Tang Long turned his head and saw Gongsun Mo'er wake up and immediately looked at him. She laughed and said in a bad voice, "Mo'er baby, you were tired last night. Have you had a good rest now?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Gongsun Mo'er's pretty face suddenly turned red. This guy was really greedy last night!

But she didn't blame him, and she knew that he still loved her in the end.

Gongsun Mo'er whispered, "I have a good rest!"

The voice falls, she already red pretty face to sit up, want to clean up, but Tang Long came to help with thick hands and thick feet, of course, this kind of help is also to be "mischievous"!

Gongsun Mo'er is a little speechless. The husband also likes her too much, but he is very sweet in his heart. Although he is a little shy, he also lets Tang Long go to make fun of her for a while.

After a long time, Gongsun Mo'er finally managed to clean up the mess.

At this time, Tang Long made a pot of lean porridge.

After they had dinner together, Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and said, "husband, I know that you still have something to do next. In this case, I will go to mietiancheng by myself, and you will be busy with your affairs. When I get to mietiancheng, I will contact you again."

Tang Long hugged Gongsun Mo'er: "I'm not willing to leave you so soon, so I decided to accompany you for a while." After a pause, he said, "by the way, I have another thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Gongsun Mo'er asked.

Tang Long said: "we can't ignore the natural disasters and whirlwinds in this continent. Although we have been very safe in this period of time, there will inevitably be accidents!"

"Well." Gongsun Mo'er answered, nestled in the arms of Tang Long and said softly, "don't worry, my husband. I will be very careful all the way, and you forget that I still have seven ancient beasts with me."

In fact, she has always been very concerned about natural disasters and cyclones, and has always been very cautious.

But during this time, she had never encountered a natural disaster whirlwind.

Tang Long said: "your strength has reached the nine levels of the emperor of heaven. In fact, the combat power of those ancient beasts you are carrying is not as strong as you. So I think you should seal a part of your strength."

"Well." Gongsun Mo'er immediately understood the meaning of Tang long.

After all, in Xuanji City, the strength of permanganate and potassium permanganate was promoted by Tang long. As a result, it was because they sealed their own strength that they could resist the attack of the natural disaster cyclone in the second time.

She thought for a while and said, "then I will seal my strength in the first realm of the emperor of heaven. That is the strength degree before I come here!"

"Well, this is the best!" Tang Long nodded: "the emperor of heaven's strength of a heavy realm, not many people in this continent can achieve, so the safest!"

"Well." Gongsun Mo'er gently answered: "I dress up, and then seal the strength, so you should rest assured!"

She is very clear that Tang Long is extremely concerned about her safety, and she does not want him to worry about it.

At this time, Tang Long took out some crystal stars to Gongsun Mo'er.

These crystal heavenly stars are of high quality. Gongsun Mo'er takes these crystal stars and gives them to her gods and ancient beasts. The combat power of her divine beasts and the ancient beasts she carries can be improved a lot in a few days.

Tang long felt that in this way, Gongsun Mo'er's safety would be more guaranteed.

Next, Gongsun Mo'er simply dressed up, and then left the cave with Tang Long and flew in the direction of mietian city.

All the way in a hurry, in the twinkling of an eye to noon, they have arrived at a very big city.

The city is also very prosperous. There are a lot of pedestrians on the street. They go to a restaurant not far away to have dinner. Then Tang Long says goodbye to Gongsun Mo'er and returns to madiwen city in the heaven and soul world through the Huixin gate with Qin Ziyi.

It is of course important for him to return to heaven and soul.

At this time, Qin Ziyi was in the master's house of mediwen city in the heaven soul realm. He was discussing some things with dark Ling Huangyou night and Beifeng Mingyue. They were all very happy to see Tang Long come back.

Tang Long didn't see the little bird in. He couldn't help looking at Qin Ziyi and asking curiously, "purple, where's the girl?"

Qin Ziyi said: "the bird went to the blood devil holy city to help." After a pause, he said, "the auction house of the holy city of blood demons has been very busy recently because it has just opened. Moreover, some operation methods of the auction house also need to be discussed by queer'er and Qiuli Ruoshui, hoping to achieve better results!"

Tang Long slightly frowned: "the bird has never been to the holy city of blood demons, and if the water of autumn Li also doesn't know the matter of the heaven and soul world, let the bird suddenly pass, will it be a little abrupt?"

"It doesn't matter. She just discussed some things in the past. She didn't disclose her identity. There are bing'er and xian'er in the cover up. It's OK." Qin Ziyi said: "we have discussed these matters before, so you can rest assured."

After listening to Qin Ziyi's words, Tang Long was relieved. He asked, "what's the situation of Danshi League, the holy city of blood demons?"Qin Ziyi said: "I heard from xian'er that the Danshi League in the holy city of blood demons has developed quite well recently. However, there are not many Danshi willing to join the Danshi League because of the great scheduling of the blood god temple recently."

"I've thought of that for a long time." Tang Long said: "we have also offended several families in the holy city of blood demons. These immortals told me before that those families would certainly try their best to stop the development of Danshi League in the holy city of blood demons."

Qin Ziyi nodded and asked, "husband, are you going to go to the blood demon holy city next?"

"Not yet." Tang Long said: "I still have to finish a few things before I can go to the blood demon holy city." After a pause, he said: "the personnel scheduling of the holy city of blood demons must be in preparation for war with the great world. The preparation of the blood god temple should not be completed soon."

Qin Ziyi asked, "how strong is the comprehensive strength of the blood temple?"

Tang long thought about it and frowned: "according to my understanding of the time in the blood temple, the inside story of the blood temple is simply too deep to see the bottom!"

"No bottom in the deep!" Hearing Tang Long's words, Qin Ziyi and Youye and Beifeng Mingyue are all nervous.

Qin Ziyi said: "are there many powerful people in the blood temple?"

Tang Long nodded: "I have already met many big families in the city of genius, such as Gongsun family, Qiuli family, and so on. There are many strong ancestors in these families, and there are more than one strong family like Moxiang family."

After a pause, he continued: "in the blood temple, there are not many big families like this, not to mention the more powerful peak families. In the blood temple, there must be some super strong people who are not born easily. Compared with the vast world, the details of the blood temple will be much stronger and stronger."

After listening to Tang Long's words, Qin Ziyi and they were all worried.

You night tightly opened a way: "so it seems that once the blood god temple and the great thousand world start a war, the great thousand world is bound to have more bad luck than good luck!"

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