and golden lotus root. At this time, he is being sucked and pulled by the powerful pulling force in the sky, and flies towards the sky rapidly. Tang Long grabs the black gold lotus root. All of a sudden, the blood red devil emperor takes Tang Long with him and sees that he has already reached the hole of the big hole of the blood red energy disc array!

In a moment, the blood red devil had been sucked into the hole.

Tang long will be sucked into this big hole!

"Not good!"

Tang Long was frightened.

If he followed the bloody red devil into the cave, he knew that he would reach another world, a world in which the devil lived, extremely chaotic and violent.

In such a world, he can not guarantee whether he can use huixinmen to come back.

Moreover, the devil's world is full of demons, not to mention other demons, this is the four blood red devil emperor, is able to kill him in minutes!

So at this time, he can't go to the devil's world!

But at this time, the demon king holding the black and gold lotus root has been sucked into the big hole, and even a large part of the black and gold lotus root has been sucked in.

The big hole in the blood red energy disc array is shrinking rapidly and will disappear soon!

"Damn it!"

Tang Long bit his teeth.

The danger was so great that he had to make a decision!

He crazily condenses the vitality, vitality into the black and golden lotus root in his hand. Suddenly, his arm vibrates, and the powerful energy directly breaks the black gold huntian couple!At this time, the black gold lotus root in his hand was only 40 cm long, and the longer one was taken away by the blood red devil emperor!

With a movement of mind, half of the black and gold lotus root in Tang Long's hand has already entered into the Fengtian flag.

Tang Long himself has been watching to be sucked into the smaller and smaller hole!

In a hurry, he had already moved his mind, and directly put out a defensive curse: Rashomon!

Luoshengmen condenses out, directly condenses 18 luoshengmen. The luoshengmen of this road are overlapped, all blocking the big hole of the blood red energy disc array to prevent Tang Long from being sucked into the big hole.

Luoshengmen blocked the big hole, but the strong pulling force burst out of the big hole was too strong. All these luoshengmen of Tang Long were smashed layer by layer!

Watching, the last luoshengmen also burst open.

But fortunately, just now luoshengmen blocked the big hole. In such a short period of time, Tang long had already used Brahman's escape and flew back a long way.

At this time, luoshengmen was blown to pieces by suction. Although the strong pulling force in the big hole swept out again, the ancient Panlong array had basically dissipated. The diameter of the hole of the big hole had shrunk less than half a meter.

And the blood red energy disc array has also become blurred, and obviously will soon disappear!

In less than 10 seconds, the big hole above the ancient Panlong array disappeared completely, and the defensive barrier of the ancient Panlong array disappeared completely.

Then the blood red energy disc array disappeared completely.

Although Tang Long was sucked and pulled to the high altitude, he finally escaped the danger of this time and did not enter the world where the devil was.

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